Kõik kanded "Jordaania MB" Kategooria
Islam, Poliitiline islam ja Ameerika
Araabia Insight
Kas "vennaskond" Ameerikaga on võimalik?
khalil al-anani
Islamism revisited
Islam ja demokraatia
Islamic Political Culture, Demokraatia, and Human Rights
Daniel E. Hind
Islamic Political Culture, Demokraatia, and Human Rights
Daniel E. Hind
Political Islam in the Middle East
Kas Knudsen
STRATEEGIATE tegelemise poliitilise islami
Amanda Kadlec
Islamist parties : Three kinds of movements
Tamara Cofman
islami Pooled : A boon or a bane for democracy?
Amr Hamzawy
Nathan J. Pruun
Islamiliikumistega ning demokraatliku araabia maailmas: Avastades Gray tsoonid
Nathan J. Pruun, Amr Hamzawy,
Marina Ottaway
Issues relating to political Islam continue to present challenges to European foreign policies in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). As EU policy has sought to come to terms with such challenges during the last decade or so political Islam itself has evolved. Experts point to the growing complexity and variety of trends within political Islam. Some Islamist organisations have strengthened their commitment to democratic norms and engaged fully in peaceable, mainstream national politics. Others remain wedded to violent means. And still others have drifted towards a more quietist form of Islam, disengaged from political activity. Political Islam in the MENA region presents no uniform trend to European policymakers. Analytical debate has grown around the concept of ‘radicalisation’. This in turn has spawned research on the factors driving ‘de-radicalisation’, and conversely, ‘re-radicalisation’. Much of the complexity derives from the widely held view that all three of these phenomena are occurring at the same time. Even the terms themselves are contested. It has often been pointed out that the moderate–radical dichotomy fails fully to capture the nuances of trends within political Islam. Some analysts also complain that talk of ‘radicalism’ is ideologically loaded. At the level of terminology, we understand radicalisation to be associated with extremism, but views differ over the centrality of its religious–fundamentalist versus political content, and over whether the willingness to resort to violence is implied or not.
Such differences are reflected in the views held by the Islamists themselves, as well as in the perceptions of outsiders.
ISLAM, Islamistid, Ja valimisprotsessi põhimõte I N Lähis-Idas
James Piscatori
Politiseerunud islamiga ja Euroopa Välispoliitika
Since 2001 and the international events that ensued the nature of the relationship between the West and political Islam has become a definingissue for foreign policy. In recent years a considerable amount of research and analysis has been undertaken on the issue of political Islam. This has helped to correct some of the simplistic and alarmist assumptions previously held in the West about the nature of Islamist values and intentions. Parallel to this, the European Union (USA) has developed a number of policy initiatives primarily the European Neighbourhood Policy(ENP) that in principle commit to dialogue and deeper engagement all(non-violent) political actors and civil society organisations within Arab countries. Yet many analysts and policy-makers now complain of a certain a trophy in both conceptual debate and policy development. It has been established that political Islam is a changing landscape, deeply affected bya range of circumstances, but debate often seems to have stuck on the simplistic question of ‘are Islamists democratic?’ Many independent analysts have nevertheless advocated engagement with Islamists, but theactual rapprochement between Western governments and Islamist organisations remains limited .
Mõõdukate Moslemi Vennaskonna
Robert S. aspekt
Steven Brooke
Juhtkond Islami aktivism: Salafis, Muslim Brotherhood, ja Riigivõim Jordaania
Faisal Ghori
Mis viib Valijad vastulauset toetavad all Autoritaarsus ?
Michael DH. Robbins