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Робин Вригхт
Of all the challenges facing democracy in the 1990s, one of the greatest lies in the Islamic world. Only a handful of the more than four dozen predominantly Muslim countries have made significant strides toward establishing democratic systems. Among this handfulincluding Albania, Bangladesh, Јордан, Kyrgyzstan, Либанон, Mali, Пакистан, and Turkeynot one has yet achieved full, stable, or secure democracy. And the largest single regional bloc holding out against the global trend toward political pluralism comprises the Muslim countries of the Middle East and North Africa.
Yet the resistance to political change associated with the Islamic bloc is not necessarily a function of the Muslim faith. Заиста, the evidence indicates quite the reverse. Владари у неким од најантидемократскијих режима у исламском свету–као што је Брунеј, Индонезија, Ирак, Оман, Катар, Сирија, и Туркменистан–су секуларне аутократе који одбијају да деле власт са својом браћом.
Свеукупно, препреке политичком плурализму у исламским земљама нису различите од проблема са којима су се раније суочавали у другим деловима света: секуларне идеологије као што је Баатизам у Ираку и Сирији, Панцасила у Индонезији, или дуготрајни комунизам у неким бившим совјетским централноазијским државама није имао право противљење. Иронично, многе од ових идеологија су адаптиране са Запада; баасизам, на пример, инспирисан европским социјализмом 1930-их и 1940-их. Rigid government controls over everything from communications in Saudi Arabia and Brunei to foreign visitors in Uzbekistan and Indonesia also isolate their people from democratic ideas and debate on popular empowerment. In the largest and poorest Muslim countries, moreover, problems common to [End Page 64] developing states, from illiteracy and disease to poverty, make simple survival a priority and render democratic politics a seeming luxury. Коначно, like their non-Muslim neighbors in Asia and Africa, most Muslim societies have no local history of democracy on which to draw. As democracy has blossomed in Western states over the past three centuries, Muslim societies have usually lived under colonial rulers, kings, or tribal and clan leaders.
Другим речима, neither Islam nor its culture is the major obstacle to political modernity, even if undemocratic rulers sometimes use Islam as their excuse. 1 In Saudi Arabia, на пример, the ruling House of Saud relied on Wahhabism, a puritanical brand of Sunni Islam, first to unite the tribes of the Arabian Peninsula and then to justify dynastic rule. Like other monotheistic religions, Islam offers wide-ranging and sometimes contradictory instruction. In Saudi Arabia, Islam’s tenets have been selectively shaped to sustain an authoritarian monarchy.