Alle inskrywings in die "Somalië" Kategorie
Die Arabiese Môre
Oktober 6, 1981, was bedoel as 'n dag van viering in Egipte. Dit was die herdenking van Egipte se grootste oomblik van oorwinning in drie Arabies-Israelitiese konflikte, toe die land se onderhondleër oor die Suezkanaal in die openingsdae stoot 1973 Yom Kippur-oorlog en stuur Israelitiese troepe om terug te trek. Op 'n koelte, wolklose oggend, die Kaïro-stadion was propvol Egiptiese gesinne wat die militêre stut sy hardeware gaan sien het, President Anwar el-Sadat,die oorlog se argitek, met tevredenheid dopgehou terwyl mans en masjiene voor hom staan. Ek was naby, 'n nuut aangekome buitelandse korrespondent. Skielik, een van die weermagvragmotors het direk voor die beoordeelstalletjie gestop net toe ses Mirage-jets in 'n akrobatiese vertoning oorhoofs gebrul het, die lug skilder met lang rooi roetes, geel, pers,en groen rook. Sadat staan op, klaarblyklik voor te berei om hulde met nog 'n kontingent Egiptiese troepe te ruil. Hy het homself 'n perfekte teiken gemaak vir vier Islamitiese sluipmoordenaars wat uit die vragmotor gespring het, storm die podium af, en hy het sy lyf met koeëls toegeslaan. Soos die moordenaars voortgegaan het vir 'n ewigheid om die erf met hul dodelike vuur te spuit., Ek het 'n oomblik oorweeg of ek op die grond moet slaan en waag om deur die toeskouers van paniekbevange afgetrap te word of om aan die gang te wees en die risiko om 'n verdwaalde koeël te neem. Instink het my aangesê om op my voete te bly, en my gevoel van joernalistieke plig het my gedwing om uit te vind of Sadat lewend of dood was.
Abdullah Faliq
Inleiding ,
Georg-Sebastian Holzer
Since the attacks of 9/11 Somalia has become the subject of renewed attention from the United States and Europe. As thearchetype of a failed state, the threat it poses has been equated to that which the US faced in Afghanistan and is seen as a fertile groundfor radical Islamic groups, in particular al-Qaeda. However Islam in Somalia has a distinct nature. An examination of its history leads to an understanding of the complex relationship between religion and Somaliclan-based society. A closer investigation of two of the most importantIslamist groups, al-Itihaad and the Council of Islamic Courts, will helpto comprehend this relationship within the context of contemporary Somalia. uiteindelik, this article analyses the role of Islam in Somalia’s new economy by focusing on the example of the remittance and telecommunication company al-Barakaat that was linked to al-Qaeda by the US afterthe 9/11 terrorist attacks.THE DISTINCT NATURE OF ISLAM IN SOMALIA The history of Islam at the Horn of Africa stretches back 1400years. The faith reached the Horn of Africa from the Arabian Peninsula through trade and migration, mainly from Yemen and Oman.1By 1400AD, a large-scale conversion to Islam was taking place in Somalia, first spread by the Dir clan family, but followed by the restof the nation.2 In Somalia today, almost 100% of the population are Sunni Muslim, generally adhering to a Shafi’i version of the religion.As I.M. Lewis has pointed out, this was closely linked to thegenealogical myths of Somali clan identity and is characterized by the veneration of saints as well as ancestors of various Somali clans.Apolitical Sufism has traditionally dominated this faith.
Burgerlike samelewing en Demokratisering in die Arabiese wêreld
die 500 mees invloedryke Moslems
John Esposito
Ibrahim Kalin
Die publikasie wat jy in jou hande het, is die eerste van wat ons hoop jaarlikse reeks sal wees wat 'n venster bied in die beweegaars en skud van die Moslemwêreld. Ons het daarna gestreef om mense te beïnvloed wat invloedryk is as Moslems, dit is, mense wie se invloed afkomstig is van hul beoefening van Islam of uit die feit dat hulle Moslem is. Ons dink dat dit waardevolle insig gee in die verskillende maniere waarop Moslems die wêreld beïnvloed, and also shows the diversity of how peopleare living as Muslims today.Influence is a tricky concept. Its meaning derives from the Latin word influensmeaning to flow-in, wys op 'n ou astrologiese idee wat ongesiene kragte het (like themoon) beïnvloed die mensdom. The figures on this list have the ability to affect humanitytoo. In a variety of different ways each person on this list has influence over thelives of a large number of people on the earth. Die 50 most influential figuresare profiled. Hul invloed kom van 'n verskeidenheid bronne; however they areunified by the fact that they each affect huge swathes of humanity.We have then broken up the 500 leiers in 15 kategorieë-wetenskaplike, Politiese,administratiewe, geslag, predikers, Vroue, jeug, filantropie, Ontwikkeling,Wetenskap en tegnologie, Kuns en Kultuur, Media, radikale, International IslamicNetworks, and Issues of the Day—to help you understand the different kinds ofways Islam and Muslims impact the world today.Two composite lists show how influence works in different ways: InternationalIslamic Networks shows people who are at the head of important transnationalnetworks of Muslims, and Issues of the Day highlights individuals whoseimportance is due to current issues affecting humanity.
DIE ISLAH BEWEGING: Islamitiese matigheid in oorloggeteisterde Somalië
Abdurahman M.. Abdullahi
The growth of Islamic movements has been attracting greaterinterest over the last three decades, in particular after the 9/11 attack on US targets and the subsequent declaration of the GlobalWar on Terrorism. Many factors have contributed to this growth; oneof the major causes has been the failure of the post-colonial statesin many Muslim countries and the attractiveness of the oppositionalIslamic approach as an alternative. These movements took various2courses to realize their agendas and formulated differentmethodologies and strategies because of the diverse conditions andenvironment in which they have grown and are operating2. Forinstance, some movements in dictatorial regimes or in Muslimcommunities under foreign occupation or those living as amarginalized minority may resort to violence as the only availablemeans of political expression. Aan die ander kant, movements in thedemocratic environment usually participate in the democraticpolitical process and implement successful social programs3. In theSomali context, Somali students in the Arab World universities in1960s had been interacting with different Islamic groups, embracedsimilar ideas and gradually formed comparable movements. Inparticular, two main organizations have become more prominentsince the 1980s; namely the Muslim Brotherhood affiliated Islah(hervorming) Movement (1978) and the neo-Salafia associated al-Ittihad(Islamic Union) Movement (1980) and its successive offshoots .