中的所有条目 "索马里" 类别
十月 6, 1981, 本来是在埃及庆祝的一天. 它标志着埃及在三项阿以冲突中取得最伟大胜利的周年纪念日, 在开国之日,该国的失败者军队冲过苏伊士运河 1973 赎罪日战争,使以色列军队退缩. 酷, 万里无云的早晨, 开罗体育馆里挤满了埃及家庭,他们前来参观是为了看准军事力量。, 总统安瓦尔·萨达特,战争的建筑师, 人和机器在他面前游行时满意地看着. 我在附近, 刚到的外国记者, 六架幻影喷气式飞机在杂技表演中高高呼啸,其中一辆军车直接停在了检阅台前, 用长长的红色画天空, 黄色, 紫色,和绿色的烟雾. 萨达特站了起来, 显然准备与另一支埃及军队交换礼炮. 他使自己成为四名从卡车上跳下来的伊斯兰刺客的理想目标。, 冲上领奖台, 随着子弹的杀手不断地向他们的致命之火喷洒架子, 我考虑了一下是跌倒在地,冒着被惊恐的观众踩死的危险,还是保持脚步并冒着流弹的风险. 本能告诉我要站稳脚跟, 我的新闻责任感促使我去寻找萨达特是活着还是死了.
伊斯兰教, 民主 & 美国:
阿卜杜拉·法利克 |
介绍 ,
Since the attacks of 9/11 Somalia has become the subject of renewed attention from the United States and Europe. As thearchetype of a failed state, the threat it poses has been equated to that which the US faced in Afghanistan and is seen as a fertile groundfor radical Islamic groups, in particular al-Qaeda. However Islam in Somalia has a distinct nature. An examination of its history leads to an understanding of the complex relationship between religion and Somaliclan-based society. A closer investigation of two of the most importantIslamist groups, al-Itihaad and the Council of Islamic Courts, will helpto comprehend this relationship within the context of contemporary Somalia. 最后, this article analyses the role of Islam in Somalia’s new economy by focusing on the example of the remittance and telecommunication company al-Barakaat that was linked to al-Qaeda by the US afterthe 9/11 terrorist attacks.THE DISTINCT NATURE OF ISLAM IN SOMALIA The history of Islam at the Horn of Africa stretches back 1400years. The faith reached the Horn of Africa from the Arabian Peninsula through trade and migration, mainly from Yemen and Oman.1By 1400AD, a large-scale conversion to Islam was taking place in Somalia, first spread by the Dir clan family, but followed by the restof the nation.2 In Somalia today, almost 100% of the population are Sunni Muslim, generally adhering to a Shafi’i version of the religion.As I.M. Lewis has pointed out, this was closely linked to thegenealogical myths of Somali clan identity and is characterized by the veneration of saints as well as ancestors of various Somali clans.Apolitical Sufism has traditionally dominated this faith.
这 500 最有影响力的穆斯林
您手中的出版物是我们希望成为年度系列的第一本,它为了解穆斯林世界的推动者和震动者提供了一个窗口. 我们努力突出穆斯林有影响力的人, 那是, 影响来自他们的伊斯兰教实践或来自他们是穆斯林这一事实的人. 我们认为这为穆斯林影响世界的不同方式提供了宝贵的见解, 并且还展示了当今穆斯林生活的多样性。影响是一个棘手的概念. 它的意思来源于拉丁词influensmeaning to flow-in, 指向一个古老的占星学观念,即看不见的力量 (喜欢月亮) 影响人类. 这份名单上的人物也有影响人类的能力. 这份名单上的每个人都以各种不同的方式影响着地球上许多人的生活. 这 50 最具影响力的人物简介. 他们的影响来自多种来源; 然而,它们是统一的,因为它们每个都影响着大量的人类。然后我们打破了 500 领导进入 15 类别——学术, 政治的,行政的, 血统, 传教士, 女装, 青年, 慈善事业, 发展,科学和技术, 艺术与文化, 媒体, 激进分子, 国际伊斯兰网络, 和今日问题——帮助您了解伊斯兰教和穆斯林影响当今世界的不同方式。两个综合列表显示了影响如何以不同方式发挥作用: 国际伊斯兰网络展示了穆斯林重要跨国网络的领导者, 和“今日问题”突出了由于当前影响人类的问题而具有重要意义的个人.
伊斯兰运动: 饱受战争蹂躏的索马里的伊斯兰温和派
阿卜杜拉曼·M. 阿卜杜拉希
The growth of Islamic movements has been attracting greaterinterest over the last three decades, in particular after the 9/11 attack on US targets and the subsequent declaration of the GlobalWar on Terrorism. Many factors have contributed to this growth; oneof the major causes has been the failure of the post-colonial statesin many Muslim countries and the attractiveness of the oppositionalIslamic approach as an alternative. These movements took various2courses to realize their agendas and formulated differentmethodologies and strategies because of the diverse conditions andenvironment in which they have grown and are operating2. Forinstance, some movements in dictatorial regimes or in Muslimcommunities under foreign occupation or those living as amarginalized minority may resort to violence as the only availablemeans of political expression. On the other hand, movements in thedemocratic environment usually participate in the democraticpolitical process and implement successful social programs3. In theSomali context, Somali students in the Arab World universities in1960s had been interacting with different Islamic groups, embracedsimilar ideas and gradually formed comparable movements. Inparticular, two main organizations have become more prominentsince the 1980s; namely the Muslim Brotherhood affiliated Islah(改革) Movement (1978) and the neo-Salafia associated al-Ittihad(Islamic Union) Movement (1980) and its successive offshoots .