Svi unosi označeni: "HEZBOLLAH"
The Arab Tomorrow
listopad 6, 1981, was meant to be a day of celebration in Egypt. It marked the anniversary of Egypt’s grandest moment of victory in three Arab-Israeli conflicts, when the country’s underdog army thrust across the Suez Canal in the opening days ofthe 1973 Yom Kippur War and sent Israeli troops reeling in retreat. On a cool, cloudless morning, the Cairo stadium was packed with Egyptian families that had come to see the military strut its hardware.On the reviewing stand, President Anwar el-Sadat,the war’s architect, watched with satisfaction as men and machines paraded before him. I was nearby, a newly arrived foreign correspondent.Suddenly, one of the army trucks halted directly in front of the reviewing stand just as six Mirage jets roared overhead in an acrobatic performance, painting the sky with long trails of red, yellow, purple,and green smoke. Sadat stood up, apparently preparing to exchange salutes with yet another contingent of Egyptian troops. He made himself a perfect target for four Islamist assassins who jumped from the truck, stormed the podium, and riddled his body with bullets.As the killers continued for what seemed an eternity to spray the stand with their deadly fire, I considered for an instant whether to hit the ground and risk being trampled to death by panicked spectators or remain afoot and risk taking a stray bullet. Instinct told me to stay on my feet, and my sense of journalistic duty impelled me to go find out whether Sadat was alive or dead.
Hizbollah’s Political Manifesto 2009
Islamističke oporbene stranke i potencijal za angažman u EU
Toby Archer
Heidi Huuhtanen
Political Islam in the Middle East
Jesu li Knudsen
Islamističke stranke : why they can’t be democratic
Bassam Tibi
From Rebel Movement to Political Party
Alastair Crooke
The view held by many in the West that transformation from an armed resistance movement to political party should be linear, should be preceded by a renunciation of violence, should be facilitated by civil society and brokered by moderate politicians has little reality for the case of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas). This is not to suggest that Hamas has not been subject to a political transformation: it has. But that transformation has been achieved in spite of Western efforts and not facilitated by those efforts. While remaining a resistance movement, Hamas has become the government of the Palestinian Authority and has modified its military posture. But this transformation has taken a different course from the one outlined in traditional conflict resolution models. Hamas and other Islamist groups continue to see themselves as resistance movements, but increasingly they see the prospect that their organizations may evolve into political currents that are focused on non-violent resistance.Standard conflict resolution models rely heavily on Western experience in conflict resolution and often ignore the differences of approach in the Islamic history of peace-making. Not surprisingly, the Hamas approach to political negotiation is different in style to that of the West. Također, as an Islamist movement that shares the wider optic of the impact of the West on their societies, Hamas has requirements of authenticity and legitimacy within its own constituency that bear on the importance attached to maintaining an armed capability. These factors, together with the overwhelming effect of long term conflict on a community’s psychology (an aspect that receives little attention in Western models that put preponderant weight on political analysis), suggests that the transformation process for Hamas has been very different from the transformation of arms movements in traditional analysis. U Dodatku, the harsh landscape of the Israeli – Palestinian conflict gives the Hamas experience its special characteristics.Hamas is in the midst of an important transformation, but the political currents within Israel, and within the region, make the outcome of this transformation unpredictable. Much will depend on the course of Western policy (its “Global War on Terror”) and how that policy effects revivalist Islamist groups such as Hamas, groups that are committed to elections, reform and good-governance.
Challenges to Democracy in the Arab and Muslim World
Alon Ben-Meir
President Bush’s notions that democratizing Iraq will have a ripple effect on the rest ofthe Arab world, bringing prosperity and peace to the region, and that democracy is the panaceafor Islamic terrorism are unsubstantiated as well as grossly misleading. Even a cursory review of the Arab political landscape indicates that the rise of democracy will not automatically translateinto the establishment of enduring liberal democracies or undermine terrorism in the region. Thesame conclusion may be generally made for the Muslim political landscape. Zapravo, given theopportunity to compete freely and fairly in elections, Islamic extremist organizations will mostlikely emerge triumphant. In the recent elections in Lebanon and Egypt, Hezbollah and the Muslim Brotherhood respectively, won substantial gains, and in Palestine Hamas won thenational Parliamentary elections handedly. That they did so is both a vivid example of the today’spolitical realities and an indicator of future trends. And if current sentiments in the Arab statesoffer a guide, any government formed by elected Islamist political parties will be more antagonistic to the West than the authoritarian regimes still in power. U Dodatku, there are noindications that democracy is a prerequisite to defeating terrorism or any empirical data tosupport the claim of linkage between existing authoritarian regimes and terrorism.
Teroristički i ekstremistički pokreti na Bliskom istoku
Terorizam i asimetrično ratovanje tek su nova obilježja bliskoistočne vojne ravnoteže, a islamski ekstremizam jedva da je jedini izvor ekstremističkog nasilja. Postoje mnoge ozbiljne etničke i sektaške razlike na Bliskom istoku, a oni su dugo dovodili do sporadičnog nasilja unutar pojedinih država, a ponekad i do velikih građanskih sukoba. Primjeri su građanski ratovi u Jemenu i Dhofar pobuna u Omanu, kao i duga povijest građanskog rata u Libanonu i sirijsko nasilno potiskivanje islamskih političkih skupina koje su se protivile režimu Hafeza al-Asada. Rastuća moć Palestinske oslobodilačke organizacije (PLO) doveli su do građanskog rata u Jordanu u rujnu 1970. Iranska revolucija u 1979 bila je praćena ozbiljnim političkim borbama, i pokušaj izvoza teokratske revolucije koja je pomogla pokrenuti Iransko-irački rat. I Bahrein i Saudijska Arabija imali su građanske sukobe između svojih sunitskih vladajućih elita i neprijateljski raspoloženih šijita, a ti su sukobi doveli do značajnog nasilja u slučaju Saudijske Arabije., međutim, ima dugu povijest nasilnog islamskog ekstremizma u regiji, ponekad potaknuti od strane režima koji su kasnije postali meta samih islamista koje su u početku podržavali. Sadat je pokušao upotrijebiti islamske pokrete kao proturječnost svojoj sekularnoj opoziciji u Egiptu samo da bi ga jedan takav pokret ubio nakon mirovnog sporazuma s Izraelom. Izrael je nakon toga smatrao sigurnim sponzorirati islamske pokrete 1967 kao kontra PLO-u, samo da bismo vidjeli brzu pojavu nasilnih anti-izraelskih skupina. Sjeverni i Južni Jemen bili su poprišta državnih udara i građanskih ratova od ranih 1960-ih, i to je bio građanski rat u Južnom Jemenu koji je na kraju doveo do pada njegovog režima i njegovog spajanja sa Sjevernim Jemenom 1990. Pad šaha doveo je do islamističkog preuzimanja vlasti u Iranu, i otpor sovjetskoj invaziji na Afganistan pokrenuli su islamističku reakciju koja još uvijek utječe na Bliski istok i cijeli islamski svijet. Saudijska Arabija morala se suočiti s pobunom u Velikoj džamiji u Meki godine 1979. Vjerski karakter ovog ustanka dijelio je mnoge elemente pokreta koji su se pojavili nakon sovjetskog povlačenja iz Afganistana i Zaljevskog rata 1991. godine. Alžirski napori da uguši pobjedu islamskih političkih stranaka na demokratskim izborima u 1992 uslijedio je građanski rat koji od tada traje. Egipat je 1990-ih vodio dugu i uglavnom uspješnu bitku s vlastitim islamskim ekstremistima, ali Egipat je uspio samo potisnuti takve pokrete umjesto da ih iskorijeni. U ostatku arapskog svijeta, građanski ratovi na Kosovu iu Bosni pomogli su stvaranju novih islamskih ekstremističkih kadrova. Saudijska Arabija pretrpjela je dva velika teroristička napada prije 2001. Ovi napadi pogodili su centar za obuku Nacionalne garde i vojarnu USAF-a u Al Khobaru, a čini se da je barem jedan bio rezultat islamskih ekstremista. Maroko, Libija, Tunis, Jordan, Bahrein, Katar, Oman, i Jemen su vidjeli kako tvrdokorni islamistički pokreti postaju ozbiljna nacionalna prijetnja. Iako nisu izravno dio regije, Sudan je vodio 15 godina dug građanski rat koji je vjerojatno koštao više od dva milijuna života, a ovaj rat su podržali tvrdokorni islamistički elementi na arapskom sjeveru. Somalija je od tada također poprište građanskog rata 1991 koji je omogućio djelovanje islamističkih ćelija u toj zemlji.