RSSسب کے ساتھ ٹیگ کردہ تحاریر درآمد کریں: "اسلام"

یورپ میں اسلام کی حفاظت

Jocelyne Cesari

European discourse on Islam is a microcosm of the debate on Islam’s compatibility with the West. Because Western countries generally associate Islam with the al-Qaeda movement, the Palestinian issue and Iran, their discussion of the religion involves an essentialised approach to a multifaceted faith. In his book Good Muslim, Bad Muslim, Mahmood Mamdani refers to this slant as ‘culture talk’, or viewing the religion as a single unified ideology spreading from Europe to Iraq and Afghanistan. According to this perspective, Islam is steeped in history and absolutely incapable of innovation, and Muslims are defined by an almost compulsive
conformity to their past and an inability to address the current challenges of political development and religious liberal thinking. اس لیے, culture talk justifies the artificial divide between modern and pre-modern religions and between secularism and Islam.1 Culture talk has become prevalent in modern international relations discourse, in part because it refers to stereotypes that are familiar to the historical consciousness of Western politicians and intellectuals.
The use of these trite depictions of Islam in professional debates has established a paradoxical policy of European governments both fearing and fostering radicalisation in a process I call the ‘securitisation’ of Islam. The conditions that lead to this development have already occurred:
The European state views Muslim groups as a threat to its survival and takes measures to reassure citizens that it will not allow the incubation of terrorism. تاہم, the politicisation of religion essentially impoverishes and threatens its survival,2 leading devout Muslims to feel resentful of the interference of non-religious actors. اس طرح, the measures intended to prevent radicalisation actually engender discontent and prompt a transformation of religious conservatism to fundamentalism. This is the process of securitisation. It involves actors who propose that Islam is an existential threat to European political and secular norms and thereby justifies extraordinary measures against it. Ole Weaver best explains repercussions of such actions: “When mobilised as politics, religion represses the transcendence of the divine. Fear and trembling is replaced by absolute certainty.”3 As an existential concept, faith is easily securitized, and it can incite a proclivity for violence in place of pious concepts.

اسلام اور مغرب


جان جے. DeGioia

The remarkable feeling of proximity between people and nations is the unmistakable reality of our globalized world. Encounters with other peoples’ ways oflife, current affairs, سیاست, welfare and faithsare more frequent than ever. We are not onlyable to see other cultures more clearly, butalso to see our differences more sharply. The information intensity of modern life has madethis diversity of nations part of our every dayconsciousness and has led to the centrality ofculture in discerning our individual and collectiveviews of the world.Our challenges have also become global.The destinies of nations have become deeply interconnected. No matter where in the world we live, we are touched by the successes and failures of today’s global order. Yet our responses to global problems remain vastly different, not only as a result of rivalry and competing interests,but largely because our cultural difference is the lens through which we see these global challenges.Cultural diversity is not necessarily a source of clashes and conflict. اسل مین, the proximity and cross-cultural encounters very often bring about creative change – a change that is made possible by well-organized social collaboration.Collaboration across borders is growing primarily in the area of business and economic activity. Collaborative networks for innovation,production and distribution are emerging as the single most powerful shaper of the global economy.

مسلمان ہونا

Fathi Yakan

All praises to Allah, and blessings and peace to His Messenger.This book is divided into two parts. The first part focuses on the characteristics that every single Muslim should portray in order to fulfill the conditions of being a Muslim in both belief and practice. Many people are Muslim by identity,because they were ”born Muslim” from Muslim parents. Theymay not know what Islam really means or its requirements, an dso may lead a very secular life. The purpose of this first partis to explain the responsibility of every Muslim to become aknowledgeable and true believer in Islam.The second part of this book discusses the responsibility to become an activist for Islam and participate in the Islamic Movement. It explains the nature of this movement and its goals, philosophy, strategy, and tactics, as well as the desirable characteristics of it members.The failure of various movements in the Islamic world, and especially in the Arab countries, result from a spiritual emptiness in these movements as well as in society generally. In sucha situation the principles and institutions of Islam are forgotten.The westernized leaders and movements collapse when they encounter serious challenges. These leaders and movements and the systems of government and economics they try to imposehave fallen because they lacked a solid base. They fell becausethey were artificial constructs copied from alien cultures anddid not represent the Muslim community. Therefore they wererejected by it. This situation is comparable to a kidney transplantin a human body. Although the body is able to tolerate it painfully for a short period of time, eventually the kidney willbe rejected and die.When the sickness of the Muslim Ummah became acute few Muslims thought of building a new society on Islamic principles.Instead many tried to import man made systems and principles, which looked good but really were grossly defectiveand so could be easily toppled and crushed.

مصر میں اخوان المسلمون کے سیاسی ارتقاء

اسٹیفن بینےٹ

“Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. Qur’an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.”

Since its early days in Egypt the Muslim Brotherhood has created much controversy, as some argue that the organization advocates violence in the name of Islam. ڈاکٹر کے مطابق. Mamoun Fandy of the James A. Baker III Institute of Public Policy, jihadism and the activation of the views of the world of the house of Islam and the house of war are the ideas that emerged from the writings and the teachings of the Muslim Brotherhood” (Livesy, 2005). The primary evidence for this argument is notable member of the Brotherhood, Sayeed Qutb, who is credited with developing the revisionist and controversial interpretation of jihad that provided religious justifications for violence committed by offshoot organizations of the Brotherhood like al-jihad, al-Takfir wa al-Hijra, حماس, اور al-Qaeda.

Yet that is still a debatable position, because despite being the ideological parent of these violent organizations, the Muslim Brotherhood itself has always maintained an official stance against violence and instead has promoted Islamic civil and social action at the grassroots level. Within the first twenty years of its existence the Muslim Brotherhood gained status as the most influential of all major groups in the Middle East through its popular activism. It also spread from Egypt into other nations throughout the region and served as the catalyst for many of the successful popular liberation movements against Western colonialism in the Middle East.

While it has retained most of its founding principles from its inception, the Muslim Brotherhood has made a dramatic transformation in some crucial aspects of its political ideology. Formerly denounced by many as a terrorist organization, as of late the Muslim Brotherhood has been labeled by most current scholars of the Middle East as politically “moderate”, “politically centrist”, and “accommodationist” to Egypt’s political and governmental structures (Abed-Kotob, 1995, پی. 321-322). Sana Abed-Kotob also tells us that of the current Islamist opposition groups that exist today “the more ‘radical’ or militant of these groups insist upon revolutionary change that is to be imposed on the masses and political system, whereas… the new Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt, call for gradual change that is to be undertaken from within the political system and with the enlistment of the Muslim masses”

مصر کے بلدیاتی انتخابات میں سوانگ کرتا ہے اور نتائج

محمد Herzallah

عمرو Hamzawy

Egypt’s local elections of April 8, 2008 were a confirmation of a backwardslide in Egyptian politics. They were plagued by social unrest and politicaldiscord. In the weeks prior to the elections, labor protests escalated,precipitating a harsh crackdown that resulted in at least two fatalities and many injuries.The country’s largest opposition force, اخوان المسلمون, decided at the last minute to boycott the elections. Voter turn out did not exceed 5 percent and the ruling National Democratic Party (NDP),facing virtually no competition, landed a sweeping victory—winning roughly95 percent of the seats at stake.These developments bring to light a broader deterioration in Egyptian politics.Three elements of this process stand out and deserve careful attention:•

پہلا, the burgeoning social crisis caused by out of control inflation, acrippled welfare system, and persistent unemployment;

• Second, a return to the old authoritarian practices of the rulingestablishment; اور

• Third, worrying signs that call into question the very existence of aviable opposition capable of advancing reform through the political process.

مسلمان امریکی مڈل کلاس اور زیادہ تر مین اسٹریم

پیو ریسرچ سینٹر

Muslims constitute a growing and increasingly important segment of American society.Yet there is surprisingly little quantitative research about the attitudes and opinions of thissegment of the public for two reasons. پہلا, امریکہ. Census is forbidden by law from askingquestions about religious belief and affiliation, اور, as a result, we know very little about thebasic demographic characteristics of Muslim Americans. دوسرا, Muslim Americans comprisesuch a small percentage of the U.S. population that general population surveys do not interview asufficient number of them to allow for meaningful analysis.This Pew Research Center study is therefore the first ever nationwide survey to attempt tomeasure rigorously the demographics, attitudes and experiences of Muslim Americans. It buildson surveys conducted in 2006 by the Pew Global Attitudes Project of Muslim minority publics inGreat Britain, فرانس, Germany and Spain. The Muslim American survey also follows on Pew’sglobal surveys conducted over the past five years with more than 30,000 Muslims in 22 nationsaround the world since 2002.The methodological approach employed was the most comprehensive ever used to studyMuslim Americans. Nearly 60,000 respondents were interviewed to find a representative sampleof Muslims. Interviews were conducted in Arabic, Urdu and Farsi, as well as English. Subsamplesof the national poll were large enough to explore how various subgroups of thepopulationincluding recent immigrants, native-born converts, and selected ethnic groupsincluding those of Arab, Pakistani, and African American heritagediffer in their attitudesThe survey also contrasts the views of the Muslim population as a whole with those ofthe U.S. general population, and with the attitudes of Muslims all around the world, includingWestern Europe. آخر میں, findings from the survey make important contributions to the debateover the total size of the Muslim American population.The survey is a collaborative effort of a number of Pew Research Center projects,including the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, the Pew Forum on Religion &Public Life and the Pew Hispanic Center. The project was overseen by Pew Research CenterPresident Andrew Kohut and Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life Director Luis Lugo. ThePew Research Center’s Director of Survey Research, Scott Keeter, served as project director forthe study, with the close assistance of Gregory Smith, Research Fellow at the Pew Forum. Manyother Pew researchers participated in the design, execution and analysis of the survey.

اسلام کو سمجھنے کی طرف



Every religion of the world has been named either after its founder or after the community ornation in which it was born. مثال کے طور پر, Christianity takes its name from its prophet JesusChrist; Buddhism from its founder, Gautama Buddha; Zoroastrianism from its founderZoroaster-, and Judaism, the religion of the Jews, from the name of the tribe Judah (of thecountry of Judea) where it originated. The same is true of all other religions except Islam, whichenjoys the unique distinction of having no such association with any particular person or peopleor country. Nor is it the product of any human mind. It is a universal religion and itsobjective is to create and cultivate in man the quality and attitude of Islam.Islam, in fact, is an attributive title. Anyone who possesses this attribute, whatever race,community, country or group he belongs to, is a Muslim. According to the Qur’an (the HolyBook of the Muslims), among every people and in all ages there have been good and righteouspeople who possessed this attributeand all of them were and are Muslims.IslamWhat Does it Mean?Islam is an Arabic word and connotes submission, surrender and obedience. As a religion,Islam stands for complete submission and obedience to Allah.1Everyone can see that we live in an orderly universe, where everything is assigned a place in agrand scheme. The moon, the stars and all the heavenly bodies are knit together in amagnificent system. They follow unalterable laws and make not even the slightest deviation fromtheir ordained courses. اسی طرح, everything in the world, from the minute whirling electron tothe mighty nebulae, invariably follows its own laws. Matter, energy and lifeall obey their lawsand grow and change and live and die in accordance with those laws. Even in the human worldthe laws of nature are paramount. Man’s birth, growth and life are all regulated by a set ofbiological laws. He derives sustenance from nature in accordance with an unalterable law. Allthe organs of his body, from the smallest tissues to the heart and the brain, are governedby the laws prescribed for them. In short, ours is a law-governed universe and everything in it isfollowing the course that has been ordained for it.

اسلامی بینکاری اور بین الاقوامی مالیاتی ہم آہنگی کی سیاست

Kristin سمتھ

In the mid-1970’s, the Arab Gulf made a dramatic entrance onto world financialmarkets. In one year, oil prices quadrupled, precipitating the fastest transfer of wealth inthe twentieth century. Many Gulfis who previously had no dealings with financialinstitutions had their first introduction to banking. It quickly became apparent howeverthat there was a tension between the institutions and norms underlying Western financeand the prevailing belief amongst many Gulfis that earning interest is forbidden by Islam.Throughout the Gulf, and particularly in Saudi Arabia, religiously observant individualschose to leave their money in non-interest bearing accounts rather than contraveneIslamic law.This cultural difference opened up the space for entrepreneurs to mediate betweenthe global system and local beliefs and customs. The result was the creation of Islamicbanks: financial intermediaries that offer services similar to those of conventional banks,but through financial instruments legally structured to comply with Islamic religious law(Shariah). The entrepreneurs behind this institutional innovation have been able to createa profitable niche for themselves amongst the religiously conservative populations of theGulf. Beyond their marketing advantage, they have likewise used demands for paritywith conventional banks to receive government contracts, and the desire of foreigninvestors to present a “local” face on their business to market themselves for jointventures. Their advantages are not strictly economic, تاہم, as my research into theIslamic finance industry in Kuwait, بحرین, and the UAE has shown.

خواتین, کام, اور عرب معاشروں میں اسلام

یوسف (علیہ السلام Sidani

Arab societies are currently in a state of confusion. Problems of underdevelopment,inequity, institutional deficiencies, and illiteracy are rampant (Arab HumanDevelopment Report, 2002). Arabs seem to be in a futile search for a new identity ina world that is transforming: power structures are shifting, societal expectations arechanging, and male-female relations are developing. The Arabs seem to yearn for anew identity that does not displace them from their roots, and at the same timeconnects them to the future; the search seems incessantly fruitless. Even non-Arabsseem to be confused about the issue. Vivid movie images mostly portray the Arab maleas a primitive, fanatic, brutal, lunatic, vicious, and splendidly prosperous individualwhile the Arab woman is portrayed as a belly dancer or whore, a veiled submissivemember of a luxurious harem, or a speechless oppressed character with no identity(Boullata, 1990). The political developments of the past few years did not help bringabout a better image. The rise of Islamic activism, end of the cold war, Huntington’s“clash of civilizations” supposition, and the events of 11th September only reinforcedthe bewilderment and confusion.In addressing the notion of women’s participation in the business and politicalarenas in Arab societies, conflicting remarks are brought forward. Some refer to therole of culture and the prevailing religion in the area – Islam and interpretations ofIslam – as possible reasons for such lack of participation (El-Saadawi, 1997; Mernissi,1991). اسلام, it is asserted, is not merely a set of beliefs and rituals but is also a socialorder that has an all-pervading influence on its followers (Weir, 2000). This essayattempts to present varying discourses pertaining to women’s work and how it isimpacted by interpretations of Islam. We present current discourses from variousviewpoints including Muslim scholars on the one hand and active feminists on theother hand. We address the disagreements that exist in the camps of the religiousscholars in their interpretations of religious texts impacting women and their work. Inaddition, we tackle the feminist discourse pertaining to the role of Islam, orunderstandings of Islam, in their participation and development.

اس کے بعد اسلام کا مستقبل 9/11

منصور Moaddel

اسلامی عقیدہ کے نظام کی نوعیت اور تاریخی اسلام کے تجربے کے بارے میں مورخین اور اسلامیات کے درمیان کوئی اتفاق نہیں ہے۔, جس کی بنیاد پر جدیدیت کے ساتھ اسلام کی مطابقت کے بارے میں کوئی حتمی فیصلہ کر سکتا ہے۔. بہرحال,تاریخی اور قیمتی دونوں طرح کے سروے کے اعداد و شمار کی دستیابی ہمیں اس خوفناک واقعہ کی روشنی میں اسلام کے مستقبل کا تجزیہ کرنے کی اجازت دیتی ہے۔ 9/11. ثقافت کی مستقبل کی ترقی کی پیشین گوئی کے لیے ضروری معاشرتی مرئیت کی سطح کا تعین کرنے والا کلیدی عنصر نظریاتی اہداف کی نوعیت اور وضاحت ہے جس کے سلسلے میں نئے ثقافتی مکالمے تیار کیے جاتے ہیں۔. اس بنیاد پر, میں ایسے اہداف کی نوعیت کو روشن کرنے کی کوشش کروں گا جن کا سامنا ایران میں مسلم کارکنان کرتے ہیں۔, مصر, اور اردن.

اسلامی MODERNITIES: فتح اللہ گولن اور عصری اسلام


The Nurju movement1, being the oldest moderate Islamist movement which is probably peculiar to Modern Turkey, was broken into several groups since Said Nursi, the founder of the movement, passed away in 1960. At the present time, there are more than ten nurcu groups with different agendas and strategies. Despite all their differences, today the Nurju groups seem to acknowledge each other’s identity and try to keep a certain level of solidarity. Theplace of the Fethullah Gulen group within the Nurju movement, تاہم, seems to be a bit shaky.Fethullah Gulen (b.1938) split himself, at least in appearance, from the overall Nurju movement in 1972 and succeeded in establishing his own group with a strong organizational structure in the 1980’s and the 90’s. Due to the development of its broad school network both in Turkey and abroad2, his group attracted attention. Those schools fascinated not only Islamist businessmen and middle classes but also a large number of secularist intellectuals and politicians. Although it originally emerged out of the overall Nurju movement, some believe that the number of the followers of the Fethullah Gulen group is much larger than that of the total of the rest of the nurju groups. ابھی تک, there seems to be enough reason to think that there was a price to pay for this success: alienation from other Islamist groups as well as from the overall Nurju movement of which the Fethullah Gulen group3 itself is supposed to be a part.

عمارتیں پل نہیں دیواریں

ایلکس گلین

چونکہ کے دہشت گردانہ حملے 11 ستمبر 2001 مشرق وسطی اور شمالی افریقہ میں مفاد پرست اسلامیت کا ایک دھماکہ ہوا ہے (مینا) خطہ. کافی دیر تک,تجزیہ کاروں نے دانشمندانہ انداز میں ان اداکاروں پر توجہ مرکوز کی ہے جواسلامی سپیکٹرم کے پرتشدد انجام پر کام کرتے ہیں, بشمول القاعدہ, طالبان, مقبوضہ فلسطینی علاقوں میں حماس جیسے مسلح ونگوں والے عراق اور سیاسی گروہوں میں سے کچھ فرقہ پرست جماعتیں (او پی ٹی)اور لبنان میں حزب اللہ ۔بہرحال, اس سے اس حقیقت کو دھندلا گیا ہے کہ MENA کے پورے خطے میں عصری سیاست ’مرکزی دھارے‘ اسلام پسندوں کے بہت زیادہ مختلف ذخیرے کی طرف راغب اور تشکیل دے رہی ہے. ہم ان تنظیموں کی وضاحت کرتے ہیں جو اپنے ممالک کے قانونی سیاسی عمل میں شامل ہونے یا ان میں شامل ہونے کی کوشش کرتے ہیں اور جنہوں نے قومی سطح پر تشدد کے خاتمے کے عوامی استعمال کو روکنے کے لئے ان کے مقاصد کا ادراک کیا ہے۔, یہاں تک کہ جہاں ان کے خلاف امتیازی سلوک کیا گیا یا دباؤ ڈالا گیا۔ یہ تعریف مصر میں اخوان المسلمون جیسے گروہوں کو گھیرے گی۔, انصاف اور ترقی پارٹی (PJD) مراکش اور اسلامک ایکشن فرنٹ میں (ہوا بھارتی فوج) اردن میں۔ یہ غیر متشدد اسلام پسند تحریکیں یا جماعتیں اکثر ہر ملک میں موجودہ حکومتوں کی مخالفت کے بہترین منظم اور انتہائی مقبول عنصر کی نمائندگی کرتی ہیں۔, اور اس طرح مغربی پالیسی سازوں کے اس خطے میں جمہوریت کے فروغ میں جو کردار ادا کریں گے اس میں دلچسپی بڑھا رہی ہے۔. اس کے باوجود اس مسئلے پر بحثیں اس سوال پر روکے ہوئے ہیں کہ آیا ان گروہوں کے ساتھ مزید منظم اور باضابطہ بنیاد رکھنا مناسب ہوگا؟, حقیقت میں ایسا کرنے کی بجائے عملی طور پر۔ یہ رویہ جزوی طور پر ان گروہوں کو قانونی حیثیت دینے کے جواز بخش ناپسندیدگی سے منسلک ہے جو خواتین کے حقوق کے بارے میں جمہوری مخالف نظریات کو بڑھاوا دیتے ہیں۔, یہ سیاسی کثرتیت اور دیگر امور کی ایک رینج ہے۔ یہ مینا کے خطے میں مغربی طاقتوں کے اسٹریٹجک مفادات کے بارے میں عملی خیالات کی بھی عکاسی کرتا ہے جنھیں اسلام پسندوں کی بڑھتی ہوئی مقبولیت اور اثرورسوخ سے خطرہ سمجھا جاتا ہے۔. ان کی طرف سے, اسلام پسند جماعتوں اور تحریکوں نے ان مغربی طاقتوں کے ساتھ قریبی تعلقات میں واضح تذبذب کا مظاہرہ کیا ہے جن کی اس خطے میں ان کی پالیسیاں زوردار ہیں۔, کم از کم اس خوف سے کہ وہ اپنے اندر چلنے والی جابرانہ حکومتوں کے رد عمل کا اظہار کرسکتے ہیں۔ اس منصوبے کی توجہ غیر متشدد سیاسی اسلام پسند تحریکوں پر مرکوز کی جانی چاہئے تاکہ ان کے سیاسی ایجنڈوں کے لئے اس کی حمایت کی جاسکے۔. مرکزی دھارے میں شامل اسلامی جماعتوں کے ساتھ زیادہ جان بوجھ کر حکمت عملی کے عہد کا پابند ہونا ، دوسرے امریکی اور یوروپی پالیسی سازوں کے لئے اہم خطرات اور تجارتی معاملات کو شامل کرے گا. تاہم, ہم یہ پوزیشن لیتے ہیں کہ دونوں فریقوں کی مصروفیت کو صفر رقم ‘تمام یا کچھ بھی نہیں’ کھیل کے طور پر دیکھنے کے ل been, اگر مشرق وسطی اور شمالی افریقہ میں اصلاحات کے بارے میں مزید تعمیری مکالمہ سامنے آنا ہے تو اسے تبدیل کرنے کی ضرورت ہے.

شام میں اخوان المسلمون اور جمہوریت کا تصور

Radwan Ziadeh

The relation between the Syrian state and Islam, as represented in its governmental or non governmental establishments or through the discourses of the people who believe in the role of religion in people’s lives, goes back to a period previous to Syria political independence in 1946.1 اس کے بعد سے, the religious institutions existed in Syria have developed and been affected by the nature of their relation with the different government establishments according to the political party in power.Since it came to rule in 1963, the Ba’ath Party has adopted a secular stance, though not necessarily opposed to religion, and when President Hafiz al Assad came to power in 1970, he aimed to incorporate the religious movement to a great extent, because he believed that by doing so he could gain the trust of the Sunni population, who make up the majority in Syria. اس طرح, he extended his hand to the religious scholars, and took every opportunity to show his respect for them and his concern for their causes, and gave several highranking Islamic figures seats in the People’s Assembly appointed in 1971, including the Mufti of the Republic, Sheikh Ahmad Kuftaro, and the Mufti of Aleppo, Sheikh Mohammed Al Hakim2. Assad was generally striving for widening the ground for his rule, so he restructured the political framework on new foundations, which differed from the original structure when the Ba’ath party had come to power in 1963.

اسلامک موبلائزیشن

زیاد Munson

This article examines the emergence and growth of the Muslim Brotherhood inEgypt from the 1930s through the 1950s. It begins by outlining and empirically evaluatingpossible explanations for the organization’s growth based on (1) theories of politicalIslam and (2) the concept of political opportunity structure in social movementtheory. An extension of these approaches is suggested based on data from organizationaldocuments and declassiŽed U.S. State Department Žles from the period. Thesuccessful mobilization of the Muslim Brotherhood was possible because of the wayin which its Islamic message was tied to its organizational structure, activities, andstrategies and the everyday lives of Egyptians. The analysis suggests that ideas areintegrated into social movements in more ways than the concept of framing allows.It also expands our understanding of how organizations can arise in highly repressiveenvironments.

Qutbism: اسلامی فاشزم کا ایک نظریہ

ڈیل سی. EIKMEIER

The recently published National Military Strategic Plan for the War onTerrorism (NMSP-WOT) is to be commended for identifying “ideology”as al Qaeda’s center of gravity.1 The identification of an ideology as thecenter of gravity rather than an individual or group is a significant shift froma“capture and kill” philosophy to a strategy focused on defeating the rootcause of Islamic terrorism. Accordingly, the plan’s principal focus is on attackingand countering an ideology that fuels Islamic terrorism. بدقسمتی سے,the NMSP-WOT fails to identify the ideology or suggest ways tocounter it. The plan merely describes the ideology as “extremist.” This descriptioncontributes little to the public’s understanding of the threat or to thecapabilities of the strategist who ultimately must attack and defeat it. The intentof this article is to identify the ideology of the Islamic terrorists and recommendhow to successfully counter it.Sun Tzuwisely said, “Know the enemy and know yourself; in a hundredbattles you will never be in peril.”2 Our success in theWar on Terrorismdepends on knowingwho the enemy is and understanding his ideology.While characterizing and labeling an enemymay serve such a purpose, it is only usefulif the labels are clearly defined and understood. Otherwise, overly broadcharacterizations obscure our ability to truly “know the enemy,” they diffuseefforts, and place potential allies and neutrals in the enemy’s camp. بدقسمتی سے,theWar on Terrorism’s use of labels contributes a great deal to themisunderstandingsassociated with the latter. The fact is, five years after 9/11 theNMSP-WOT provides little specific guidance, other than labeling the enemyas extremist.3 This inability to focus on the specific threat and its supportingphilosophy reflects our own rigid adherence to political correctness and is beingexploited bymilitant Islamists portraying these overly broad descriptionsas a war against Islam.As David F. Forte states “Wemust not fail . . . to distinguishbetween the homicidal revolutionaries like bin Laden and mainstreamMuslim believers.

سیاسی اسلام کی موت

جان بی. Alterman

سیاسی اسلام کے لئے مشاہدات لکھنا شروع ہوگئے ہیں. بظاہر نہ رکنے والی ترقی کے برسوں بعد, اسلامی جماعتوں نے ٹھوکریں کھانی شروع کردی ہیں. مراکش میں, انصاف اور ترقی پارٹی (یا پی جے ڈی) پچھلے ستمبر کے انتخابات میں توقع سے کہیں زیادہ خراب کام کیا, اور اردن کے اسلامک ایکشن فرنٹ نے گزشتہ ماہ کی رائے شماری میں اپنی نصف سے زیادہ نشستیں کھو دیں. مصر کے اخوان المسلمون کا بے صبری سے انتظار کیا گیا منشور, جس کا ایک مسودہ گذشتہ ستمبر میں شائع ہوا تھا,نہ ہی طاقت کا مظاہرہ کیا اور نہ ہی دلیری کا مظاہرہ کیا. اس کے بجائے, اس نے تجویز کیا کہ اس گروہ کو دانشورانہ پابندیوں کا سامنا کرنا پڑا اور لڑائی جھگڑا ہوا۔ سیاسی اسلام کی موت کا اعلان کرنا ابھی جلد بازی ہے۔, چونکہ عرب دنیا میں لبرل ازم کی پیدائش کا اعلان قبل از وقت تھا 2003-04, لیکن اس کے امکانات خاصی دھیمے ہوئے دکھائی دیتے ہیں جو انہوں نے ایک سال پہلے بھی کیا تھا, فضل سے زوال ناگزیر تھا; سیاسی اسلام اپنی اپنی پابندیوں کے تحت منہدم ہوگیا ہے, وہ کہتے ہیں. وہ بحث کرتے ہیں, معروضی لحاظ سے, سیاسی اسلام کبھی بھی دھواں اور عکس نہیں تھا. مذہب ایمان اور سچائی کے بارے میں ہے, اور سیاست سمجھوتہ اور رہائش کے بارے میں ہے. اس طرح دیکھا, سیاسی اسلام کبھی بھی مقدس کاروبار نہیں تھا, لیکن ایک سیاسی بحث میں ایک طرف کے سیاسی امکانات کو فروغ دینے کی کوشش. حمایت یافتہ قانونی اختیار اور قانونی حیثیت, اسلام پسندوں کی مخالفت ’محض سیاسی ہونا ہی بند ہو گی - یہ بدعت ہوگئی — اور اسلام پسندوں کو فائدہ ہوا۔ یہ شکی سیاستدان اسلام کو سیاسی تحریکوں کے تحفظ کا ایک مفید طریقہ سمجھتے ہیں,گائے کے سیاسی دشمن, اور ریلی کی حمایت. گورننگ حکمت عملی کے طور پر, تاہم, ان کا کہنا ہے کہ سیاسی اسلام نے کوئی کامیابی حاصل نہیں کی ہے. دو شعبوں میں جہاں یہ حال ہی میں ٹورور گلاب ہے, فلسطینی اتھارٹی اور عراق, حکمرانی خون کی کمی رہی ہے. ایران میں, جہاں وہ تقریباullah تین دہائیوں سے اقتدار میں ہیں, علمائے کرام احترام کے لئے جدوجہد کرتے ہیں اور ملک سے نکسیر کی وجہ سے دبئی اور دیگر بیرون ملک مارکیٹوں میں زیادہ پیش گوئی کی جاتی ہے اور زیادہ مثبت واپسی ہوتی ہے. مشرق وسطی میں سب سے زیادہ مذہبی ریاست, سعودی عرب, اس کے بہت سارے پڑوسیوں کے مقابلے میں خاص طور پر فکری آزادی کم ہے, اور وہاں کے آرتھوڈوکس نگاہوں نے دینی افکار کو احتیاط سے دفع کیا ہے. بطور فرانسیسی عالم اسلام,اولیویر رائے, ایک دہائی قبل یادگار طور پر مشاہدہ کیا گیا, مذہب اور سیاست کی سازش نے سیاست کو تقویت نہیں دی, جبکہ اس نے سیاست کو سیاسی شکل دی۔ لیکن جبکہ اسلام نے حکمرانی کا مربوط نظریہ فراہم نہیں کیا ہے, انسانیت کی پریشانیوں کے لئے عالمی طور پر منظور شدہ نقطہ نظر کو چھوڑ دو, بہت سارے مسلمانوں میں مذہب کی فراغت بڑھتی جارہی ہے۔ یہ لباس لباس کے معاملات سے بہت آگے ہے, جو حالیہ برسوں میں خواتین اور مردوں دونوں کے لئے زیادہ قدامت پسند بن چکے ہیں, زبان سے پرے, جو ایک دہائی پہلے کے معاملے سے کہیں زیادہ خدا کے نام کی دعا کرتا ہے. یہ اسلام کے یومیہ مشق سے بھی بالاتر ہے - نماز سے لے کر خیرات تک ، روزے تک - یہ سب کچھ عروج پر ہیں۔ جو بدلا ہے وہ جسمانی ظہور یا رسم رواج سے کہیں زیادہ بنیادی بات ہے, اور یہ ہے: مسلمانوں کی بڑھتی ہوئی تعداد اس تجویز سے شروع ہوتی ہے کہ اسلام ان کی روزمرہ کی زندگی کے تمام پہلوؤں سے متعلق ہے, اور نہ صرف یہ کہ صوبہ الہیات یا ذاتی عقیدہ ہے۔ کچھ اسے مشرق وسطی میں روایت پسندی کی واپسی کے طور پر دیکھتے ہیں, جب روز مرہ کی زندگی پر حکمرانی ، توہم پرستی اور روحانیت کے مختلف اقدامات ہوتے ہیں. زیادہ درست طریقے سے, اگرچہ, ہم جو کچھ دیکھ رہے ہیں وہ "نو روایت پسندی" کا عروج ہے,”جس میں ماضی کی علامتیں اور نعرے مستقبل میں جلد داخل ہونے کے تعاقب میں شامل ہیں. اسلامی خزانہ — جو کہنا ہے, فنانس جو سود سے زیادہ حصص اور ریٹرنریٹر پر انحصار کرتی ہے وہ عروج پر ہے, اور چیکنا بینک شاخوں میں مرد اور خواتین کے لئے الگ الگ راستے شامل ہیں. ہوشیار نوجوان ٹیلیویژن انجمن روزانہ تقویت بخش اور معافی کے درپے پر ہیں, لاکھوں کی تعداد میں ہزاروں کی تعداد میں ان کی مجلسوں اور ٹیلی ویژنوں کو اپنی طرف متوجہ کرنا. میوزک ویڈیو YouTube یوٹیوب پر دیکھنے کے قابل young نوجوان ناظرین کو عقیدے کو قبول کرنے اور غیر معقول سیکولر زندگی کو پھیرنے کی التجا کرتے ہیں۔. مشرق وسطی میں, بہت سے لوگ انہیں دیوالیہ سیکولر قوم پرست ماضی کی علامتوں کے طور پر دیکھتے ہیں جو انصاف یا ترقی کی فراہمی میں ناکام رہے ہیں, آزادی یا ترقی. سیکولرازم کی تکلیف ناقابل معافی ہے, لیکن اسلام کا نظم و ضبط اشارے سے بھرا ہوا ہے۔ اسی وجہ سے یہ ہے کہ سیاسی اسلام کی موت کا اعلان کرنا قبل از وقت ہے. اسلام, تیزی سے, شامل نہیں ہوسکتا. یہ زندگی کے تمام پہلوؤں میں پھیل رہا ہے, اور یہ مشرق وسطی کی کچھ متحرک قوتوں میں مضبوط ہے. یہ یقینی بننے کے لئے سرکاری سبسڈی حاصل کرتا ہے,لیکن ریاستوں کا مذہبی میدان میں پیدا ہونے والی تخلیقی صلاحیتوں سے بہت کم لینا دینا ہے۔ خطرہ یہ ہے کہ عوامی زندگی کی اس اسلامائزیشن نے مشرق وسطی میں جو تھوڑی بہت رواداری چھوڑی ہے وہ ایک طرف رہ جائے گی۔, صدیوں کے بعد آسا — بنیادی طور پر اسلامی — کثیر الثقافتی دلچسپی. یہ تصور کرنا مشکل ہے کہ اگر اسلام پسند معاشرے ترقی اور تخلیقی صلاحیتوں کو قبول نہیں کرتے ہیں تو وہ کس طرح پنپ سکتے ہیں, تنوع اور فرق. "اسلامی" خود واضح تصور نہیں ہے, جیسا کہ میرے دوست مصطفٰی کمال پاشا نے ایک بار محفوظ کیا تھا, لیکن اگر جدید معاشروں میں اس کی فطرت کے متنازعہ اور تعل notق خیالات سے جڑا ہوا ہے تو یہ طاقت کا ذریعہ نہیں بن سکتا۔ فرق کے ساتھ جدوجہد کرنا بنیادی طور پر ایک سیاسی کام ہے, اور یہاں یہ ہے کہ سیاسی اسلام کو اس کے حقیقی امتحان کا سامنا کرنا پڑے گا. مشرق وسطی میں باضابطہ ڈھانچے کی حکومت پائیدار ثابت ہوئی ہے, اور اس کا امکان نہیں ہے کہ وہ اسلامی سرگرمی کی لہر کے نیچے گر جائیں. سیاسی اسلام کے کامیاب ہونے کے لئے, اس کو مختلف عقائد اور عقیدے کی ڈگریوں کے متنوع اتحادوں کو متحد کرنے کا راستہ تلاش کرنے کی ضرورت ہے, محض اس کے بیس سے بات نہ کریں. اسے ابھی تک ایسا کرنے کا کوئی راستہ نہیں ملا ہے, لیکن یہ کہنا یہ نہیں ہے کہ ایسا نہیں ہوسکتا.