Kõik kanded "Jemaah Islamiyah" Kategooria
Araabia homme
oktoober 6, 1981, oli mõeldud Egiptuses pidupäevaks. See tähistas aastapäeva Egiptuse suurimast võiduhetkest kolmes Araabia-Iisraeli konfliktis, kui riigi allajäänud armee tungis selle avapäevadel üle Suessi kanali 1973 Jom Kippuri sõda ja saatis Iisraeli väed taganema. Jahedal, pilvitu hommik, Kairo staadion oli pungil Egiptuse peredest, kes olid tulnud vaatama sõjaväelasi, jalas oma riistvara., president Anwar el-Sadat,sõja arhitekt, vaatas rahulolevalt, kuidas mehed ja masinad tema ees paradeerusid. Olin lähedal, äsja saabunud väliskorrespondent.Äkki, üks armee veoautodest peatus otse ülevaatuse stendi ees just siis, kui kuus Mirage'i lennukit möirgasid pea kohal akrobaatilises etenduses, taeva maalimine pikkade punaste jälgedega, kollane, lilla,ja rohelist suitsu. Sadat tõusis püsti, ilmselt valmistub tervitusi vahetama veel ühe Egiptuse vägede kontingendiga. Ta tegi endast täiusliku sihtmärgi neljale veoautolt hüpanud islami palgamõrvarile, tungis poodiumile, ja täitis ta keha kuulidega.Kui mõrvarid jätkasid terve igaviku, et pritsida püstiku oma surmava tulega., Mõtlesin hetke, kas lüüa vastu maad ja riskida, et paanikas pealtvaatajad tallavad end surnuks või jään jalgele ja riskin hulkuva kuuliga. Sisetunne käskis mul jalul püsida, ja minu ajakirjanduslik kohusetunne sundis mind minema uurima, kas Sadat on elus või surnud.
Islam, Poliitiline islam ja Ameerika
Araabia Insight
Kas "vennaskond" Ameerikaga on võimalik?
khalil al-anani
Islamistlikud opositsiooniparteid ja ELi kaasamise potentsiaal
Toby Archer
Heidi Huuhtanen
Sayyid Qutb: Islamirevolutsiooni Karl Marx
Leslie Evans
Miks ei ole Araabia demokraatiate ?
Larry Diamond
Keskuse nõudmine: Poliitiline islam üleminekuperioodil
John L. Edwards
1990. aastate poliitiline islam, mida mõned kutsuvad “Islami fundamentalism,” on endiselt suur kohalolek valitsuses ja opositsioonipoliitikas Põhja-Aafrikast Kagu-Aasiani. Poliitiline islam võimul ja poliitikas on tõstatanud palju probleeme ja küsimusi: “Kas islam on moderniseerimise vastane?,” “Kas islam ja demokraatia ei sobi kokku?,” “What are the implications of an Islamic government for pluralism, minority and women’s rights,” “How representative are Islamists,” “Are there Islamic moderates?,” “Should the West fear a transnational Islamic threat or clash of civilizations?” Contemporary Islamic Revivalism The landscape of the Muslim world today reveals the emergence of new Islamic republics (Iraan, Sudan, Afganistanis), the proliferation of Islamic movements that function as major political and social actors within existing systems, and the confrontational politics of radical violent extremists._ In contrast to the 1980s when political Islam was simply equated with revolutionary Iran or clandestine groups with names like Islamic jihad or the Army of God, the Muslim world in the 1990s is one in which Islamists have participated in the electoral process and are visible as prime ministers, cabinet officers, speakers of national assemblies, parliamentarians, and mayors in countries as diverse as Egypt, Sudan, Türgi, Iraan, Liibanon, Kuwait, Jeemen, Jordaania, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaisia, Indoneesia, and Israel/Palestine. At the dawn of the twenty-first century, political Islam continues to be a major force for order and disorder in global politics, one that participates in the political process but also in acts of terrorism, a challenge to the Muslim world and to the West. Understanding the nature of political Islam today, and in particular the issues and questions that have emerged from the experience of the recent past, remains critical for governments, policymakers, and students of international politics alike.
Moslemi institutsioonide ja poliitilise mobilisatsiooni
SARA Silvestri
Euroopas, ja enamik läänemaailma, Moslemite kohalolek publicsphere on hiljutine nähtus, mis iseloomustasid viimasel kümnendil 20thcentury ja on sügavalt algas 21.. This visiblepresence, which amounts to something between 15 ja 20 millionindividuals, can best be analysed if dissected into a number of components.The first part of this chapter illustrates where, when and why organisedMuslim voices and institutions have emerged in Europe, and which actorshave been involved. The second part is more schematic and analytical, inthat it seeks to identify from these dynamics the process through whichMuslims become political actors and how they relate to other, often incompeting political forces and priorities. It does so by observing theobjectives and the variety of strategies that Muslims have adopted in orderto articulate their concerns vis-à-vis different contexts and interlocutors.The conclusions offer an initial evaluation of the impact and of theconsequences of Muslim mobilisation and institution-formation forEuropean society and policy-making.
Islamic Movement: Poliitiline vabadus & Demokraatia
Dr.Yusuf al-Qaradawi
On tollimaks (Islami) Liikumine järgmise etapi tostand firma vastu totalitaarsete ja diktatuuri, poliitilise võimutsemine ja anastamine inimeste õiguste. Liikumine peaks alati seista poliitilise vabaduse, mida esindab tõsi,ei ole vale, demokraatia. Tuleb otsustavalt kuulutada see keeldumine tyrantsand juhtida selge kõigi diktaatorite, isegi kui mõned türann tundub havegood kavatsusi suunas juba mõnda saada ja aega, mis on tavaliselt lühike, nagu on näidanud experience.The Prohvet (Saed) ütles, "Kui sa näed oma rahva ohvriks hirm ja ei ütle, et vale-tegija, "Te eksite", thenyou võib kaotada lootust neid. "Niisiis, kuidas umbes korra, mis sunnib inimesi öelda ennasttäis kurjategija, "Kuidas just, kui suur sa oled. O meie kangelane, meie päästja ja meie vabastaja!"Koraan denonsseeri tyranneja nagu Numrudh, Vaarao, Haamanin ja teised, kuid see ka dispraises kes järgivad tyranneja andobey oma tellimused. See on põhjus, miks Jumal dispraises inimesed Noahby öelda, "Aga nad järgivad (m) mille rikkus ja childrengive neid ei suurene, vaid ainult kahju. " [Surat nuh; 21]Jumal ka ütleb Kuulutus, inimesed Hud, "Ja järgneb thecommand iga võimas, jonnakas üleastujaks ". [Surat Hud:59]Vt ka, mida Koraan räägib isikute vaarao, "Butthey järgneb käsu vaarao, and the command ofPharaoh was not rightly guided.[Surat Hud: 97] "Nii ta tegi lollid oma rahva, ja nad kuuletusid talle: tõeliselt need inimesed mässavad (Jumala eest).” [Surat Az-Zukhruf: 54]Lähemal ajalugu moslemi Rahvus ja IslamicMovement tänapäeval peaks näitama selgelt, et Islamicidea, Islamic Movement ja islami Awakening ole kunagi õitsenud või kandnud vilja kui õhkkonnas ofdemocracy ja vabadus, ja on närtsinud ja muutunud viljatu ainult aegadel rõhumise ja türannia et trod üle willof rahvaste mis kiskusid islam. Selline ängistav regimesimposed oma ilmalikkuse, sotsialism või kommunism nende rahvaste jõu ja sunni, kasutades varjatud piinamise ja publicexecutions, ja kus töötab nende kuratlik tööriistu, rebis liha,valatud veri, purustatud luude ja hävitatakse soul.We nägin neid tavasid paljudes islamiriikides, sealhulgas Türgiga, Egiptus, Süüria, Iraak, (endine) Lõuna-Jeemen, Somaliaand Põhja-Aafrika riikide lühemaks ajaks, sõltuvalt vanusest või valitsemisaeg diktaator igas country.On Teisest küljest, nägime Islamic Movement ja islami Awakening vilja kandma ja õitseda aegadel vabaduse ja demokraatia, ja pärast kokkuvarisemist Imperial režiimide et välistada rahvaste hirmu ja oppression.Therefore, Ma ei usu, et islami liikumine võiks toetada millegi muu kui poliitilise vabaduse ja democracy.The tyranneja lubatud iga hääl tuleb tõsta, va häälega ofIslam, ja lase iga trend väljenduda kujul politicalparty või organi mingisuguse, välja arvatud islami praeguse mis on theonly trend, et tegelikult räägib see rahvas ning väljendab ta tasandusprussidega, väärtused, olemus ja olemasolu.
Elu Demokraatia Egiptuses
Daniel Trööstija
Hosni Mubarek oli peaaegu valitud president Egiptuse septembris 2005. Mitte, et seitsekümmend seitse aastat vana ilmalik isevalitseja, kes on otsustanud, et nationfor viimase 24 aasta jooksul kaotatud valimisi; ametlik count, ta võttis peaaegu 85 percent of the vote.His nearest competitor, Ayman Nour, the upstart headof the fledgling opposition party al-Ghad (“Tomorrow”),managed less than 8 percent. The only other candidate to take any significant tally was the aged NomanGamaa of the venerable al-Wafd (“Delegation”)party, who managed less than 3 percent. The Ikhwanal-Muslimeen (“Muslim Brotherhood”), feared by somany Westerners for its purist Islamic social and politicalagenda, didn’t even field a candidate.Mubarek’s decisive victory would seem to be reassuringto most people—particularly secular Americans—worried for the future of the few Westernfriendly,moderate Arab regimes, threatened as theyare by the Islamicization of politics in the region. The Bush administration would also seem to have reasonto be pleased, given its recent change of heart aboutArab democracy. The missing chemical weapons in Iraq and subsequent justification of the war thereas precedent for democratization have inspired theWhite House to push for as many elections as possible in the region. In fact, when Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice spoke at the American University inCairo in June, she announced to some surprise that“for sixty years” the United States had been mistakenin “pursu[ing] stability at the expense of democracy”in the Middle East. For generations, USA. pundits weresure that the “Arab street” couldn’t be trusted with the vote, as they might hand over power to communistsor fundamentalist Islamists. Realpolitik dictated that autocrats and dictators, like Mubarek and Saddam Hussein, had to be coddled in order to maintain “stability”in the region. If they would then stage election sor dispense with them altogether, deny free speech,and let loose secret police to terrorize the population,the White House would likely turn a blind eye. But ifMubarek could now claim a true democratic mandate,that would be the best of all worlds.
Poliitika Üleminekud Araabia maailm
Dina Shehata
Aastal 2007 lõppes lühikese intervalliga poliitilise liberaliseerimise kohta araabia maailmas, mis algas vahetult pärast okupatsiooni Iraagis ja mis tulenes peamiselt välise surve Araabia režiimidest reform ja demokraatlikumaks. External pressures during the 2003-2006 period created a political opening which activists across the region used to press for longstanding demands for political and constitutional reform.Faced with a combination of growing external and internal pressures to reform, Arab regimes were forced to make some concessions to their challengers.In Egypt, upon the request of the President, Parliament passed a constitutional amendment to allowfor direct competitive presidential elections. In September2005, Egypt witnessed its first competitive presidential election ever and as expected Mubarak was elected for a fifth term with 87%of the vote. enamgi veel,during the November 2005 parliamentary elections,which were freer than previous elections, the Muslim Brotherhood, the largest opposition movement in Egypt, won 88 seats. This was the largest number of seats won by an opposition group in Egypt since the 1952 revolution.Similarly, in the January 2006 Palestinian parliamentary elections, Hamas won a majority of the seats.Hamas was thereby able to establish control over the Palestinian Legislative Council which had been dominated by Fatah since the establishment of the Palestinian Authority in 1996. In Lebanon, in the wake of the assassination of Rafiq Hariri on 14th February2005, a coalition of pro-Hariri political forces was ablet hrough broad-based mass mobilization and external support to force Syrian troops to pull out from Lebanon and the pro-Syrian Government to resign. Elections were held, and the 14th February coalition was able to win a plurality of the votes and to form a new government.In Morocco, King Mohamed VI oversaw the establishment of a truth and reconciliation committee which sought to address the grievances of those who had been abused under the reign of his father.The Gulf Cooperation Council countries (GCC) also under took some important reforms during the 2003-2006 period. sisse 2003 Qatar promulgated a written constitution for the first time in its history. In 2005,Saudi Arabia convened municipal elections for the firsttime in five decades. And in 2006, Bahrain held parliamentaryelections in which the Shiite society of AlWefaqwon 40%of the seats. Subsequently, the first Shiitedeputy prime minister in Bahrain was appointed.Theses events, which came to be known as ‘the Arab Spring,’ led some optimists to believe that the Arabworld was on the brink of a democratic transformation similar to those experienced in Latin American and Eastern and Central Europe during the 1980s and1990s. Kuid, aastal 2007, as political liberalization gave way to heightened polarization and to renewed repression,these hopes were dispelled. The failure ofthe openings of the 2003-2006 period to create a sustained momentum towards democratization can beat tributed to a number of factors. The deteriorating security situation in Iraq and the failure of the United States to create a stable and democratic regime dampened support for democracy promotion efforts within the American administration and reinforced the views ofthose who held that security and stability must come before democracy. enamgi veel, the electoral successes of Islamists in Egypt and in Palestine further dampened Western support for democracy promotion efforts in the region since the principals of thesemovements were perceived to be at odds with the interestsof theWest.
Radikaalne islam Egiptuses võrdlus kahest rühmast
Autor David Zeidan
Autor David Zeidan, Autor David Zeidan(Takfiri Wal-Hijra liige) Autor David Zeidan (Autor David Zeidan) Autor David Zeidan. Autor David Zeidan. Autor David Zeidan. Autor David Zeidan, Autor David Zeidan, Autor David Zeidan (Autor David Zeidan) Autor David Zeidan(Autor David Zeidan), Autor David Zeidan. Autor David Zeidan(Autor David Zeidan) Autor David Zeidan, aktiivse vastasseisu edasilükkamine riigiga määramata punktini tulevikus, mil see võib saavutada teatud tugevusastme. aktiivse vastasseisu edasilükkamine riigiga määramata punktini tulevikus, mil see võib saavutada teatud tugevusastme,aktiivse vastasseisu edasilükkamine riigiga määramata punktini tulevikus, mil see võib saavutada teatud tugevusastme (aktiivse vastasseisu edasilükkamine riigiga määramata punktini tulevikus, mil see võib saavutada teatud tugevusastme) aktiivse vastasseisu edasilükkamine riigiga määramata punktini tulevikus, mil see võib saavutada teatud tugevusastme, aktiivse vastasseisu edasilükkamine riigiga määramata punktini tulevikus, mil see võib saavutada teatud tugevusastme,aktiivse vastasseisu edasilükkamine riigiga määramata punktini tulevikus, mil see võib saavutada teatud tugevusastme, aktiivse vastasseisu edasilükkamine riigiga määramata punktini tulevikus, mil see võib saavutada teatud tugevusastme (aktiivse vastasseisu edasilükkamine riigiga määramata punktini tulevikus, mil see võib saavutada teatud tugevusastme), aktiivse vastasseisu edasilükkamine riigiga määramata punktini tulevikus, mil see võib saavutada teatud tugevusastme (aktiivse vastasseisu edasilükkamine riigiga määramata punktini tulevikus, mil see võib saavutada teatud tugevusastme).
W&M Progressive
Accepting the Responsibility of Electoral Choice
Demokraatlike institutsioonide arendamise kaasas negatiivsete välismõjude. Kuna poliitiline progresseeruv, Usun, et suur pilt - luua tugev demokraatlik - ületab võimalikud tõusevad erakonnad võivad advokaadi usulise või soolise sallimatus. I am a firm believer in the workings of the democratic process. While I have been studying in Egypt for the semester, I am reminded that despite the imperfections of the United States democratic system, it is still many times better than living under any authoritarian regime that outlaws political parties and posts military police at a variety of locations in an effort to exert control and maintain power.
In Egypt, the electoral process is not democratic. The National Political Party – the party of President Mubarak – exerts tremendous influence in the country. Its main opposition is the Muslim Brotherhood, which was created in 1928 by Hassan al-Banna. The Muslim Brotherhood is based on very strict interpretations of the Koran and the idea that secular governments are a direct violation of the teaching of the Koran. The party has a very violent past; it has been directly responsible for several assassination attempts and the assassination of the Egyptian leader Anwar-as-Sadat in 1981.
The Muslim Brotherhood is an illegal political party. Because the political party is religious, it is not allowed to participate in the public sphere under Egyptian law. Despite this technicality, the party has members in the Egyptian Parliament. Kuid, the parliamentarians cannot officially declare their affiliation with the Muslim Brotherhood but instead identify as Independents. Though the party remains illegal, it remains the most powerful opposition to the ruling National Democratic Party.
Kodanikuühiskonna ja demokraatia on Araabia maailm
the 500 most influential muslims
John Esposito
Ibrahim Kalin
Avaldamine on teie käed on esimene, mida loodetavasti anannual seeria, mis pakub akna movers ja Shakers kohta Muslimworld. Oleme püüdnud esile inimesi, kes on mõjukas nagu moslemid, thatis, inimesed, kelle mõju on saadud nende teguviis Islam või factthat nad on moslemid. We think that this gives valuable insight into the differentways that Muslims impact the world, and also shows the diversity of how peopleare living as Muslims today.Influence is a tricky concept. Its meaning derives from the Latin word influensmeaning to flow-in, pointing to an old astrological idea that unseen forces (like themoon) affect humanity. The figures on this list have the ability to affect humanitytoo. In a variety of different ways each person on this list has influence over thelives of a large number of people on the earth. The 50 most influential figuresare profiled. Their influence comes from a variety of sources; however they areunified by the fact that they each affect huge swathes of humanity.We have then broken up the 500 leaders into 15 categories—Scholarly, Political,Administrative, Lineage, Preachers, Naised, Youth, Philanthropy, Development,Science and Technology, Arts and Culture, Meedia, Radicals, International IslamicNetworks, and Issues of the Day—to help you understand the different kinds ofways Islam and Muslims impact the world today.Two composite lists show how influence works in different ways: InternationalIslamic Networks shows people who are at the head of important transnationalnetworks of Muslims, and Issues of the Day highlights individuals whoseimportance is due to current issues affecting humanity.
Reform moslemimaailma: Roll islamistid ja väliste jõudude
Shibley Telhami
The Bush Administration’s focus on spreading democracyin the Middle East has been much discussed over the past several years, mitte ainult Ameerika Statesand araabia ja moslemi riikide, vaid ka umbes theworld. In truth, neither the regional discourse about theneed for political and economic reform nor the Americantalk of spreading democracy is new. Over the pasttwo decades, particularly beginning with the end of theCold War, intellectuals and governments in the MiddleEast have spoken about reform. The American policyprior to the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990 also aimedto spread democracy in the Arab world. But in that case,the first Gulf War and the need to forge alliances withautocratic regimes were one reason talk of democracydeclined. The other reason was the discovery that politicalreform provided openings to Islamist political groupsthat seemed very much at odd with American objectives.The fear that Islamist groups supported democracy onlybased on the principle of “one man, one vote, one time,”as former Assistant Secretary of State Edward Djerejianonce put it, led the United States to backtrack. Evenearly in the Clinton Administration, Secretary of StateWarren Christopher initially focused on democracy inhis Middle East policy but quickly sidelined the issueas the administration moved to broker Palestinian-Israelinegotiation in the shadow of militant Islamist groups,especially Hamas.
Tulevikus islami pärast 9/11
Mansoor Moaddel
Ei ole üksmeelel ajaloolaste ja islami olemuse kohta theIslamic veendumuste süsteemi ja kogemusi ajalooliste islam, mil üks couldbase lõplik kohtuotsus seoses islami kokkusobivust modernsus. Sellest hoolimata,the availability of both historical and value survey data allow us to analyzethe future of Islam in light of the horrific event of 9/11. The key factor that woulddetermine the level of societal visibility necessary for predicting the future developmentof a culture is the nature and clarity of the ideological targets in relation towhich new cultural discourses are produced. Based on this premise, I shall try toilluminate the nature of such targets that are confronted by Muslim activists inIran, Egiptus, and Jordan.