RSSSvi unosi označeni: "Salafijski"

The Management of Islamic Activism: Salafis, The Muslim Brotherhood, and State Power in Jordan

Faisal ghori

In his first book, The Management of Islamic Activism, Quintan Wiktorowicz examines the Jordanian Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafis through the lens of social movement theory. Unlike some political scientists who dismiss Islamic movements because of their informal networks, Wiktorowicz contends that social movement theory is an apt framework through which Islamic movements can be examined and studied. In this regard, his work leads the field. Yet for all its promise, this book largely fails to deliver.
The book is divided into four primary sections, through which he tries to construct his conclusion: Jordanian political liberalization has occurred because of structural necessities, not because of its commitment to democratization. U Dodatku, the state has been masterful in what he dubs the “management of collective action, (str. 3) which has, for all practical purposes, stifled any real opposition. While his conclusion is certainly tenable, given his extensive fieldwork, the book is poorly organized and much of the evidence examined earlier in the work leaves many questions unanswered.

Moderate and Radical Islam


One of the components of this study is relevant to a question that I was asked to address,which is how radical Islam differs from moderate or mainstream Islam. Frankly, one ofthe problems that we have found in the discourse about Islam is that the terms “radical”or “moderate” are often used in a subjective and imprecise way, without going through aprocess of critically examining what these terms mean. In some cases, the term radical ormilitant is defined in terms of support for terrorism or other forms of violence. Webelieve that this is too narrow a focus, that there is, zapravo, a much larger universe offundamentalist or Salafi groups who may not themselves practice violence, but thatpropagate an ideology that creates the conditions for violence and that is subversive ofthe values of democratic societies.

ISLAHSKI POKRET: Islamska umjerenost u ratom razorenoj Somaliji

Abdurahman M. Abdullahi

Rast islamskih pokreta privlači sve veći interes tijekom posljednja tri desetljeća, posebno nakon 9/11 napad na američke mete i naknadnu objavu Globalnog rata protiv terorizma. Mnogi čimbenici pridonijeli su ovom rastu; jedan od glavnih uzroka bio je neuspjeh postkolonijalnih država u mnogim muslimanskim zemljama i privlačnost oporbenog islamskog pristupa kao alternative. Ti su pokreti išli različitim2 smjerovima kako bi ostvarili svoje planove i formulirali različite metodologije i strategije zbog različitih uvjeta i okruženja u kojem su rasli i djeluju2. Na primjer, neki pokreti u diktatorskim režimima ili u muslimanskim zajednicama pod stranom okupacijom ili oni koji žive kao marginalizirana manjina mogu pribjeći nasilju kao jedinom dostupnom sredstvu političkog izražavanja. S druge strane, pokreti u demokratskom okruženju obično sudjeluju u demokratskom političkom procesu i provode uspješne društvene programe3. U kontekstu Somalije, Somalski studenti na sveučilištima arapskog svijeta 1960-ih su bili u interakciji s različitim islamskim skupinama, prigrlio slične ideje i postupno formirao usporedive pokrete. Posebno, dvije glavne organizacije postale su istaknutije od 1980-ih; naime Muslimanskom bratstvu pridruženom Islamu(reforma) Pokret (1978) i neoselefijski povezani al-Ittihad(Islamska zajednica) Pokret (1980) i njegovih uzastopnih izdanaka .