RSSAllar Færslur í "New Sufi Movements" Flokkur


Cordoba Foundation

Abdullah Faliq

Intro ,

In spite of it being both a perennial and a complex debate, Arches Quarterly reexamines from theological and practical grounds, the important debate about the relationship and compatibility between Islam and Democracy, as echoed in Barack Obama’s agenda of hope and change. Whilst many celebrate Obama’s ascendancy to the Oval Office as a national catharsis for the US, others remain less optimistic of a shift in ideology and approach in the international arena. While much of the tension and distrust between the Muslim world and the USA can be attributed to the approach of promoting democracy, typically favoring dictatorships and puppet regimes that pay lip-service to democratic values and human rights, the aftershock of 9/11 has truly cemented the misgivings further through America’s position on political Islam. It has created a wall of negativity as found by, according to which 67% of Egyptians believe that globally America is playing a “mainly negative” role.
America’s response has thus been apt. By electing Obama, many around the world are pinning their hopes for developing a less belligerent, but fairer foreign policy towards the Muslim world. Th e test for Obama, as we discuss, is how America and her allies promote democracy. Will it be facilitating or imposing?
Ennfremur, can it importantly be an honest broker in prolonged zones of confl icts? Enlisting the expertise and insight of prolifi
c scholars, academics, seasoned journalists and politicians, Arches Quarterly brings to light the relationship between Islam and Democracy and the role of America – as well as the changes brought about by Obama, in seeking the common ground. Anas Altikriti, the CEO of Th e Cordoba Foundation provides the opening gambit to this discussion, where he refl ects on the hopes and challenges that rests on Obama’s path. Following Altikriti, the former advisor to President Nixon, Dr Robert Crane off ers a thorough analysis of the Islamic principle of the right to freedom. Anwar Ibrahim, former Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia, enriches the discussion with the practical realities of implementing democracy in Muslim dominant societies, nefnilega, in Indonesia and Malaysia.
We also have Dr Shireen Hunter, of Georgetown University, US, who explores Muslim countries lagging in democratisation and modernisation. Th is is complemented by terrorism writer, Dr Nafeez Ahmed’s explanation of the crisis of post-modernity and the
demise of democracy. Dr Daud Abdullah (Director of Middle East Media Monitor), Alan Hart (former ITN and BBC Panorama correspondent; author of Zionism: Th e Real Enemy of the Jews) and Asem Sondos (Editor of Egypt’s Sawt Al Omma weekly) concentrate on Obama and his role vis-à-vis democracy-promotion in the Muslim world, as well as US relations with Israel and the Muslim Brotherhood.
Minister of Foreign Aff airs, Maldives, Ahmed Shaheed speculates on the future of Islam and Democracy; Cllr. Gerry Maclochlainn
a Sinn Féin member who endured four years in prison for Irish Republican activities and a campaigner for the Guildford 4 and Birmingham 6, refl ects on his recent trip to Gaza where he witnessed the impact of the brutality and injustice meted out against Palestinians; Dr Marie Breen-Smyth, Director of the Centre for the Study of Radicalisation and Contemporary Political Violence discusses the challenges of critically researching political terror; Dr Khalid al-Mubarak, writer and playwright, discusses prospects of peace in Darfur; and fi nally journalist and human rights activist Ashur Shamis looks critically at the democratisation and politicisation of Muslims today.
We hope all this makes for a comprehensive reading and a source for refl ection on issues that aff ect us all in a new dawn of hope.
Thank you


Sherifa Zuhur

Seven years after the September 11, 2001 (9/11) árásir, many experts believe al-Qa’ida has regained strength and that its copycats or affiliates are more lethal than before. The National Intelligence Estimate of 2007 asserted that al-Qa’ida is more dangerous now than before 9/11.1 Al-Qa’ida’s emulators continue to threaten Western, Middle Eastern, and European nations, as in the plot foiled in September 2007 in Germany. Bruce Riedel states: Thanks largely to Washington’s eagerness to go into Iraq rather than hunting down al Qaeda’s leaders, the organization now has a solid base of operations in the badlands of Pakistan and an effective franchise in western Iraq. Its reach has spread throughout the Muslim world and in Europe . . . Osama bin Laden has mounted a successful propaganda campaign. . . . His ideas now attract more followers than ever.
It is true that various salafi-jihadist organizations are still emerging throughout the Islamic world. Why have heavily resourced responses to the Islamist terrorism that we are calling global jihad not proven extremely effective?
Moving to the tools of “soft power,” what about the efficacy of Western efforts to bolster Muslims in the Global War on Terror (GWOT)? Why has the United States won so few “hearts and minds” in the broader Islamic world? Why do American strategic messages on this issue play so badly in the region? Why, despite broad Muslim disapproval of extremism as shown in surveys and official utterances by key Muslim leaders, has support for bin Ladin actually increased in Jordan and in Pakistan?
This monograph will not revisit the origins of Islamist violence. It is instead concerned with a type of conceptual failure that wrongly constructs the GWOT and which discourages Muslims from supporting it. They are unable to identify with the proposed transformative countermeasures because they discern some of their core beliefs and institutions as targets in
this endeavor.
Several deeply problematic trends confound the American conceptualizations of the GWOT and the strategic messages crafted to fight that War. These evolve from (1) post-colonial political approaches to Muslims and Muslim majority nations that vary greatly and therefore produce conflicting and confusing impressions and effects; og (2) residual generalized ignorance of and prejudice toward Islam and subregional cultures. Add to this American anger, fear, and anxiety about the deadly events of 9/11, and certain elements that, despite the urgings of cooler heads, hold Muslims and their religion accountable for the misdeeds of their coreligionists, or who find it useful to do so for political reasons.


Haldun Gulalp

Political Islam has gained heightened visibility in recent decades in Turkey. Large numbers of female students have begun to demonstrate their commitment by wearing the banned Islamic headdress on university campuses, and influential pro-Islamist TV
channels have proliferated. This paper focuses on the Welfare (Refah) Party as the foremost institutional representative of political Islam in Turkey.
The Welfare Party’s brief tenure in power as the leading coalition partner from mid-1996 to mid-1997 was the culmination of a decade of steady growth that was aided by other Islamist organizations and institutions. These organizations and institutions
included newspapers and publishing houses that attracted Islamist writers, numerous Islamic foundations, an Islamist labor-union confederation, and an Islamist businessmen’s association. These institutions worked in tandem with, and in support of, Welfare as the undisputed leader and representative of political Islam in Turkey, even though they had their own particularistic goals and ideals, which often diverged from Welfare’s political projects. Focusing on the Welfare Party, then, allows for an analysis of the wider social base upon which the Islamist political movement rose in Turkey. Since Welfare’s ouster from power and its eventual closure, the Islamist movement has been in disarray. Þessari grein verður, therefore, be confined to the Welfare Party period.
Welfare’s predecessor, the National Salvation Party, was active in the 1970s but was closed down by the military regime in 1980. Welfare was founded in 1983 and gained great popularity in the 1990s. Starting with a 4.4 percent vote in the municipal elections of 1984, the Welfare Party steadily increased its showing and multiplied its vote nearly five times in twelve years. It alarmed Turkey’s secular establishment first in the municipal elections of 1994, with 19 percent of all votes nationwide and the mayor’s seats in both Istanbul and Ankara, then in the general elections of 1995 when it won a plurality with 21.4 percent of the national vote. Nevertheless, the Welfare Party was only briefly able to lead a coalition government in partnership with the right-wing True Path Party of Tansu C¸ iller.

Lýðræði í íslamskri pólitískri hugsun

Azzam S. Tamimi

Lýðræði hefur upptekið arabíska stjórnmálahugsendur frá upphafi nútíma arabískrar endurreisnar fyrir um tveimur öldum.. Síðan þá, lýðræðishugtakið hefur breyst og þróast undir áhrifum margvíslegrar félagslegrar og pólitískrar þróunar. Umfjöllun um lýðræði í arabísku íslömskum bókmenntum má rekja til Rifa'a Tahtawi, faðir egypsks lýðræðis samkvæmt Lewis Awad,[3] sem skömmu eftir heimkomuna til Kaíró frá París gaf út sína fyrstu bók, Takhlis Al-Ibriz Ila Talkhis Bariz, í 1834. Bókin tók saman athuganir hans á siðum og siðum nútíma Frakka,[4] og lofaði hugmyndina um lýðræði eins og hann sá það í Frakklandi og þegar hann varð vitni að vörn þess og áréttingu í gegnum 1830 Bylting gegn Karli X konungi.[5] Tahtawi reyndi að sýna fram á að lýðræðishugtakið sem hann var að útskýra fyrir lesendum sínum samrýmist lögum íslams.. Hann líkti pólitískum fjölhyggju við form hugmyndafræðilegrar og lögfræðilegrar fjölhyggju sem var til í íslamskri reynslu:
Trúfrelsi er trúfrelsi, skoðana og sértrúarsöfnuðar, að því gefnu að það stangist ekki á við grundvallaratriði trúarbragða . . . Sama ætti við um frelsi til stjórnmálastarfa og skoðana hjá leiðandi stjórnendum, sem leitast við að túlka og beita reglum og ákvæðum í samræmi við lög síns lands. Konungar og ráðherrar hafa leyfi á sviði stjórnmála til að fara ýmsar leiðir sem á endanum þjóna einum tilgangi: góða stjórnsýslu og réttlæti.[6] Eitt mikilvægt kennileiti í þessu sambandi var framlag Khairuddin At-Tunisi (1810- 99), leiðtogi umbótahreyfingar 19. aldar í Túnis, WHO, í 1867, mótaði almenna áætlun um umbætur í bók sem ber titilinn Aqwam Al-Masalik Fi Taqwim Al- skila (Bein leið til umbótastjórna). Aðaláhugamál bókarinnar var að takast á við spurninguna um pólitískar umbætur í arabaheiminum. Á meðan hann höfðaði til stjórnmálamanna og fræðimanna á sínum tíma að leita allra leiða til að bæta stöðu þjóðarinnar.
samfélag og þróa siðmennsku þess, hann varaði almennan múslimskan almenning við að forðast reynslu annarra þjóða á grundvelli þeirrar misskilnings að öll skrifin, uppfinningar, Reynsla eða viðhorf annarra en múslima ætti að hafna eða virða að vettugi.
Khairuddin hvatti ennfremur til að binda enda á alræðisvald, sem hann kenndi um kúgun þjóða og eyðileggingu siðmenningar.

Íslamsk stjórnmálamenning, Lýðræði, og mannréttindi

Daniel E. Verð

Því hefur verið haldið fram að íslam auðveldi forræðishyggju, stangast á við

gildi vestrænna samfélaga, og hefur veruleg áhrif á mikilvægar pólitískar niðurstöður

í múslimskum þjóðum. Þar af leiðandi, fræðimenn, álitsgjafar, og ríkisstjórn

embættismenn benda oft á „íslamska bókstafstrú“ sem næsta

hugmyndafræðileg ógn við frjálslynd lýðræðisríki. Þetta útsýni, þó, byggist fyrst og fremst á

um greiningu texta, Íslamsk stjórnmálakenning, og sértækar rannsóknir

einstakra landa, sem taka ekki tillit til annarra þátta. Það er mín röksemdafærsla

að textar og hefðir íslams, eins og annarra trúarbragða,

hægt að nota til að styðja við margvísleg stjórnmálakerfi og stefnur. Land

sérstakar og lýsandi rannsóknir hjálpa okkur ekki að finna mynstur sem munu hjálpa

við útskýrið mismunandi tengsl á milli íslams og stjórnmála um allt land

löndum múslimaheimsins. Þess vegna, ný nálgun við rannsókn á

tengsl milli íslams og stjórnmála eru kallaðar.
ég legg til, með ströngu mati á tengslum íslams,

lýðræði, og mannréttindi á þverþjóðlegum vettvangi, það of mikið

áhersla er lögð á mátt íslams sem stjórnmálaafls. Ég fyrst

nota samanburðarrannsóknir, sem einblína á þætti sem tengjast samspilinu

milli íslamskra hópa og stjórnvalda, efnahagsleg áhrif, þjóðernisbrot,

og samfélagsþróun, to explain the variance in the influence of

Islam on politics across eight nations.

Íslamsk stjórnmálamenning, Lýðræði, og mannréttindi

Daniel E. Verð

Því hefur verið haldið fram að íslam auðveldi forræðishyggju, stangast á við

gildi vestrænna samfélaga, og hefur veruleg áhrif á mikilvægar pólitískar niðurstöður
í múslimskum þjóðum. Þar af leiðandi, fræðimenn, álitsgjafar, og ríkisstjórn
embættismenn benda oft á „íslamska bókstafstrú“ sem næsta
hugmyndafræðileg ógn við frjálslynd lýðræðisríki. Þetta útsýni, þó, byggist fyrst og fremst á
um greiningu texta, Íslamsk stjórnmálakenning, og sértækar rannsóknir
einstakra landa, sem taka ekki tillit til annarra þátta. Það er mín röksemdafærsla
að textar og hefðir íslams, eins og annarra trúarbragða,
hægt að nota til að styðja við margvísleg stjórnmálakerfi og stefnur. Land
sérstakar og lýsandi rannsóknir hjálpa okkur ekki að finna mynstur sem munu hjálpa
við útskýrið mismunandi tengsl á milli íslams og stjórnmála um allt land
löndum múslimaheimsins. Þess vegna, ný nálgun við rannsókn á
tengsl milli íslams og stjórnmála eru kallaðar.
ég legg til, með ströngu mati á tengslum íslams,
lýðræði, og mannréttindi á þverþjóðlegum vettvangi, það of mikið
áhersla er lögð á mátt íslams sem stjórnmálaafls. Ég fyrst
nota samanburðarrannsóknir, sem einblína á þætti sem tengjast samspilinu
milli íslamskra hópa og stjórnvalda, efnahagsleg áhrif, þjóðernisbrot,

og samfélagsþróun, to explain the variance in the influence of

Islam on politics across eight nations.


Nathan J. Brúnn, Amr Hamzawy,

Marina Ottaway

During the last decade, Islamist movements have established themselves as major political players in the Middle East. Together with the governments, Islamist movements, moderate as well as radical, will determine how the politics of the region unfold in the foreseeable future. Th ey have shown the ability not only to craft messages with widespread popular appeal but also, and most importantly, to create organizations with genuine social bases and develop coherent political strategies. Other parties,
by and large, have failed on all accounts.
Th e public in the West and, sérstaklega, the United States, has only become aware of the importance of Islamist movements after dramatic events, such as the revolution in Iran and the assassination of President Anwar al-Sadat in Egypt. Attention has been far more sustained since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. As a result, Islamist movements are widely regarded as dangerous and hostile. While such a characterization is accurate regarding organizations at the radical end of the Islamist spectrum, which are dangerous because of their willingness to resort to indiscriminate violence in pursuing their goals, it is not an accurate characterization of the many groups that have renounced or avoided violence. Because terrorist organizations pose an immediate
threat, þó, policy makers in all countries have paid disproportionate attention to the violent organizations.
It is the mainstream Islamist organizations, not the radical ones, that will have the greatest impact on the future political evolution of the Middle East. Th e radicals’ grandiose goals of re-establishing a caliphate uniting the entire Arab world, or even of imposing on individual Arab countries laws and social customs inspired by a fundamentalist interpretation of Islam are simply too far removed from today’s reality to be realized. Th is does not mean that terrorist groups are not dangerous—they could cause great loss of life even in the pursuit of impossible goals—but that they are unlikely to change the face of the Middle East. Mainstream Islamist organizations are generally a diff erent matter. Th ey already have had a powerful impact on social customs in many countries, halting and reversing secularist trends and changing the way many Arabs dress and behave. And their immediate political goal, to become a powerful force by participating in the normal politics of their country, is not an impossible one. It is already being realized in countries such as Morocco, Jórdanía, and even Egypt, which still bans all Islamist political organizations but now has eighty-eight Muslim Brothers in the Parliament. Politics, not violence, is what gives mainstream Islamists their infl uence.



Issues relating to political Islam continue to present challenges to European foreign policies in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). As EU policy has sought to come to terms with such challenges during the last decade or so political Islam itself has evolved. Experts point to the growing complexity and variety of trends within political Islam. Some Islamist organisations have strengthened their commitment to democratic norms and engaged fully in peaceable, mainstream national politics. Others remain wedded to violent means. And still others have drifted towards a more quietist form of Islam, disengaged from political activity. Political Islam in the MENA region presents no uniform trend to European policymakers. Analytical debate has grown around the concept of ‘radicalisation’. This in turn has spawned research on the factors driving ‘de-radicalisation’, and conversely, ‘re-radicalisation’. Much of the complexity derives from the widely held view that all three of these phenomena are occurring at the same time. Even the terms themselves are contested. It has often been pointed out that the moderate–radical dichotomy fails fully to capture the nuances of trends within political Islam. Some analysts also complain that talk of ‘radicalism’ is ideologically loaded. At the level of terminology, we understand radicalisation to be associated with extremism, but views differ over the centrality of its religious–fundamentalist versus political content, and over whether the willingness to resort to violence is implied or not.

Such differences are reflected in the views held by the Islamists themselves, as well as in the perceptions of outsiders.


James Piscatori

For an idea whose time has supposedly come, ÒdemocracyÓ masks an astonishing

number of unanswered questions and, in the Muslim world, has generated

a remarkable amount of heat. Is it a culturally specific term, reflecting Western

European experiences over several centuries? Do non-Western societies possess

their own standards of participation and accountabilityÑand indeed their own

rhythms of developmentÑwhich command attention, if not respect? Does Islam,

with its emphasis on scriptural authority and the centrality of sacred law, allow

for flexible politics and participatory government?

The answers to these questions form part of a narrative and counter-narrative

that themselves are an integral part of a contested discourse. The larger story

concerns whether or not ÒIslamÓ constitutes a threat to the West, and the supplementary

story involves IslamÕs compatibility with democracy. The intellectual

baggage, to change the metaphor, is scarcely neutral. The discussion itself has

become acutely politicised, caught in the related controversies over Orientalism,

the exceptionalism of the Middle East in particular and the Muslim world in general,

and the modernism of religious ÒfundamentalistÓ movements.

Að vera múslimi

Fathi Yakan

All praises to Allah, and blessings and peace to His Messenger.This book is divided into two parts. The first part focuses on the characteristics that every single Muslim should portray in order to fulfill the conditions of being a Muslim in both belief and practice. Many people are Muslim by identity,because they were ”born Muslim” from Muslim parents. Theymay not know what Islam really means or its requirements, an dso may lead a very secular life. The purpose of this first partis to explain the responsibility of every Muslim to become aknowledgeable and true believer in Islam.The second part of this book discusses the responsibility to become an activist for Islam and participate in the Islamic Movement. It explains the nature of this movement and its goals, philosophy, strategy, and tactics, as well as the desirable characteristics of it members.The failure of various movements in the Islamic world, and especially in the Arab countries, result from a spiritual emptiness in these movements as well as in society generally. In sucha situation the principles and institutions of Islam are forgotten.The westernized leaders and movements collapse when they encounter serious challenges. These leaders and movements and the systems of government and economics they try to imposehave fallen because they lacked a solid base. They fell becausethey were artificial constructs copied from alien cultures anddid not represent the Muslim community. Therefore they wererejected by it. This situation is comparable to a kidney transplantin a human body. Although the body is able to tolerate it painfully for a short period of time, eventually the kidney willbe rejected and die.When the sickness of the Muslim Ummah became acute few Muslims thought of building a new society on Islamic principles.Instead many tried to import man made systems and principles, which looked good but really were grossly defectiveand so could be easily toppled and crushed.

the 500 áhrifamestu múslima

John Esposito

Ibrahim Kalin

Í riti sem þú hefur í höndum þínum er sú fyrsta sem við vonum að verða anannual röð sem veitir glugga í movers og shakers af Muslimworld. Við höfum strived að benda á fólk sem eru áhrifamiklar og múslima, thatis, fólk sem hafa áhrif er dregið úr starfi sínu á íslam eða frá factthat þeir eru múslimar. Við teljum að þetta gefi dýrmæta innsýn í mismunandi leiðir sem múslimar hafa áhrif á heiminn, og sýnir einnig fjölbreytileikann í því hvernig fólk lifir sem múslimar í dag. Áhrif er flókið hugtak. Merking þess kemur frá latneska orðinu áhrif sem þýðir að flæða inn, sem bendir á gamla stjörnuspeki sem óséður afl (eins og tunglið) hafa áhrif á mannkynið. Tölurnar á þessum lista hafa einnig getu til að hafa áhrif á mannkynið. Á margvíslegan hátt hefur hver einstaklingur á þessum lista áhrif á líf fjölda fólks á jörðinni. The 50 áhrifamestu persónurnar eru kynntar. Áhrif þeirra koma úr ýmsum áttum; þó sameinast þau af þeirri staðreynd að þau hafa hver um sig áhrif á gríðarstór hluta mannkyns. Við höfum þá brotið upp 500 leiðtogar inn í 15 flokkar — Fræðileg, Political,Administrative, Lineage, Preachers, Konur, Youth, Philanthropy, Development,Science and Technology, Arts and Culture, Media, Radicals, International IslamicNetworks, and Issues of the Day—to help you understand the different kinds ofways Islam and Muslims impact the world today.Two composite lists show how influence works in different ways: InternationalIslamic Networks shows people who are at the head of important transnationalnetworks of Muslims, and Issues of the Day highlights individuals whoseimportance is due to current issues affecting humanity.

Beyond Post-Islamism

Ihsan Yilmaz

Með aukinni alþjóðlegri áberandi í Tyrklandi og árangursríkt og internationallyrespected AK aðili stjórnvalda, athygli fræðimanna hefur beinst á tyrkneska Islamistexperience. Turkey had already been seen as an almost unique case as far Islam-state-secularismdemocracyrelations were concerned but the recent transformation of Turkish Islamism coupledwith the global turmoil in the post-9/11 world has made the Turkish case much more important.While Turkish Islamists’ recent transformation that has brought about their rise to the power hasbeen applauded at home and abroad, eru tiltölulega fáar rannsóknir sem greina theirtransformation með því að taka mið af einstakri reynslu af tyrknesku Íslamismans byrjar the18th & 19th centuries’ Ottoman secularization, Young Ottomans af 1860s og Ottomanconstitutionalism og lýðræði. Ennfremur, sumir virkari sem hafa áhrif á breytingu á íslamska staðla theTurkish Íslamistar 'ramma hafa ekki verið rannsakaðar í smáatriðum. Svona, þetta studyendeavors að greina helstu þætti á bak við nýlega fram þola staðla ramma ofthe AK aðili leiðtoga sem voru áður fyrr Íslamistar. Eftir að sýna að það eru góð historicalreasons stafar af Tyrkjasoldán reynslu af veraldarhyggju og lýðræði og þeim rökum byggt á abrief fræðilega umfjöllun um margbreytileika Islamisms, það heldur því fram að tyrkneska hasalways Íslamismans skar sig úr hinum Íslamista reynslu. Þess vegna, í þessari rannsókn, nákvæm evaluationof tyrkneska Íslamista reynslu byrjar Young Ottomans er ráðist. Þá, thispaper tilraunir til að sýna að líkamleg og discursive samskipti íslamska hópa hefur verið crucialfactor í umbreytingu tyrkneska Íslamismans's. Helstu forsendur þessarar greinar er að Gülenmovement hefur verið einn áhrifamesti þáttur sem hefur aðstoðað AK aðili leiðtoga til að þróa amore þola staðla ramma og að lokum jettison Íslamismans þeirra. Það er coursedifficult að koma frjálslegur tengsl milli tveggja félagslegum fyrirbærum en einn geta underscorecorrelations. Eins og the aðalæð tilgátu er að Gülen hreyfing hefur verið mest influentialfactor í staðla umbreytingu andlegu ramma fyrrum Íslamistar og theirreligio-pólitískt worldviews, þessari grein er kveðið á samanburðar umræðu greiningu betweenFethullah Gülen og hugmyndir Íslamistar 'á nokkrum málum sem hafa verið viðeigandi fyrir bæði Islamismand nýlega fram eftir Íslamismans. Til að greina þessar viðkomandi málefni (secularism, fjölhyggju,lýðræði, réttarríki, Þjóðernishyggja, ástand, Íslam, religiosity, Hins, landamæri og umræður),á pappír gefur stutta fræðilega umfjöllun um Íslamismans og eftir Íslamismans sem mun einnig helpthe lesandanum að öðlast skilning á grundvallaratriðum ágreiningur milli Íslamismans og Gülenian hugsun.

Íslamskt MODERNITIES: Fethullah Gulen og samtíma íslamska

Honorary CAKI

The Nurju movement1, að elstu meðallagi Íslamista hreyfing sem er sennilega einkennilegur til nútíma Tyrkland, var brotist inn í nokkra hópa þar sem Said Nursi, stofnandi the hreyfing, lést í 1960. Um þessar mundir, það eru fleiri en tíu hópa nurcu með mismunandi dagskrá og áætlanir. Þrátt fyrir allt eru öðruvísi, í dag Nurju hópa virðast til að viðurkenna sérstöðu hvers annars og reyna að halda a viss láréttur flötur af samstöðu. Theplace af Fethullah Gulen hópur innan Nurju hreyfing, þó, virðast til vera a hluti shaky.Fethullah Gulen (b.1938) split himself, að minnsta kosti í útliti, frá heildar Nurju hreyfingu í 1972 og tókst að koma á fót eigin hóp hans með sterk skipulagi í 1980 og í 90's. Vegna þess að þróun á víðtækri skóla net bæði í Tyrklandi og abroad2, hópur hans vakti athygli. Þessir skólar heillaðist ekki bara Íslamista kaupsýslumaður og miðstigi en einnig fjölda menntamanna secularist og stjórnmálamenn. Þó að það komu upphaflega út á almennan Nurju hreyfing, sumir trúa því að tala um fylgjendur þeirra Fethullah Gulen hópur er miklu stærri en heildarfjöldi the hvíla af the nurju hópa. Samt, það virðist vera nóg ástæða til þess að hugsa að það var verð að borga fyrir þessa velgengni: firringu frá öðrum Íslamista hópa sem og frá almennri Nurju för sem Fethullah Gulen group3 sig er ætlað að vera hluti.