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Yayasan Cordoba

Abdullah Faliq

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Terlepas dari itu menjadi perdebatan abadi dan kompleks, Arches Quarterly memeriksa kembali dari dasar teologis dan praktis, perdebatan penting tentang hubungan dan kompatibilitas antara Islam dan Demokrasi, seperti yang digemakan dalam agenda harapan dan perubahan Barack Obama. Sementara banyak yang merayakan naiknya Obama ke Oval Office sebagai katarsis nasional untuk AS, yang lain tetap kurang optimis terhadap perubahan ideologi dan pendekatan di arena internasional. Sementara sebagian besar ketegangan dan ketidakpercayaan antara dunia Muslim dan AS dapat dikaitkan dengan pendekatan mempromosikan demokrasi, biasanya mendukung kediktatoran dan rezim boneka yang memberikan lip service pada nilai-nilai demokrasi dan hak asasi manusia, gempa susulan 9/11 telah benar-benar memperkuat keraguan lebih jauh melalui posisi Amerika tentang Islam politik. Itu telah menciptakan dinding negatif seperti yang ditemukan oleh, yg mana 67% orang Mesir percaya bahwa secara global Amerika memainkan peran "terutama negatif".
Tanggapan Amerika dengan demikian telah tepat. Dengan memilih Obama, banyak di seluruh dunia menggantungkan harapan mereka untuk mengembangkan perang yang tidak terlalu agresif, tetapi kebijakan luar negeri yang lebih adil terhadap dunia Muslim. Ujian bagi Obama, saat kita berdiskusi, adalah bagaimana Amerika dan sekutunya mempromosikan demokrasi. Apakah itu memfasilitasi atau memaksakan?
Lagi pula, dapatkah itu menjadi broker yang jujur ​​di zona konflik yang berkepanjangan?? Mendaftar keahlian dan wawasan produktif
c ulama, akademisi, jurnalis dan politisi kawakan, Arches Quarterly mengungkap hubungan antara Islam dan Demokrasi dan peran Amerika – serta perubahan yang dibawa oleh Obama, dalam mencari kesamaan. Anas Altikriti, CEO Yayasan Th e Cordoba memberikan langkah awal untuk diskusi ini, di mana dia merefleksikan harapan dan tantangan yang ada di jalan Obama. Mengikuti Altikriti, mantan penasihat Presiden Nixon, Dr Robert Crane menawarkan analisis menyeluruh tentang prinsip Islam tentang hak atas kebebasan. Anwar Ibrahim, mantan Wakil Perdana Menteri Malaysia, memperkaya diskusi dengan realitas praktis penerapan demokrasi di masyarakat yang mayoritas Muslim, yaitu, di Indonesia dan Malaysia.
Kami juga memiliki Dr Shireen Hunter, dari Universitas Georgetown, AS, yang mengeksplorasi negara-negara Muslim yang tertinggal dalam demokratisasi dan modernisasi. Hal ini dilengkapi oleh penulis terorisme, Penjelasan Dr Nafeez Ahmed tentang krisis postmodernitas dan
matinya demokrasi. dr. daud abdullah (Direktur Pemantau Media Timur Tengah), Alan Hart (mantan koresponden ITN dan BBC Panorama; penulis Zionisme: Musuh Sejati Orang Yahudi) dan Asem Sondos (Editor mingguan Sawt Al Omma Mesir) berkonsentrasi pada Obama dan perannya dalam mempromosikan demokrasi di dunia Muslim, serta hubungan AS dengan Israel dan Ikhwanul Muslimin.
Menteri Luar Negeri, Maladewa, Ahmed Shaheed berspekulasi tentang masa depan Islam dan Demokrasi; Cllr. Gerry Maclochlainn
– seorang anggota Sinn Féin yang menjalani empat tahun penjara karena kegiatan Republik Irlandia dan juru kampanye untuk Guildford 4 dan Birmingham 6, merefleksikan perjalanannya baru-baru ini ke Gaza di mana dia menyaksikan dampak kebrutalan dan ketidakadilan yang dijatuhkan terhadap warga Palestina; Dr Marie Breen-Smyth, Direktur Pusat Kajian Radikalisasi dan Kekerasan Politik Kontemporer membahas tantangan mengkaji secara kritis teror politik; Dr Khalid al-Mubarak, penulis dan dramawan, membahas prospek perdamaian di Darfur; dan akhirnya jurnalis dan aktivis hak asasi manusia Ashur Shamis melihat secara kritis demokratisasi dan politisasi umat Islam saat ini.
Kami berharap semua ini menjadi bacaan yang komprehensif dan sumber refleksi tentang isu-isu yang mempengaruhi kita semua dalam fajar harapan baru..
Terima kasih

Budaya Politik Islam, Demokrasi, dan Hak Asasi Manusia

Daniel E. Harga

Telah berpendapat bahwa Islam memfasilitasi otoriterisme, bertentangan dengan nilai-nilai masyarakat Barat, dan signifikan mempengaruhi hasil politik penting di negara-negara Muslim. Karenanya, sarjana, komentator, dan pejabat pemerintah sering menunjuk ke''''fundamentalisme Islam sebagai ancaman ideologis di samping demokrasi liberal. This view, Namun, is based primarily on the analysis of texts, Islamic political theory, and ad hoc studies of individual countries, which do not consider other factors. It is my contention that the texts and traditions of Islam, like those of other religions, can be used to support a variety of political systems and policies. Country specific and descriptive studies do not help us to find patterns that will help us explain the varying relationships between Islam and politics across the countries of the Muslim world. Karenanya, a new approach to the study of the
connection between Islam and politics is called for.
I suggest, through rigorous evaluation of the relationship between Islam, demokrasi, and human rights at the cross-national level, that too much emphasis is being placed on the power of Islam as a political force. I first use comparative case studies, which focus on factors relating to the interplay between Islamic groups and regimes, economic influences, ethnic cleavages, and societal development, to explain the variance in the influence of Islam on politics across eight nations. I argue that much of the power
attributed to Islam as the driving force behind policies and political systems in Muslim nations can be better explained by the previously mentioned factors. I also find, contrary to common belief, that the increasing strength of Islamic political groups has often been associated with modest pluralization of political systems.
I have constructed an index of Islamic political culture, based on the extent to which Islamic law is utilized and whether and, jika begitu, how,Western ideas, institutions, and technologies are implemented, to test the nature of the relationship between Islam and democracy and Islam and human rights. This indicator is used in statistical analysis, which includes a sample of twenty-three predominantly Muslim countries and a control group of twenty-three non-Muslim developing nations. In addition to comparing
Islamic nations to non-Islamic developing nations, statistical analysis allows me to control for the influence of other variables that have been found to affect levels of democracy and the protection of individual rights. The result should be a more realistic and accurate picture of the influence of Islam on politics and policies.


Sherifa Zuhur

Tujuh tahun setelah September 11, 2001 (9/11) serangan, banyak ahli percaya bahwa al-Qa'ida telah mendapatkan kembali kekuatannya dan bahwa para peniru atau afiliasinya lebih mematikan daripada sebelumnya. Perkiraan Intelijen Nasional dari 2007 menegaskan bahwa al-Qa'ida sekarang lebih berbahaya daripada sebelumnya 9/11.1 Emulator Al-Qaeda terus mengancam Barat, Timur Tengah, dan negara-negara Eropa, seperti dalam plot yang digagalkan pada bulan September 2007 di Jerman. Bruce Riedel menyatakan: Sebagian besar berkat keinginan Washington untuk pergi ke Irak daripada memburu para pemimpin al Qaeda, organisasi sekarang memiliki basis operasi yang kuat di tanah tandus Pakistan dan waralaba yang efektif di Irak barat. Jangkauannya telah menyebar ke seluruh dunia Muslim dan di Eropa . . . Osama bin Laden telah melakukan kampanye propaganda yang sukses. . . . Idenya sekarang menarik lebih banyak pengikut dari sebelumnya.
Memang benar bahwa berbagai organisasi salafi-jihadis masih bermunculan di seluruh dunia Islam. Mengapa tanggapan dengan sumber daya yang besar terhadap terorisme Islam yang kami sebut jihad global tidak terbukti sangat efektif??
Pindah ke alat "kekuatan lunak",” bagaimana dengan keberhasilan upaya Barat untuk mendukung umat Islam dalam Perang Global Melawan Teror? (GWOT)? Mengapa Amerika Serikat memenangkan begitu sedikit "hati dan pikiran" di dunia Islam yang lebih luas?? Mengapa pesan strategis Amerika tentang masalah ini bermain sangat buruk di kawasan?? Mengapa, terlepas dari ketidaksetujuan Muslim yang luas terhadap ekstremisme seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam survei dan pernyataan resmi oleh para pemimpin Muslim utama, memiliki dukungan untuk bin Ladin sebenarnya meningkat di Yordania dan di Pakistan?
Monograf ini tidak akan meninjau kembali asal-usul kekerasan Islamis. Alih-alih, ini berkaitan dengan jenis kegagalan konseptual yang secara keliru membangun GWOT dan yang membuat umat Islam enggan mendukungnya. Mereka tidak dapat mengidentifikasi dengan tindakan penanggulangan transformatif yang diusulkan karena mereka melihat beberapa keyakinan dan institusi inti mereka sebagai target dalam
usaha ini.
Beberapa tren yang sangat bermasalah mengacaukan konseptualisasi Amerika tentang GWOT dan pesan strategis yang dibuat untuk melawan Perang itu. Ini berevolusi dari (1) pendekatan politik pasca-kolonial terhadap Muslim dan negara-negara mayoritas Muslim yang sangat bervariasi dan karenanya menghasilkan kesan dan efek yang saling bertentangan dan membingungkan; dan (2) sisa ketidaktahuan umum dan prasangka terhadap Islam dan budaya subregional. Tambahkan ke kemarahan Amerika ini, takut, dan kecemasan tentang peristiwa mematikan 9/11, dan elemen tertentu yang, terlepas dari desakan kepala yang lebih dingin, meminta pertanggungjawaban umat Islam dan agama mereka atas perbuatan buruk para pemeluk agama mereka, atau yang merasa berguna untuk melakukannya karena alasan politik.



The Society of Muslim Brothers’ success in the November-December 2005 elections for the People’s Assembly sent shockwaves through Egypt’s political system. menanggapi, the regime cracked down on the movement, harassed other potential rivals and reversed its fledging reform process. This is dangerously short-sighted. There is reason to be concerned about the Muslim Brothers’ political program, and they owe the people genuine clarifications about several of its aspects. But the ruling National Democratic
Party’s (NDP) refusal to loosen its grip risks exacerbating tensions at a time of both political uncertainty surrounding the presidential succession and serious socio-economic unrest. Though this likely will be a prolonged, gradual process, rezim harus mengambil langkah awal untuk menormalkan partisipasi Ikhwanul Muslimin dalam kehidupan politik. Saudara Muslim, yang aktivitas sosialnya telah lama ditoleransi tetapi perannya dalam politik formal sangat terbatas, memenangkan yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya 20 persen kursi parlemen di 2005 pemilihan. Mereka melakukannya meskipun bersaing hanya untuk sepertiga dari kursi yang tersedia dan meskipun ada banyak rintangan, termasuk represi polisi dan kecurangan pemilu. Keberhasilan ini menegaskan posisi mereka sebagai kekuatan politik yang sangat terorganisir dengan baik dan mengakar. Pada waktu bersamaan, itu menggarisbawahi kelemahan oposisi hukum dan partai yang berkuasa. Rezim mungkin telah bertaruh bahwa sedikit peningkatan dalam perwakilan parlemen Ikhwanul Muslimin dapat digunakan untuk memicu ketakutan akan pengambilalihan oleh kelompok Islam dan dengan demikian menjadi alasan untuk menghentikan reformasi.. Jika begitu, strateginya berisiko besar menjadi bumerang.

Islam dan Demokrasi: Teks, Tradisi, dan Sejarah

Ahrar Ahmad

Popular stereotypes in the West tend to posit a progressive, rational, and free West against a backward, berat, and threatening Islam. Public opinion polls conducted in the United States during the 1990s revealed a consistent pattern of Americans labeling Muslims as “religious fanatics” and considering Islam’s ethos as fundamentally “anti-democratic.”1 These characterizations
and misgivings have, for obvious reasons, significantly worsened since the tragedy of 9/11. Namun, these perceptions are not reflected merely in the popular consciousness or crude media representations. Respected scholars also have contributed to this climate of opinion by writing about the supposedly irreconcilable differences between Islam and the West, the famous “clash of civilizations” that is supposed to be imminent and inevitable, and about the seeming incompatibility between Islam and democracy. Misalnya, Professor Peter Rodman worries that “we are challenged from the outside by a militant atavistic force driven by hatred of all Western political thought harking back to age-old grievances against Christendom.” Dr. Daniel Pipes proclaims that the Muslims challenge the West more profoundly than the communists ever did, for “while the Communists disagree with our policies, the fundamentalist Muslims despise our whole way of life.” Professor Bernard Lewis warns darkly about “the historic reaction of an ancient rival against our Judeo–Christian heritage, our secular present, and the expansion of both.” Professor Amos Perlmutter asks: “Is Islam, fundamentalist or otherwise, compatible with human-rights oriented Western style representative democracy? The answer is an emphatic NO.” And Professor Samuel Huntington suggests with a flourish that “the problem is not Islamic fundamentalism, but Islam itself.” It would be intellectually lazy and simple-minded to dismiss their positions as based merely on spite or prejudice. Sebenarnya, if one ignores some rhetorical overkill, some of their charges, though awkward for Muslims, are relevant to a discussion of the relationship between Islam and democracy in the modern world. Misalnya, the position of women or sometimes non-Muslims in some Muslim countries is problematic in terms of the supposed legal equality of all people in a democracy. Demikian pula, the intolerance directed by some Muslims against writers (e.g., Salman Rushdie in the UK, Taslima Nasrin in Bangladesh, and Professor Nasr Abu Zaid in Egypt) ostensibly jeopardizes the principle of free speech, which is essential to a democracy.
It is also true that less than 10 of the more than 50 members of the Organization of the Islamic Conference have institutionalized democratic principles or processes as understood in the West, and that too, only tentatively. Akhirnya, the kind of internal stability and external peace that is almost a prerequisite for a democracy to function is vitiated by the turbulence of internal implosion or external aggression evident in many Muslim countries today (e.g., Somalia, Sudan, Indonesia, Pakistan, Irak, Afganistan, Aljazair, and Bosnia).


Haldun Gulalp

Political Islam has gained heightened visibility in recent decades in Turkey. Large numbers of female students have begun to demonstrate their commitment by wearing the banned Islamic headdress on university campuses, and influential pro-Islamist TV
channels have proliferated. This paper focuses on the Welfare (Refah) Party as the foremost institutional representative of political Islam in Turkey.
The Welfare Party’s brief tenure in power as the leading coalition partner from mid-1996 to mid-1997 was the culmination of a decade of steady growth that was aided by other Islamist organizations and institutions. These organizations and institutions
included newspapers and publishing houses that attracted Islamist writers, numerous Islamic foundations, an Islamist labor-union confederation, and an Islamist businessmen’s association. These institutions worked in tandem with, and in support of, Welfare as the undisputed leader and representative of political Islam in Turkey, even though they had their own particularistic goals and ideals, which often diverged from Welfare’s political projects. Focusing on the Welfare Party, then, allows for an analysis of the wider social base upon which the Islamist political movement rose in Turkey. Since Welfare’s ouster from power and its eventual closure, the Islamist movement has been in disarray. Makalah ini akan, karena itu, be confined to the Welfare Party period.
Welfare’s predecessor, the National Salvation Party, was active in the 1970s but was closed down by the military regime in 1980. Welfare was founded in 1983 and gained great popularity in the 1990s. Starting with a 4.4 percent vote in the municipal elections of 1984, the Welfare Party steadily increased its showing and multiplied its vote nearly five times in twelve years. It alarmed Turkey’s secular establishment first in the municipal elections of 1994, dengan 19 percent of all votes nationwide and the mayor’s seats in both Istanbul and Ankara, then in the general elections of 1995 when it won a plurality with 21.4 percent of the national vote. Namun, the Welfare Party was only briefly able to lead a coalition government in partnership with the right-wing True Path Party of Tansu C¸ iller.

A Kepulauan Muslim

Max L. Kotor

This book has been many years in the making, as the author explains in his Preface, though he wrote most of the actual text during his year as senior Research Fellow with the Center for Strategic Intelligence Research. The author was for many years Dean of the School of Intelligence Studies at the Joint Military Intelligence College. Even though it may appear that the book could have been written by any good historian or Southeast Asia regional specialist, this work is illuminated by the author’s more than three decades of service within the national Intelligence Community. His regional expertise often has been applied to special assessments for the Community. With a knowledge of Islam unparalleled among his peers and an unquenchable thirst for determining how the goals of this religion might play out in areas far from the focus of most policymakers’ current attention, the author has made the most of this opportunity to acquaint the Intelligence Community and a broader readership with a strategic appreciation of a region in the throes of reconciling secular and religious forces.
This publication has been approved for unrestricted distribution by the Office of Security Review, Department of Defense.

Demokrasi dalam Pemikiran Politik Islam

Azzam S. Tamimi

Democracy has preoccupied Arab political thinkers since the dawn of the modern Arab renaissance about two centuries ago. Since then, the concept of democracy has changed and developed under the influence of a variety of social and political developments.The discussion of democracy in Arab Islamic literature can be traced back to Rifa’a Tahtawi, bapak demokrasi Mesir menurut Lewis Awad,[3] yang tak lama setelah kembali ke Kairo dari Paris menerbitkan buku pertamanya, Takhlis Al-Ibriz Ila Talkhis Bariz, di 1834. Buku itu merangkum pengamatannya tentang tata krama dan kebiasaan orang Prancis modern,[4] dan memuji konsep demokrasi seperti yang dia lihat di Prancis dan saat dia menyaksikan pembelaan dan penegasannya melalui 1830 Revolusi melawan Raja Charles X.[5] Tahtawi mencoba menunjukkan bahwa konsep demokrasi yang ia jelaskan kepada para pembacanya sesuai dengan hukum Islam. Ia membandingkan pluralisme politik dengan bentuk-bentuk pluralisme ideologis dan yurisprudensi yang ada dalam pengalaman Islam:
Kebebasan beragama adalah kebebasan berkeyakinan, pendapat dan sekte, asalkan tidak bertentangan dengan asas-asas agama . . . The same would apply to the freedom of political practice and opinion by leading administrators, who endeavour to interpret and apply rules and provisions in accordance with the laws of their own countries. Kings and ministers are licensed in the realm of politics to pursue various routes that in the end serve one purpose: good administration and justice.[6] One important landmark in this regard was the contribution of Khairuddin At-Tunisi (1810- 99), leader of the 19th-century reform movement in Tunisia, siapa, di 1867, formulated a general plan for reform in a book entitled Aqwam Al-Masalik Fi Taqwim Al- Mamalik (The Straight Path to Reforming Governments). The main preoccupation of the book was in tackling the question of political reform in the Arab world. While appealing to politicians and scholars of his time to seek all possible means in order to improve the status of the
community and develop its civility, he warned the general Muslim public against shunning the experiences of other nations on the basis of the misconception that all the writings, inventions, experiences or attitudes of non-Muslims should be rejected or disregarded.
Khairuddin further called for an end to absolutist rule, which he blamed for the oppression of nations and the destruction of civilizations.

Budaya Politik Islam, Demokrasi, dan Hak Asasi Manusia

Daniel E. Harga

Telah berpendapat bahwa Islam memfasilitasi otoriterisme, contradicts the

values of Western societies, and significantly affects important political outcomes
in Muslim nations. Karenanya, sarjana, komentator, and government
officials frequently point to ‘‘Islamic fundamentalism’’ as the next
ideological threat to liberal democracies. This view, Namun, is based primarily
on the analysis of texts, Islamic political theory, and ad hoc studies
of individual countries, which do not consider other factors. It is my contention
that the texts and traditions of Islam, like those of other religions,
can be used to support a variety of political systems and policies. Country
specific and descriptive studies do not help us to find patterns that will help
us explain the varying relationships between Islam and politics across the
countries of the Muslim world. Karenanya, a new approach to the study of the
connection between Islam and politics is called for.
I suggest, through rigorous evaluation of the relationship between Islam,
demokrasi, and human rights at the cross-national level, that too much
emphasis is being placed on the power of Islam as a political force. I first
use comparative case studies, which focus on factors relating to the interplay
between Islamic groups and regimes, economic influences, ethnic cleavages,

and societal development, to explain the variance in the influence of

Islam on politics across eight nations.

Pihak Oposisi Islam dan Potensi Engagement Uni Eropa

Toby Archer

Heidi Huuhtanen

In light of the increasing importance of Islamist movements in the Muslim world and

the way that radicalisation has influenced global events since the turn of the century, dia

is important for the EU to evaluate its policies towards actors within what can be loosely

termed the ‘Islamic world’. It is particularly important to ask whether and how to engage

with the various Islamist groups.

This remains controversial even within the EU. Some feel that the Islamic values that

lie behind Islamist parties are simply incompatible with western ideals of democracy and

hak asasi manusia, while others see engagement as a realistic necessity due to the growing

domestic importance of Islamist parties and their increasing involvement in international

affairs. Another perspective is that democratisation in the Muslim world would increase

European security. The validity of these and other arguments over whether and how the

EU should engage can only be tested by studying the different Islamist movements and

their political circumstances, country by country.

Democratisation is a central theme of the EU’s common foreign policy actions, as laid

out in Article 11 of the Treaty on European Union. Many of the states considered in this

report are not democratic, or not fully democratic. In most of these countries, Islamis

parties and movements constitute a significant opposition to the prevailing regimes, dan

in some they form the largest opposition bloc. European democracies have long had to

deal with governing regimes that are authoritarian, but it is a new phenomenon to press

for democratic reform in states where the most likely beneficiaries might have, from the

EU’s point of view, different and sometimes problematic approaches to democracy and its

related values, such as minority and women’s rights and the rule of law. These charges are

often laid against Islamist movements, so it is important for European policy-makers to

have an accurate picture of the policies and philosophies of potential partners.

Experiences from different countries tends to suggest that the more freedom Islamist

parties are allowed, the more moderate they are in their actions and ideas. In many

cases Islamist parties and groups have long since shifted away from their original aim

of establishing an Islamic state governed by Islamic law, and have come to accept basic

democratic principles of electoral competition for power, the existence of other political

competitors, and political pluralism.

Politik Islam di Timur Tengah

Apakah Knudsen

This report provides an introduction to selected aspects of the phenomenon commonly

referred to as “political Islam”. Laporan ini memberikan penekanan khusus untuk Timur Tengah, di

particular the Levantine countries, and outlines two aspects of the Islamist movement that may

be considered polar opposites: demokrasi dan kekerasan politik. In the third section the report

reviews some of the main theories used to explain the Islamic resurgence in the Middle East

(Figure 1). In brief, the report shows that Islam need not be incompatible with democracy and

that there is a tendency to neglect the fact that many Middle Eastern countries have been

engaged in a brutal suppression of Islamist movements, causing them, some argue, to take up

arms against the state, and more rarely, foreign countries. The use of political violence is

widespread in the Middle East, but is neither illogical nor irrational. In many cases even

Islamist groups known for their use of violence have been transformed into peaceful political

parties successfully contesting municipal and national elections. Namun, the Islamist

revival in the Middle East remains in part unexplained despite a number of theories seeking to

account for its growth and popular appeal. In general, most theories hold that Islamism is a

reaction to relative deprivation, especially social inequality and political oppression. Alternative

theories seek the answer to the Islamist revival within the confines of religion itself and the

powerful, evocative potential of religious symbolism.

The conclusion argues in favour of moving beyond the “gloom and doom” approach that

portrays Islamism as an illegitimate political expression and a potential threat to the West (“Old

Islamism”), and of a more nuanced understanding of the current democratisation of the Islamist

movement that is now taking place throughout the Middle East (“New Islamism”). This

importance of understanding the ideological roots of the “New Islamism” is foregrounded

along with the need for thorough first-hand knowledge of Islamist movements and their

adherents. As social movements, its is argued that more emphasis needs to be placed on

understanding the ways in which they have been capable of harnessing the aspirations not only

of the poorer sections of society but also of the middle class.




Politik Islam adalah kekuatan politik yang paling aktif di Timur Tengah hari ini. masa depan adalah terkait erat dengan daerah. Jika Amerika Serikat dan Uni Eropa berkomitmen untuk mendukung reformasi politik di daerah, mereka akan perlu untuk merancang beton, koheren strategi untuk melibatkan kelompok-kelompok Islam. Belum, Amerika Serikat. secara umum telah bersedia untuk membuka dialog dengan gerakan-gerakan ini. Demikian pula, keterlibatan Uni Eropa dengan Islam telah pengecualian, tidak aturan. Dimana tingkat rendah ada kontak, mereka terutama melayani tujuan pengumpulan-informasi, tidak strategis tujuan. Amerika Serikat. dan Uni Eropa memiliki sejumlah program yang menangani pembangunan ekonomi dan politik di wilayah ini - di antara mereka di Timur Tengah Inisiatif Kemitraan (MEPI), Millennium Challenge Corporation (PKS), Uni untuk Mediterania, dan Kebijakan Lingkungan Eropa (EPP) - Namun mereka memiliki sedikit untuk mengatakan tentang bagaimana tantangan oposisi Islam politik pas dengan tujuan regional yang lebih luas. AS. dan Uni Eropa demokrasi bantuan dan program diarahkan hampir seluruhnya baik pemerintah otoriter sendiri atau kelompok-kelompok masyarakat sipil sekuler dengan dukungan minimal dalam masyarakat mereka sendiri.
Waktu yang matang untuk penilaian ulang kebijakan saat ini. Sejak serangan teroris September 11, 2001, mendukung demokrasi di Timur Tengah telah mengambil kepentingan yang lebih besar bagi para pembuat kebijakan Barat, yang melihat hubungan antara kurangnya demokrasi dan kekerasan politik. Perhatian yang lebih besar telah dikhususkan untuk memahami variasi dalam Islam politik. Pemerintah Amerika baru yang lebih terbuka untuk memperluas komunikasi dengan dunia Muslim. Sementara itu, sebagian besar organisasi Islam mainstream - termasuk Ikhwanul Muslimin di Mesir, Yordania Front Aksi Islam (IAF), Maroko Partai Keadilan dan Pembangunan (PJD), Gerakan Konstitusi Islam Kuwait, dan Yaman Islah Partai - telah semakin membuat dukungan bagi reformasi politik dan demokrasi komponen utama dalam platform politik mereka. Selain, banyak telah mengisyaratkan minat yang kuat dalam membuka dialog dengan AS. dan pemerintah Uni Eropa.
Masa depan hubungan antara negara-negara Barat dan Timur Tengah mungkin sebagian besar ditentukan oleh sejauh mana yang pertama melibatkan partai-partai Islam anti kekerasan dalam dialog yang luas tentang kepentingan bersama dan tujuan. Telah ada proliferasi baru-baru ini studi tentang keterlibatan dengan Islamis, tetapi sedikit alamat jelas apa yang mungkin memerlukan dalam praktek. Sebagai Nautré Zoe, mengunjungi rekan-rekan di Dewan Hubungan Luar Negeri Jerman, dikatakan, "Uni Eropa berpikir tentang keterlibatan tetapi tidak benar-benar tahu bagaimana." 1 Dalam harapan mengklarifikasi diskusi, kita membedakan antara tiga tingkat "keterlibatan,"Masing-masing dengan cara yang bervariasi dan berakhir: tingkat rendah kontak, dialog strategis, dan kemitraan.

Pihak Islam : partisipasi tanpa kekuasaan

Malika Zeghal

Over the last two decades, social and political movements grounding their ideologies in references to Islam have sought to become legal political parties in many countries of the Middle East and North Africa. Some of these Islamist movements have been authorized to take part lawfully in electoral competition. Among the best known is Turkey’s Justice and Development Party (AKP), which won a parliamentary majority in 2002 and has led the government ever since. Morocco’s own Party of Justice and Development (PJD) has been legal since the mid- 1990s and commands a significant bloc of seats in Parliament. Di Mesir, Ikhwanul Muslimin (MB) has never been authorized to form a political party, but in spite of state repression it has successfully run candidates as nominal independents in both national and local elections.
Sejak awal 1990-an, this trend has gone hand-in-hand with official policies of limited political liberalization. Together, the two trends have occasioned a debate about whether these movements are committed to “democracy.” A vast literature has sprung up to underline the paradoxes as well as the possible risks and benefits of including Islamist parties in the electoral process. The main paradigm found in this body of writing focuses on the consequences that might ensue when Islamists use democratic instruments, and seeks to divine the “true” intentions that Islamists will manifest if they come to power.

Amerika Menyelesaikan islamis Dilema: Pelajaran dari Asia Selatan dan Tenggara

Shadi Hamid
AS. upaya untuk mempromosikan demokrasi di Timur Tengah telah lama lumpuh oleh "dilema Islam": dalam teori, kami ingin demokrasi, tapi, dalam praktek, takut bahwa partai-partai Islam akan menjadi penerima manfaat utama dari pembukaan politik. Manifestasi paling tragis dari ini adalah bencana Aljazair dari 1991 dan 1992, ketika Amerika Serikat berdiri diam sementara militer sekuler yang kukuh membatalkan pemilihan setelah sebuah partai Islam memenangkan mayoritas parlemen. Baru-baru ini, pemerintahan Bush mundur dari “agenda kebebasan” setelah para Islamis melakukannya dengan sangat baik dalam pemilihan umum di seluruh wilayah, termasuk di Mesir, Arab Saudi, dan wilayah Palestina.
Tetapi bahkan ketakutan kita terhadap partai-partai Islam—dan penolakan yang diakibatkannya untuk terlibat dengan mereka—sendiri tidak konsisten, berlaku untuk beberapa negara tetapi tidak untuk negara lain. Semakin bahwa suatu negara dipandang penting bagi kepentingan keamanan nasional Amerika, Amerika Serikat yang kurang bersedia menerima kelompok-kelompok Islamis yang memiliki peran politik yang menonjol di sana. Namun, in countries seen as less strategically relevant, and where less is at stake, the United States has occasionally taken a more nuanced approach. But it is precisely where more is at stake that recognizing a role for nonviolent Islamists is most important, dan, sini, American policy continues to fall short.
Throughout the region, the United States has actively supported autocratic regimes and given the green light for campaigns of repression against groups such as the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, the oldest and most influential political movement in the region. Di bulan Maret 2008, during what many observers consider to be the worst period of anti-Brotherhood repression since the 1960s, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice waived a $100 million congressionally mandated reduction of military aid to Egypt. The situation in Jordan is similar. The Bush administration and the Democratic congress have hailed the country as a “model” of Arab reform at precisely the same time that it has been devising new ways to manipulate the electoral process to limit Islamist representation, and just as it held elections plagued by widespread allegations of outright fraud
and rigging.1 This is not a coincidence. Egypt and Jordan are the only two Arab countries that have signed peace treaties with Israel. Lagi pula, they are seen as crucial to U.S. efforts to counter Iran, stabilize Iraq, and combat terrorism.


Nathan J. Cokelat, Amr Hamzawy,

Marina Ottaway

Selama dekade terakhir, gerakan Islam telah menetapkan diri sebagai pemain politik utama di Timur Tengah. Bersama dengan pemerintah, Gerakan Islamis, moderat serta radikal, akan menentukan bagaimana politik daerah terungkap di masa mendatang. Mereka telah menunjukkan kemampuan tidak hanya untuk membuat pesan dengan daya tarik populer yang tersebar luas tetapi juga, dan yang paling penting, untuk menciptakan organisasi dengan basis sosial asli dan mengembangkan strategi politik yang koheren. Pihak lain,
umumnya, gagal di semua akun.
Publik di Barat dan, khususnya, Amerika Serikat, baru menyadari pentingnya gerakan Islam setelah peristiwa dramatis, seperti revolusi di Iran dan pembunuhan Presiden Anwar al-Sadat di Mesir. Perhatian telah jauh lebih dipertahankan sejak serangan teroris September 11, 2001. Hasil dari, Gerakan Islam secara luas dianggap berbahaya dan bermusuhan. Sementara karakterisasi seperti itu akurat mengenai organisasi di ujung radikal spektrum Islam, yang berbahaya karena kesediaan mereka untuk menggunakan kekerasan tanpa pandang bulu dalam mengejar tujuan mereka, it is not an accurate characterization of the many groups that have renounced or avoided violence. Because terrorist organizations pose an immediate
threat, Namun, policy makers in all countries have paid disproportionate attention to the violent organizations.
It is the mainstream Islamist organizations, not the radical ones, that will have the greatest impact on the future political evolution of the Middle East. Th e radicals’ grandiose goals of re-establishing a caliphate uniting the entire Arab world, or even of imposing on individual Arab countries laws and social customs inspired by a fundamentalist interpretation of Islam are simply too far removed from today’s reality to be realized. Th is does not mean that terrorist groups are not dangerous—they could cause great loss of life even in the pursuit of impossible goals—but that they are unlikely to change the face of the Middle East. Mainstream Islamist organizations are generally a diff erent matter. Th ey already have had a powerful impact on social customs in many countries, halting and reversing secularist trends and changing the way many Arabs dress and behave. And their immediate political goal, to become a powerful force by participating in the normal politics of their country, is not an impossible one. It is already being realized in countries such as Morocco, Jordan, and even Egypt, which still bans all Islamist political organizations but now has eighty-eight Muslim Brothers in the Parliament. Politik, not violence, is what gives mainstream Islamists their infl uence.

Radikalisasi Islam


Issues relating to political Islam continue to present challenges to European foreign policies in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). As EU policy has sought to come to terms with such challenges during the last decade or so political Islam itself has evolved. Experts point to the growing complexity and variety of trends within political Islam. Some Islamist organisations have strengthened their commitment to democratic norms and engaged fully in peaceable, mainstream national politics. Others remain wedded to violent means. And still others have drifted towards a more quietist form of Islam, disengaged from political activity. Political Islam in the MENA region presents no uniform trend to European policymakers. Analytical debate has grown around the concept of ‘radicalisation’. This in turn has spawned research on the factors driving ‘de-radicalisation’, and conversely, ‘re-radicalisation’. Much of the complexity derives from the widely held view that all three of these phenomena are occurring at the same time. Even the terms themselves are contested. It has often been pointed out that the moderate–radical dichotomy fails fully to capture the nuances of trends within political Islam. Some analysts also complain that talk of ‘radicalism’ is ideologically loaded. At the level of terminology, we understand radicalisation to be associated with extremism, but views differ over the centrality of its religious–fundamentalist versus political content, and over whether the willingness to resort to violence is implied or not.

Such differences are reflected in the views held by the Islamists themselves, as well as in the perceptions of outsiders.