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世俗主義和伊斯蘭主義之間的女權主義: 巴勒斯坦案例

博士, 伊斯拉·賈德

西岸和加沙地帶舉行立法選舉 2006 伊斯蘭運動哈馬斯掌權, 繼而形成了巴勒斯坦立法委員會的多數席位,以及第一個多數席位的哈馬斯政府. 這些選舉導致任命了第一位女性哈馬斯部長, 誰成為婦女事務部長. 三月間 2006 和六月 2007, 兩位不同的女性哈馬斯部長擔任該職位, 但兩人都發現很難管理該部,因為該部的大多數僱員不是哈馬斯成員,而是屬於其他政黨, 大多數是法塔赫的成員, 控制大多數巴勒斯坦權力機構機構的主導運動. 在哈馬斯在加沙地帶掌權並導致其政府在西岸倒台後,婦女事務部哈馬斯婦女與法塔赫女性成員之間的緊張斗爭期結束——一場鬥爭有時會發生劇烈的轉變. 後來引用來解釋這場鬥爭的一個原因是世俗女權主義話語和伊斯蘭主義關於婦女問題的話語之間的區別. 在巴勒斯坦的背景下,這種分歧具有危險的性質,因為它被用來為血腥的政治鬥爭辯護, 解除哈馬斯婦女的職務或職務, 以及當時在西岸和被佔領的加沙地帶普遍存在的政治和地理分歧.
這場鬥爭提出了許多重要問題: 我們應該懲罰已經掌權的伊斯蘭運動嗎, 或者我們應該考慮導致法塔赫在政治舞台上失敗的原因? 女權主義能否為女性提供一個全面的框架, 無論他們的社會和意識形態背景如何? 女性共同立場的論述能否幫助她們實現並就共同目標達成一致? 家長制只存在於伊斯蘭意識形態中嗎, 而不是民族主義和愛國主義? 我們所說的女權主義是什麼意思? 是否只有一種女權主義, 或幾種女權主義? 我們所說的伊斯蘭教是什麼意思 – 是這個名字或宗教所知道的運動嗎, 哲學, 或法律制度? 我們需要深入了解這些問題並仔細考慮, 我們必須同意它們,以便我們以後可以決定, 作為女權主義者, 如果我們對家長作風的批評應該針對宗教 (信仰), 應該局限在信徒的心裡,不能控制整個世界, 或法理, 它涉及不同的信仰流派,這些流派解釋了《古蘭經》中包含的法律制度和先知的言論 – 聖訓.


Khaled Amayreh的採訪

Sameera Al-Halayka 訪談

Sameera Al-Halayka 是巴勒斯坦立法委員會的當選成員. 她

出生在希伯倫附近的肖尤赫村 1964. 她擁有伊斯蘭教法學士學位 (清真

法理) 來自希伯倫大學. 她曾是一名記者 1996 至 2006 什麼時候

她以當選議員的身份進入巴勒斯坦立法委員會 2006 選舉.


問: 在一些西方國家,女性接受的普遍印象

伊斯蘭抵抗組織內的低劣待遇, 比如哈馬斯. 這是真的?



別的. 從而, 就政治參與和行動而言, 女性一般都有

與男性相同的權利和義務. 畢竟, 女性至少彌補 50 的百分比

社會. 在某種意義上, 他們是整個社會,因為他們生, 並提高,


所以, 我可以說,哈馬斯內部的婦女地位完全符合她的要求

在伊斯蘭教本身的地位. 這意味著她是各個級別的全面合作夥伴. 確實, 這將是

對伊斯蘭教徒來說是不公平和不公正的 (或伊斯蘭主義者,如果你願意) 女人成為痛苦的伙伴

而她被排除在決策過程之外. 這就是為什麼女人的角色


問: 您是否覺得哈馬斯內部出現女性政治激進主義是


關於婦女的地位和作用, 還是僅僅是對




政治參與. 我相信事實正好相反 — 有許多古蘭經經文


影響穆斯林的問題. 但對於女性來說,這也是事實, 就像男人一樣, 政治活動

不是強制性的,而是自願的, 並且很大程度上取決於每個女人的能力,

資格和個人情況. 儘管如此, 關心公眾

每個穆斯林男人和女人都必須遵守. 先知

穆罕默德說: “不關心穆斯林事務的人不是穆斯林。”

而且, 巴勒斯坦伊斯蘭主義婦女必須將實地的所有客觀因素納入


伊斯蘭教, 政治伊斯蘭教與美國




“沒有機會與任何美國溝通. 只要美國堅持其長期以來將伊斯蘭教視為真正危險的觀點, 一種將美國與猶太復國主義敵人置於同一條船上的觀點. 我們對美國人民或美國沒有先入為主的觀念. 社會及其民間組織和智囊團. 我們與美國人民的溝通沒有問題,但沒有做出足夠的努力來拉近我們的距離,”博士說. 伊薩姆·伊里安, 穆斯林兄弟會政治部負責人接受電話採訪.
Al-Iryan的話總結了穆斯林兄弟會對美國人民和美國的看法. 政府. 穆斯林兄弟會的其他成員會同意, 已故的哈桑·班納也是如此, 誰在 1928. 鋁- 版納主要將西方視為道德敗壞的象徵. 其他薩拉菲派——一個以祖先為楷模的伊斯蘭學派——對美國也持同樣的看法, 但缺乏穆斯林兄弟會擁護的意識形態靈活性. 雖然穆斯林兄弟會相信讓美國人參與民間對話, 其他極端組織認為對話沒有意義,並認為武力是與美國打交道的唯一方式.

關於等度遺產和伊斯蘭政治思想的註釋: 教育的例子


人類歷史的一個不幸特徵是宗教差異和衝突傾向於用無知和偏見的毒酒滋養自己. 雖然有時可以做很多事情來減少偏見, 在我看來,學者和教育工作者應該主要關注減少無知的更基本和持久的目標. 一個人在減少無知方面的成功——包括自己的——將取決於一個人的動機.
伊斯蘭教育哲學的研究可能受到當前實際問題的推動: 英國穆斯林渴望擁有伊斯蘭學校, 無論是私人資助還是國家資助, 是一個典型的例子. 從教育哲學的角度, 然而, 這樣的動機是極其狹隘的, 受當下地方政治紛爭的概念和範疇的限制. 對於那些渴望了解和理解自己以外的傳統的人, 最令人懷疑的是,任何受當前實際問題限制的伊斯蘭哲學研究能否取得成果. 知識和“相關性”之間沒有簡單的對應關係。
必有, 然而, 如果有一個出發點,就在兩種思想和實踐傳統之間建立某種聯繫, 和一個入口, 它允許學者從一種傳統走向另一種傳統. 伊索克拉底的遺產可能構成這樣一個出發點, 這將有助於我們理解兩種傳統之間的關係, 古典希臘和伊斯蘭. 西方教育中的等克拉底遺產的主導地位已經確立並在歷史學家中廣為人知, 古典主義者
和政治哲學家, 儘管教育工作者對它的認識才剛剛開始浮出水面。 2 同樣, 教育的等度遺產 (以及阿拉伯柏拉圖主義在哲學上的豐富傳統) 影響了伊斯蘭思想, 雖然在某些方面
還沒有很好理解. 這篇論文的目的是表明,修改後的等國教育傳統形式是伊斯蘭政治思想的一個基本組成部分。, 即, 伊斯蘭教育思想. 從伊斯蘭政治思想的角度對本文意圖的這種籠統措辭可能會引起誤解. 伊斯蘭教, 當然, 被其追隨者視為一個統一和普遍的信仰和行為體系.



本文絕不是對美國憲法與古蘭經和麥地那盟約的詳盡比較. 相當, 它探討了這兩個文件之間的比較可能表明的各種見解. 因此, 所選擇的憲法主題是作者或早期草案的評論員認為伊斯蘭資源中的評估的主題。 4 本文應被視為未來研究的邀請,並進行更系統的比較. 除了從古蘭經和麥地那盟約文本的理性推斷, 我將藉鑑主要聖訓書籍中記錄的先知同伴的觀點. 類似地, 美利堅合眾國開國元勳對憲法的看法
聯邦黨人文件中闡明了問題。我們將從回顧麥地那公約開始, 然後評估序言中表達的憲法目標. 在那之後, 我們將在正文中探討各種適合本文提出的考試的主題. 特別是, 這些是根據權力分立的政府部門的作用, 選舉在確定下一任國家元首中的作用, 叛國罪的刑罰, 奴隸貿易和種族主義的存在, 共和政體, 修改憲法的規定, 宗教測試, 和權利法案. 最後, 我們考慮了麥迪遜關於如何將憲法視為避免 fitnah 的模型的論點.
麥地那盟約 穆斯林對其組織作為一個政治團體給予了極大的重視,這一點可以從他們的日曆既不是從先知的出生也不是從先知的死亡開始的事實中看出, 但從 2019 年第一個穆斯林政體在城邦麥地那建立起 622. 麥地那成立前, 阿拉伯人沒有國家可以“建立正義”, 投保國內
安寧, 提供共同防禦, 促進大眾福利, 並獲得自由的祝福 …”當時的風俗是,那些太弱而無法保護自己的人成為保護者的客戶 (瓦里). 穆罕默德, 自己是孤兒, 在叔叔阿布·塔利卜的保護下長大.
在他叔叔去世後 619, 穆罕默德收到了來自 Yathrib 不和的阿拉伯部落的邀請,在那裡治理. 曾經在 Yathrib, 他與所有居民簽訂了盟約, 他們是否接受了伊斯蘭教. 甚至居住在城市郊區的猶太人也訂閱了它.


在 1990 年代民主面臨的所有挑戰中, 伊斯蘭世界最大的謊言之一. 在四打以穆斯林為主的國家中,只有少數幾個在建立民主制度方面取得了重大進展. 在這少數–包括阿爾巴尼亞, 孟加拉國, 約旦, 吉爾吉斯斯坦, 黎巴嫩, 馬里, 巴基斯坦, 和土耳其–沒有一個人還沒有達到完全, 穩定的, 或確保民主. 反對全球政治多元化趨勢的最大單一區域集團包括中東和北非的穆斯林國家.
然而,與伊斯蘭集團相關的對政治變革的抵制不一定是穆斯林信仰的功能. 確實, 證據表明完全相反. 伊斯蘭世界一些最反民主政權的統治者–比如文萊, 印度尼西亞, 伊拉克, 阿曼, 卡塔爾, 敘利亞, 和土庫曼斯坦–是世俗的獨裁者,拒絕與他們的兄弟分享權力.
全面的, 伊斯蘭國家政治多元化的障礙與世界其他地區早先面臨的問題沒有什麼不同: 伊拉克和敘利亞的複興黨等世俗意識形態, Pancasila 在印度尼西亞, 或在一些前蘇聯中亞國家揮之不去的共產主義不容許真正的反對. 諷刺地, 這些意識形態中有許多是從西方改編而來的; 復興黨, 例如, 受到 1930 年代和 1940 年代歐洲社會主義的啟發. 嚴格的政府控制從沙特阿拉伯和文萊的通訊到烏茲別克斯坦和印度尼西亞的外國遊客,也使他們的人民遠離民主思想和關於民眾賦權的辯論. 在最大和最貧窮的穆斯林國家, 而且, 常見的問題 [結束頁 64] 發展中國家, 從文盲和疾病到貧困, 把簡單的生存放在首位,讓民主政治成為一種奢侈. 最後, 就像他們在亞洲和非洲的非穆斯林鄰居一樣, 大多數穆斯林社會沒有可以藉鑑的地方民主歷史. 在過去三個世紀中,隨著西方國家民主的蓬勃發展, 穆斯林社會通常生活在殖民統治者之下, 國王, 或部落和氏族領袖.
換句話說, 伊斯蘭教及其文化都不是政治現代性的主要障礙, 即使不民主的統治者有時會以伊斯蘭教為藉口. 1 在沙特阿拉伯, 例如, 執政的沙特家族依賴瓦哈比主義, 遜尼派伊斯蘭教的清教徒品牌, 首先是團結阿拉伯半島的部落,然後是為王朝統治辯護. 像其他一神論宗教一樣, 伊斯蘭教提供範圍廣泛且有時相互矛盾的指導. 在沙特阿拉伯, 伊斯蘭教的信條被選擇性地塑造以維持專制君主制.


博士. 穆罕默德·伊克巴勒

作為一種文化運動,伊斯蘭教拒絕舊的靜態宇宙觀, 並達到動態視圖. 作為一個統一的情感系統,它承認個人的價值, 並拒絕將血緣關係作為人類團結的基礎. 血緣是地根. 只有認識到所有人類生命的起源都是精神性的,才能尋找人類統一的純粹心理基礎。 1 這種認識是對新的忠誠的創造,而無需任何儀式來維持他們的生命。, 並使人有可能將自己從地球上解放出來. 最初以修道院秩序出現的基督教被君士坦丁嘗試作為一種統一體系。 2 它未能作為這樣的體係發揮作用,促使朱利安皇帝 3 回到羅馬的舊神,他試圖對其進行哲學解釋. 一位現代文明史家由此描繪了伊斯蘭教出現在歷史舞台上的文明世界狀況: 那個用了四千年才建立起來的偉大文明,似乎在瓦解的邊緣, 人類很可能會回到野蠻狀態,每個部落和教派都反對下一個, 法律和秩序是未知的 . . . 該
舊的部落制裁失去了效力. 因此,舊的帝國方法將不再適用. 新的製裁措施由
基督教正在分裂和破壞,而不是團結和秩序. 這是一個充滿悲劇的時代. 文明, 就像一棵巨樹,它的枝葉覆蓋了世界,它的枝條結出了藝術、科學和文學的金色果實, 蹣跚而行, 它的樹幹不再流淌著虔誠和崇敬的汁液, 但腐爛到核心, 被戰爭風暴撕裂, 只由古老的習俗和法律的繩索維繫在一起, 隨時可能會突然出現. 有沒有可以帶入的情感文化, 讓人類再次團結起來,拯救文明? 這種文化一定是一種新的類型, 因為舊的製裁和儀式已經死了, 並且建立其他同類將是工作
幾個世紀。'然後作者繼續告訴我們,世界需要一種新的文化來取代王位的文化, 以及基於血緣關係的統一制度.
太棒了, 他補充說, 這種文化應該在最需要的時候從阿拉伯興起. 有, 然而, 這種現像沒什麼了不起的. 世界生活直觀地看到自己的需求, 並在關鍵時刻確定自己的方向. 這是什麼, 用宗教語言, 我們稱之為預言啟示. 很自然,伊斯蘭教應該閃過一個不受任何古代文化影響的簡單民族的意識, 並佔據三大洲交彙的地理位置. 新文化在 Tauhâd 的原則中找到了世界統一的基礎。'5 伊斯蘭教, 作為一個政體, 只是使這一原則成為人類智力和情感生活中的一個活生生的因素的一種實際手段. 它要求對上帝忠誠, 不去寶座. 因為上帝是所有生命的終極精神基礎, 對上帝的忠誠實際上等於人對自己理想本性的忠誠. 所有生命的終極精神基礎, 正如伊斯蘭教所設想的那樣, 是永恆的,並在變化和變化中展現自己. 一個基於這種現實概念的社會必須調和, 在它的生活中, 恆常與變化的範疇. 它必須擁有永恆的原則來規範它的集體生活, 因為永恆給了我們在不斷變化的世界中的立足點.



圍繞所謂的伊斯蘭主義存在政治和安全危機, 一場危機,其前因早在 9/11. 在過去的 25 年份, 關於如何解釋和打擊伊斯蘭主義有不同的側重點. 分析師和政策制定者
在 1980 年代和 1990 年代,伊斯蘭激進分子的根本原因是經濟萎靡不振和邊緣化. 最近,政治改革成為削弱激進主義吸引力的一種手段。. 今天越來越多, the ideological and religious aspects of Islamism need to be addressed because they have become features of a wider political and security debate. Whether in connection with Al-Qaeda terrorism, political reform in the Muslim world, the nuclear issue in Iran or areas of crisis such as Palestine or Lebanon, it has become commonplace to fi nd that ideology and religion are used by opposing parties as sources of legitimization, inspiration and enmity.
由於恐怖襲擊反過來影響了對移民的態度,西方對伊斯蘭教的敵意和恐懼日益加劇,今天的情況變得更加複雜, 宗教和文化. umma 或信徒社區的邊界已從穆斯林國家延伸到歐洲城市. 只要有穆斯林社區,烏瑪就可能存在. 在融入周圍社區的感覺不明確且歧視可能很明顯的環境中,共同信仰的歸屬感會增加. 對社會價值觀的排斥越大,
無論是在西方還是在穆斯林國家, 伊斯蘭教作為一種文化認同和價值體系的道德力量得到更大的鞏固.
在倫敦發生爆炸事件之後 7 七月 2005 越來越明顯的是,一些年輕人將宗教承諾作為表達種族的一種方式. 全球穆斯林之間的聯繫以及他們認為穆斯林易受傷害的看法,導致世界不同地區的許多人將當地的困境融入到更廣泛的穆斯林困境中, 具有文化認同感, 主要或部分, 具有廣泛定義的伊斯蘭教.



西方學者將民主定義為保護個人公民權利和政治權利的方法. 它提供言論自由, 按, 信仰, 觀點, 所有權, 和組裝, 以及投票權, 提名和尋求公職. 亨廷頓 (1984) 認為一個政治制度是民主的,因為它最強大的集體決策者是通過以下方式選出的
定期選舉,候選人自由競爭選票,幾乎所有成年人都有投票權. 羅斯坦 (1995) 指出民主是一種政府形式和一種治理過程,可以根據情況改變和適應. 他還補充說,西方對民主的定義 — 除了問責, 競賽, 一定程度的參與 — 包含對重要公民權利和政治權利的保障. 安德森 (1995) 認為民主一詞是指通過定期選舉選出最有權勢的集體決策者的製度,在該制度中,候選人可以自由競爭選票,並且幾乎所有成年人都有資格投票. 薩阿德·埃丁·易卜拉欣 (1995), 埃及學者, 將可能適用於阿拉伯世界的民主視為一套旨在通過和平方式進行治理的規則和製度
管理競爭團體和/或利益衝突. 然而, 薩米爾·阿明 (1991) 將他的民主定義建立在社會馬克思主義的觀點之上. 他把民主分為兩類: 以個人權利和個人自由為基礎的資產階級民主, 但沒有社會平等; 和政治民主,賦予社會上所有人投票和選舉其政府和機構代表的權利,這將有助於獲得他們平等的社會權利.
結束本節, 我想說,沒有一個單一的民主定義可以準確地表明它是什麼或不是什麼. 然而, 正如我們注意到的, 上面提到的大多數定義都有基本的相似元素 – 問責制, 競賽, 和一定程度的參與 – 已在西方世界和國際上佔據主導地位.



如果一個人閱讀新聞或聽取國際事務評論員的意見, 人們經常說——甚至更多時候是暗示但沒有說——伊斯蘭教與民主不相容. 九十年代, 塞繆爾·亨廷頓 (Samuel Huntington) 出版了《文明的衝突與世界秩序的重建》,引發了一場知識風暴, 他在其中提出了他對世界的預測——大寫. 在政治領域, 他指出,雖然土耳其和巴基斯坦可能對“民主合法性”有一些小小的要求,但所有其他“……穆斯林國家絕大多數是非民主國家”: 君主制, 一黨制, 軍事政權, 個人獨裁或這些的某種組合, 通常依靠有限的家庭, 氏族, 或部落基地”. 他的論點所依據的前提是,他們不僅“不像我們”, 他們實際上反對我們的基本民主價值觀. 他相信, 和其他人一樣, 雖然西方民主化的想法在世界其他地方受到抵制, 在以伊斯蘭教為主要信仰的地區,這種對抗最為明顯.
另一方也提出了論點. 伊朗宗教學者, 反思他的國家 20 世紀初的憲法危機, 宣布伊斯蘭教與民主不相容,因為人與人是不平等的,由於伊斯蘭教法的包容性,立法機構是不必要的. Ali Belhadj 最近也採取了類似的立場, 一位阿爾及利亞高中老師, 傳教士和 (在這種情況下) FIS 領導人, 當他宣布“民主不是伊斯蘭概念”時. 或許最引人注目的聲明是阿布·穆薩布·扎卡維(Abu Musab al-Zarqawi), 伊拉克遜尼派叛亂分子的領袖, 當面臨選舉的前景時, 譴責民主是“邪惡的原則”.
但根據一些穆斯林學者, 民主仍然是伊斯蘭教的重要理想, 需要注意的是,它始終受宗教法的約束. 對伊斯蘭教法至高無上地位的強調是幾乎所有伊斯蘭教關於治理的評論的一個元素, 溫和派或極端派. 只有當統治者, 從上帝那裡獲得權柄的人, 將他的行動限制在“伊斯蘭教法管理的監督”上. 如果他做的不是這個, 他是一個非信徒,忠誠的穆斯林會反抗他. 這就是在 90 年代在阿爾及利亞盛行的鬥爭中困擾穆斯林世界的大部分暴力行為的正當理由



While constitutionalism in the West is mostly identified with secular thought, Islamic constitutionalism, which incorporates some religious elements, has attracted growing interest in recent years. 例如, the Bush administration’s response to the events of 9/11 radically transformed the situation in Iraq and Afghanistan, and both countries are now rewriting their constitutions. 如
Ann Elizabeth Mayer points out, Islamic constitutionalism is constitutionalism that is, in some form, based on Islamic principles, as opposed to the constitutionalism developed in countries that happen to be Muslim but which has not been informed by distinctively Islamic principles. Several Muslim scholars, among them Muhammad Asad3 and Abul A`la al-Maududi, have written on such aspects of constitutional issues as human rights and the separation of powers. 然而, in general their works fall into apologetics, as Chibli Mallat points out:
Whether for the classical age or for the contemporary Muslim world, scholarly research on public law must respect a set of axiomatic requirements.
第一, the perusal of the tradition cannot be construed as a mere retrospective reading. By simply projecting present-day concepts backwards, it is all too easy to force the present into the past either in an apologetically contrived or haughtily dismissive manner. The approach is apologetic and contrived when Bills of Rights are read into, say, the Caliphate of `Umar, with the presupposition that the “just” qualities of `Umar included the complex and articulate precepts of constitutional balance one finds in modern texts




The perils of Islamophobia and anti-Muslim hate crime threaten to undermine basic human rights, fundamental aspects of citizenship and co-existing partnerships for Muslims and non- Muslims alike in contemporary Europe. Routine portrayals of Islam as a religion of hatred, violence and inherent intolerance have become key planks for the emergence of extremist nationalist, anti-immigration politics in Europe – planks which seek to exploit populist fears and which have the potential to lead to Muslim disempowerment in Europe. Sections of the media have created a situation where the one serves to heighten the unfounded claims and anxieties of the other – such that politicians from Austria to the Britain, and the Netherlands to Spain, feel comfortable in using terms like “Tsunamis of Muslim immigration”, and accuse Islam of being a fundamental threat to a “European way of life”. While in many cases, the traction of this populist approach reflects an ignorance of Islamic faith, practice and belief, there are many think-tanks which are currently engaged in promoting erroneous depictions of Islam and Muslim political beliefs through unsubstantiated and academically baseless studies, and a reliance on techniques such as ‘junk-polling’. Prior to researching Islamophobia and anti-Muslim hate crime in London, we worked with Muslim Londoners to research the contested notion of what is widely termed by academics and policy makers as “violent radicalisation” (Githens-Mazer, 2010, Lambert 2010). To a large extent it was that prior research experience that persuaded us to embark on this new project. That is to say, there is an important link between the two areas
of work which we should explain at the outset. 自從 9/11 Muslim Londoners, no less than Muslims in towns and cities across Europe, have often been unfairly stigmatised as subversive threats to state security and social cohesion, sometimes characterised as a fifth column (Cox and Marks 2006, Gove 2006, Mayer and Frampton 2009). We do not suggest that this stigmatisation did not exist before 9/11, still less do we argue that it revolves solely around the issues of security and social cohesion, but we do claim that the response to 9/11 – ‘the war on terror’ – and much of the rhetoric that has surrounded it has played a significant part in increasing the public perception of European Muslims as potential enemies rather than potential partners and neighbours.



In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate Praise be to Allah and Blessing on His messenger, companions and followers
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
I greet you with the Islamic greeting; Peace be upon you and God’s mercy and blessings;
It is the will of Allah that I undertake this huge responsibility which Allah has chosen for me and a request from the MB Movement which I respond to with the support of Allah. With the support of my Muslim Brothers I look forward to achieving the great goals, we devoted ourselves to, solely for the sake of Allah.
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
At the outset of my speech I would like to address our teacher, older brother, and distinguished leader Mr. Mohamed Mahdy Akef, the seventh leader of the MB group a strong, dedicated and enthusiastic person who led the group’s journey amid storms and surpassed all its obstacles, thus providing this unique and outstanding model to all leaders and senior officials in the government, associations and other parties by fulfilling his promise and handing over the leadership after only one term, words are not enough to express our feelings to this great leader and guide and we can only sayMay Allah reward you all the best”.
We say to our beloved Muslim brothers who are spread around the globe, it is unfortunate for us to have this big event happening while you are not among us for reasons beyond our control, however we feel that your souls are with us sending honest and sincere smiles and vibes.
As for the beloved ones who are behind the bars of tyranny and oppression for no just reason other than reiterating Allah is our God, and for seeking the dignity, pride and development of their country, we sincerely applaud and salute them for their patience, steadfastness and sacrifices which we are sure will not be without gain. We pray that those tyrants and oppressors salvage their conscience and that we see you again in our midst supporting our cause, may Allah bless and protect you all.
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
As you are aware, the main goal of the Muslim Brotherhood Movement (MB) is comprehensive modification, which deals with all kinds of corruption through reform and change. “I only desire (your) betterment to the best of my power; and my success (in my task) can only come from Allah.” (Hud-88) and through cooperation with all powers of the nation and those with high spirits who are sincere to their religion and nation.
The MB believes that Allah has placed all the foundations necessary for the development and welfare of nations in the great Islam; 因此, Islam is their reference towards reform, which starts from the disciplining and training of the souls of individuals, followed by regulating families and societies by strengthening them, preceded by bringing justice to it and the continuous jihad to liberate the nation from any foreign dominance or intellectual, spiritual, cultural hegemony and economic, political or military colonialism, as well as leading the nation to development, prosperity and assuming its appropriate place in the world.



The First Islamic State
On the foundation of this virtuous Qur’anic social order the first Islamic state arose, having unshakeable faith in 它, meticulously applying it, and spreading it throughout the world, so that the first Khilafah used to say: ‘If I should lose a camel’s lead, I would find it in Allah’s Book.’. He fought those who refused to pay zakah, regarding them as apostates because they had overthrown one of the pillars of this order, saying: ‘By Allah, if they refused me a lead which they would hand over to the Apostle of Allah (PBUH), I would fight them as soon as I have a sword in my hand!’ For unity, in all its meanings and manifestations, pervaded this new forthcoming nation.
Complete social unity arose from making the Qur’anic order and it’s language universal, while complete political unity was under the shadow of the Amir Al-Mumineen and beneath the standard of the Khilafah in the capital.
The fact that the Islamic ideology was one of decentralisation of the armed forces, the state treasuries, 和 provincial governors proved to be no obstacle to this, since all acted according to a single creed and a unified and comprehensive control. The Qur’anic principles dispelled and laid to rest the superstitious idolatry prevalent in the Arabian Peninsula and Persia. They banished guileful Judaism and confined it to a narrow province, putting an end to its religious and political authority. They struggled with Christianity such that its influence was greatly diminished in the Asian and African continents, confined only to Europe under the guard of the Byzantine Empire in Constantinople. Thus the Islamic state became the centre of spiritual and political dominance within the two largest continents. This state persisted in its attacks against the third continent, assaulting Constantinople from the east and besieging it until the siege grew wearisome. Then it came at it from the west,
plunging into Spain, with its victorious soldiers reaching the heart of France and penetrating as far as northern and southern Italy. It established an imposing state in Western Europe, radiant with science and knowledge.
Afterwards, it ended the conquest of Constantinople itself and the confined Christianity within the restricted area of Central Europe. Islamic fleets ventured into the depths of the Mediterranean and Red seas, both became Islamic lakes. And so the armed forces of the Islamic state assumed supremacy of the seas both in the East and West, enjoying absolute mastery over land and sea. These Islamic nations had already combined and incorporated many things from other civilisations, but they triumphed through the strength of their faith and the solidness of their system over others. They Arabised them, or succeeded in doing so to a degree, and were able to sway them and convert them to the splendour, beauty and vitality of their language and religion. 該 Muslims were free to adopt anything beneficial from other civilisations, insofar as it did not have adverse effects on their social and political unity.



Islamic banking practice, which started in early 1970s on a modest scale, has shown tremendous progress during the last 25 年份. Serious research work of the past two and a half decades has established that Islamic banking is a viable and efficient way of financial intermediation. A number of Islamic banks have been established during this period under heterogeneous, social and economic milieu. Recently, many conventional banks, including some major multinational Western banks, have also started using Islamic banking techniques. All this is encouraging. 然而, the Islamic banking system, like any other system, has to be seen as an evolving reality. This experience needs to be evaluated objectively and the problems ought to be carefully identified and addressed to.

It is with this objective that the Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI) of the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) presents this paper on Challenges Facing Islamic Banking, as decided by the IDB Board of Executive Directors. A team of IRTI researchers consisting of Munawar Iqbal, Ausaf Ahmad and Tariqullah Khan has prepared the paper. Munawar Iqbal, Chief of the Islamic Banking and Finance Division acted as the project leader. Two external scholars have also refereed the study. IRTI is grateful for the contribution of these referees. The final product is being issued as the Second Occasional Paper.

It is hoped that serious consideration will be given to the challenges facing Islamic banking identified in the paper. Theoreticians and practitioners in the field of Islamic banking and finance need to find ways and means to meet those challenges so that Islamic banking can keep on progressing as it enters the 21st Century.


Muhammad Ibn Katebur Rahman

We have been given Islam as guidance and his guidance is divided in to, acts of worship wholly between Allah and His servants and acts of achieving aims to attain the Islamic sovereignty on earth. Acts of worship are Salat, Saum, Zabh, etc which have no rational reasons for its existence. Then there are acts which have reasons for its existence such as spending wealth, 討伐異教徒, speaking truth, fighting injustice, preventing zina, drugs, interests, etc which are there for the benefit and well being of societies and nations. Each intelligent worshipper in order to achieve these goals of universal benefits therefore must always seek ways to attain it and one of it is theological and political unity. In order to envision the gateways in the world to implement and realize these universal interests we then must know about the changing world, we must know about the age of information. We must know about its nature, behavior, progression which includes knowing about politics, history, technology, science, 軍事, cultures, philosophies, psychology of nations, people of power and values, places of interest and value, resources of earth, international law, 互聯網, humanity with its divisions on basis of wealth, power and their place in history and progression. Our Prophet (saas) stated that the knowledge is a lost property of a believer and indeed this knowledge is all those knowledge which by knowing benefits Islam and the Muslims both in world and hereafter. The intelligent among us especially the clerics, therefore study books and organizes people of knowledge on basis of their respective expertise so that they can give efficient and effective solutions for the attainment of those Islamic universal benefits. The Islamic politics is just there to realize these universal benefits, to humanity on whole and Muslims in particular