Svi unosi označeni: "Muslimani"
In Search of Islamic Constitutionalism
Nadirsyah hosen
Islamska politička kultura, Demokracija, i ljudska prava
Daniele. Cijena
Islamističke stranke : why they can’t be democratic
Bassam Tibi
The Mismeasure of Political Islam
Martin Kramer
Liberalizing the Muslim Brotherhood
High noon in Egypt
Devika Parashar
F. Andy Messing
Hasan Al-Banna
Guilain Denoelcx
Hasan al-Banna was the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood or Society of the Muslim Brothers, thelargest and most influential Sunni revivalist organization in the 20th century. Created in Egypt in1928, the Muslim Brotherhood became the first mass-based, overtly political movement to opposethe ascendancy of secular and Western ideas in the Middle East. The brotherhood saw in theseideas the root of the decay of Islamic societies in the modern world, and advocated a return toIslam as a solution to the ills that had befallen Muslim societies. Al-Banna’s leadership was criticalto the spectacular growth of the brotherhood during the 1930s and 1940s. By the early 1950s,branches had been established in Syria, Sudan, i Jordan. Soon, the movement’s influence would be felt inplaces as far away as the Gulf and non-Arab countries such as Iran, Pakistan, Indonezija, and Malaysia. Drivingthis expansion was the appeal of the organizational model embodied in the original, Egypt-based section of thebrotherhood, and the success of al-Banna’s writings. Translated into several languages, these writings haveshaped two generations of Sunni religious activists across the Islamic world.
The Politics and the Promise of Civilizational Dialogues
M. A. Muqtedar Khan
In response to Harvard Professor SamuelHuntington’s now infamous argument predicting afuture full of clashes between civilizations, the world’sliberals responded with a call for a civilizational dialogue.After 9/11, this call for a dialogue betweenIslam and the West has become even more urgent.The philosophical assumptions behind these dialoguesare not too difficult to discern. Islam and themodern West share a common Abrahamic traditionand their foundational sources; Islamic law and philosophyand Western enlightenment philosophy havecommon roots—Hellenistic reason and Biblical revelation.The two civilizations have a common past anda common future, particularly in the light of strongeconomic relations between the West and the Muslimworld and the growing presence of Islam in nearlyevery Western society.Because the future of the two civilizations is inseparable,any clash will be devastating to both, regardlessof the asymmetry of power. A clash between Islamand the modern West would be like a collisionbetween the present and the future for both. Islam isintegral to the future of the West and Islamic civilization’sreticence toward modernity is untenable.Eventually, the Muslim world will have to modernize,democratize, and recognize that its future, too, isinterdependent. Neither the West nor the Muslimworld can imagine a mutually exclusive future.
Muslimansko bratstvo u Belgiji
Steve Merley,
Viši analitičar
Globalno muslimansko bratstvo prisutno je u Europi od 1960 kada je rekao ramazan, unuk Hassana Al-Banne, osnovao džamiju u Münchenu.1 Od tog vremena,Bratstva su osnovana u gotovo svim zemljama EU, kao i zemlje koje nisu članice EU poput Rusije i Turske. Unatoč tome što djeluje pod drugim imenima, neke od organizacija u većim zemljama priznate su kao dio globalnog Muslimanskog bratstva. Na primjer, Savez islamskih organizacija Francuske (UOIF) općenito se smatra dijelom Muslimanskog bratstva u Francuskoj. Mreža također postaje poznata u nekim manjim zemljama poput Nizozemske, gdje je nedavno izvješće Zaklade NEFA detaljno opisalo aktivnosti Muslimanskog bratstva u toj zemlji.2 Susjedna Belgija također je postala važno središte za Muslimansko bratstvo u Europi. A 2002 izvješće Odbora za obavještajne poslove belgijskog parlamenta objasnilo je kako Bratstvo djeluje u Belgiji:“Služba državne sigurnosti od tada prati aktivnosti Međunarodnog muslimanskog bratstva u Belgiji 1982. Međunarodno Muslimansko bratstvo ima tajnu strukturu već skoro 20 godine. Identitet članova je tajan; djeluju u najvećoj diskreciji. They seek tospread their ideology within the Islamic community of Belgium and they aimin particular at the young people of the second and third generation ofimmigrants. In Belgium as in other European countries, they try to take controlof the religious, social, and sports associations and establish themselves asprivileged interlocutors of the national authorities in order to manage Islamicaffairs. The Muslim Brotherhood assumes that the national authorities will bepressed more and more to select Muslim leaders for such management and,in this context, they try to insert within the representative bodies, individualsinfluenced by their ideology.
Ziad Munson
Ovaj članak ispituje pojavu i rast Muslimanskog bratstva u Egiptu od 1930-ih do 1950-ih. Započinje ocrtavanjem i empirijskim vrednovanjem mogućih objašnjenja za rast organizacije na temelju (1) teorije političkog islama i (2) koncept strukture političkih prilika u teoriji društvenih kretanja. Predlaže se proširenje ovih pristupa na temelju podataka iz organizacijskih dokumenata i deklasificiranih američkih. Datoteke State Departmenta iz tog razdoblja. Uspješna mobilizacija Muslimanskog bratstva bila je moguća zbog načina na koji je njegova islamska poruka bila povezana s njegovom organizacijskom strukturom, aktivnosti, i strategije i svakodnevni život Egipćana. Analiza sugerira da su ideje integrirane u društvene pokrete na više načina nego što to dopušta koncept okvira. Ona također proširuje naše razumijevanje kako organizacije mogu nastati u visoko represivnim okruženjima.
The 500 Most influential muslims
The publication is the first of what we hope will be an annual series that provides a window into the movers and shakers of the Muslim world.
We have strived to highlight people who are influential as Muslims, that is, people whose influence is derived from their practice of Islam or from the fact that they are Muslim.
We think that this gives valuable insight into the different ways that Muslims impact the world, and also shows the diversity of how people are living as Muslims today.
Influence is a tricky concept. Its meaning derives from the Latin word influens meaning to flow-in, pointing to an old astrological idea that unseen forces (like the moon) affect humanity. The figures on this list have the ability to affect humanity too. In a variety of different ways each person on this list has influence over the lives of a large number of people on the earth. The 50 most influential figures are profiled. Their influence comes from a variety of sources; however they are unified by the fact that they each affect huge swathes of humanity.
We have then broken up the 500 leaders into 15 categories—Scholarly, Political, Administrative, Lineage, Preachers, Žene, Youth, Philanthropy, Development, Science and Technology, Arts and Culture, Mediji, Radicals, International Islamic Networks, and Issues of the Day—to help you understand the different kinds of ways Islam and Muslims impact the world today.
Two composite lists show how influence works in different ways: International Islamic Networks shows people who are at the head of important transnational networks of Muslims, and Issues of the Day highlights individuals whose importance is due to current issues affecting humanity.