Všechny záznamy označené: "Spojené státy"
Liberální demokracii a politický islám: hledat společnou řeč.
Mostapha Benhenda
Islámské reformace
Adnan Khan
Islám na Západě
Jocelyne Cesari
Sherifa Zuhur
Demokracie, Terrorism and American Policy in the Arab World
F. Gregory Gause
Ziad Munson
Tento článek zkoumá vznik a růst Muslimského bratrstva v Egyptě od 30. do 50. let. Začíná to nastíněním a empirickým hodnocením možných vysvětlení růstu organizace na základě (1) teorie politického islámu a (2) koncept struktury politických příležitostí v teorii sociálního hnutí. Navrhuje se rozšíření těchto přístupů na základě údajů z organizačních dokumentů a odtajněných USA. Státní ministerstvo z období. Úspěšná mobilizace Muslimského bratrstva byla možná kvůli způsobu, jakým byla její islámská zpráva vázána na její organizační strukturu, činnosti, strategie a každodenní život Egypťanů. Analýza naznačuje, že myšlenky jsou integrovány do sociálních hnutí více způsoby, než umožňuje koncept rámování. Také rozšiřuje naše chápání toho, jak mohou organizace vznikat ve vysoce represivním prostředí.
Muslimské bratrstvo v USA. Síť
Zeyno Baran
Spojené státy a Egypt
A Conference Report
The study of bilateral relations has fallen deeply out of favor in the academiccommunity. Political science has turned to the study of international state systemsrather than relations between individual states; anthropologists and sociologists arefar more interested in non-state actors; and historians have largely abandonedstates altogether. It is a shame, because there is much to be learned from bilateralrelationships, and some such relationships are vital—not only to the countriesinvolved, but also to a broader array of countries.One such vital relationship is that between the United States and Egypt. Forgedduring the Cold War almost entirely on the issue of Arab-Israeli peacemaking, theU.S.-Egyptian bilateral relationship has deepened and broadened over the lastquarter century. Egypt remains one of the United States’ most important Arab allies,and the bilateral relationship with Washington remains the keystone of Egypt’sforeign policy. Strong U.S.-Egyptian bilateral relations are also an important anchorfor states throughout the Middle East and for Western policy in the region. Therelationship is valuable for policymakers in both countries; doing without it isunthinkable.To explore this relationship, the CSIS Middle East Program, in cooperation with theAl-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies in Cairo, convened a one-dayconference on June 26, 2003, entitled, “The United States and Egypt: Building thePartnership.” The goal of the meeting was to brainstorm how that partnership mightbe strengthened.Participants agreed that much needs to be done on the diplomatic, politický, vojenský,and economic levels. Although all did not agree on a single course forward, theparticipants unanimously concurred that a stronger U.S.-Egyptian relationship is verymuch in the interests of both countries, and although it will require a great deal ofwork to achieve, the benefits are worth the effort.
Muslimského bratrstva ve Spojených státech
Steven Merley
The leadership of the U.S. Muslimské bratrstvo (MB, or Ikhwan) has said that its goal was and is jihad aimed at destroying the U.S. from within.
The Brotherhood leadership has also said that the means of achieving this goal is to establish Islamic organizations in the U.S. under the control of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Od počátku šedesátých let, the Brotherhood has constructed an elaborate covert organizational infrastructure on which was built a set of public or “front” organizations.
The current U.S. Brotherhood leadership has attempted to deny this history, both claiming that it is not accurate and at the same time that saying that it represents an older form of thought inside the Brotherhood.
An examination of public and private Brotherhood documents, nicméně, indicates that this history is both accurate and that the Brotherhood has taken no action to demonstrate change in its mode of thought and/or activity.