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伊朗伊斯蘭革命勝利至今已三十多年, 然而還有一個 關於伊斯蘭共和國及其法律處理方式的問題和模棱兩可的數量 當代問題和現狀, 特別是在婦女和婦女權利方面. 這篇簡短的論文將闡明這些問題並研究女性在各個領域的當前地位, 將此與伊斯蘭革命之前的情況進行比較. 已使用可靠且經過驗證的數據 盡可能. 引言總結了一些理論和法律研究,提供了 為後續更實際的分析奠定基礎,並且是獲得數據的來源.
第一部分考慮伊朗伊斯蘭共和國領導人對婦女和 婦女權利, 然後全面審視伊斯蘭革命以來頒布的法律 關於婦女及其在社會中的地位. 第二部分考慮婦女的文化和 educational developments since the Revolution and compares these to the pre-revolutionary situation. 該 third section looks at women’s political, social and economic participation and considers both quantative and qualitative aspects of their employment. The fourth section then examines questions of the family, 該 relationship between women and the family, and the family’s role in limiting or increasing women’s rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran.



本文絕不是對美國憲法與古蘭經和麥地那盟約的詳盡比較. 相當, 它探討了這兩個文件之間的比較可能表明的各種見解. 因此, 所選擇的憲法主題是作者或早期草案的評論員認為伊斯蘭資源中的評估的主題。 4 本文應被視為未來研究的邀請,並進行更系統的比較. 除了從古蘭經和麥地那盟約文本的理性推斷, 我將藉鑑主要聖訓書籍中記錄的先知同伴的觀點. 類似地, 美利堅合眾國開國元勳對憲法的看法
聯邦黨人文件中闡明了問題。我們將從回顧麥地那公約開始, 然後評估序言中表達的憲法目標. 在那之後, 我們將在正文中探討各種適合本文提出的考試的主題. 特別是, 這些是根據權力分立的政府部門的作用, 選舉在確定下一任國家元首中的作用, 叛國罪的刑罰, 奴隸貿易和種族主義的存在, 共和政體, 修改憲法的規定, 宗教測試, 和權利法案. 最後, 我們考慮了麥迪遜關於如何將憲法視為避免 fitnah 的模型的論點.
麥地那盟約 穆斯林對其組織作為一個政治團體給予了極大的重視,這一點可以從他們的日曆既不是從先知的出生也不是從先知的死亡開始的事實中看出, 但從 2019 年第一個穆斯林政體在城邦麥地那建立起 622. 麥地那成立前, 阿拉伯人沒有國家可以“建立正義”, 投保國內
安寧, 提供共同防禦, 促進大眾福利, 並獲得自由的祝福 …”當時的風俗是,那些太弱而無法保護自己的人成為保護者的客戶 (瓦里). 穆罕默德, 自己是孤兒, 在叔叔阿布·塔利卜的保護下長大.
在他叔叔去世後 619, 穆罕默德收到了來自 Yathrib 不和的阿拉伯部落的邀請,在那裡治理. 曾經在 Yathrib, 他與所有居民簽訂了盟約, 他們是否接受了伊斯蘭教. 甚至居住在城市郊區的猶太人也訂閱了它.



過去的雙邊會談失敗 16 多年的經驗表明,中東和平協議永遠不可能靠各方自己達成. 以色列政府相信他們可以無視國際社會對其在約旦河西岸的非法殖民項目的譴責,因為他們可以指望美國反對國際制裁. 不受美國製定的參數框架的雙邊會談 (根據安全理事會決議, 奧斯陸協定, 阿拉伯和平倡議, “路線圖”和其他以前的巴以協議) 不能成功. 以色列政府認為,美國國會不會允許美國總統發布此類參數並要求其接受. 9月在華盛頓特區恢復雙邊會談有什麼希望 2 完全取決於奧巴馬總統證明這種信念是錯誤的, 以及他承諾的“過渡建議”是否, 如果談判陷入僵局, 是提交美式參數的委婉說法. 這樣的美國倡議必須為以色列在其 1967 年前邊界內的安全提供鐵定的保證, 但同時必須明確指出,如果以色列堅持不讓巴勒斯坦人在約旦河西岸和加沙建立一個可行的主權國家,這些保證是不可用的. 本文重點討論永久地位協議的另一個主要障礙: 缺乏有效的巴勒斯坦對話者. 解決哈馬斯的正當不滿——正如中央司令部最近的一份報告所指出的那樣, 哈馬斯有正當的不滿——可能導致其重返巴勒斯坦聯合政府,為以色列提供可靠的和平夥伴. 如果由於哈馬斯的拒絕主義而導致外展失敗, 該組織阻止其他巴勒斯坦政黨談判達成的合理協議的能力將受到嚴重阻礙. 如果奧巴馬政府不領導一項國際倡議來確定以巴協議的參數並積極促進巴勒斯坦政治和解, 歐洲必須這樣做, 並希望美國會效仿. 很遺憾, 沒有什麼靈丹妙藥可以保證“兩國和平安全共處”的目標。



AMERICA BEGINS A NEW MILLENNIUM AS ONE OF THE MOST RELIGIOUSLY diverse nations of all time. Nowhere else in the world do so many people—offered a choice free from government influence—identify with such a wide range of religious and spiritual communities. Nowhere else has the human search for meaning been so varied. In America today, there are communities and centers for worship representing all of the world’s religions.
The American landscape is dotted with churches, temples, synagogues, and mosques. Zen Buddhist zendos sit next to Pentecostal tabernacles. Hasidic Jews walk the streets with Hindu swamis. Most amazing of all, relatively little conflict has occurred among religions in America. This fact, combined with a high level of tolerance of each other’s beliefs and practices, has let America produce people of goodwill ready to try to resolve any tensions that might emerge. The Faith in America series celebrates America’s diverse religious heritage.
People of faith and ideals who longed for a better world have created a unique society where freedom of religious expression is a keynote of culture. The freedom that America offers to people of faith means that not only have ancient religions found a home
這裡, but that newer ways of expressing spirituality have also taken root. From huge churches in large cities to small spiritual communities in towns and villages, faith in America has never been stronger. The paths that different religions have taken through
American history is just one of the stories readers will find in this series. Like anything people create, religion is far from perfect. 然而, its contribution to the culture and its ability to help people are impressive, and these accomplishments will be found in all the books in the series. 同時, awareness and tolerance of the different paths our neighbors take to the spiritual life has become an increasingly important part of citizenship in America.
今天, more than ever, America as a whole puts its faith in freedom—the freedom to believe.



Last Thursday night, Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdoğan suddenly became the focus of all the news channels in the country. The reason was that he had stormed the diplomatic scene at a World Economic Forum panel in Davos by accusing Israeli President Shimon Peres forkilling people,” and reminding the biblical commandment, “Thou shall not kill.

This was not just breaking news to the media, but also music to the ears of millions of Turks who were deeply touched by the recent bloodshed that Israel caused in the Gaza Strip. Some of them even hit the streets in order to welcome Erdoğan, who had decided to come to Istanbul right away after the tense debate. Thousands of cars headed toward the Atatürk airport in the middle of the night in order to welcomethe conqueror of Davos.

’Turkey is proud of you’

I personally had a more mundane problem at that very moment. In order to catch my 5 a.m. flight, I had left home at a quite reasonable time, 2.30 a.m. But the traffic to the airport was completely locked because of the amazing number of cars destined toward it. So, after leaving the taxi at the start of the long river of vehicles, I had to walk on the highway for about two kilometers, my hands on my luggage and my eyes on the crowd. When Erdoğan finally stepped out of the terminal, while I just walking into it, thousands applauded him and started to chant, “Turkey is proud of you!”