Alle inskrywings in die "Artikels" Kategorie
Dr, Islah Jad |
Onderhoude deur Khaled Amayreh
Onderhoud met Sameera Al-Halayka
Islam, Politieke Islam en Amerika
Arabiese Insig
Is 'Brotherhood' met Amerika moontlik?
khalil al-anani
Opmerkings oor die Isokratiese nalatenskap en politieke Islamitiese denke: Die voorbeeld van onderwys
Oor die Amerikaanse grondwet vanuit die perspektief van die Koran en die Madinah-verbond
Imad-ad-Dean Ahmad
ISLAM en liberale demokrasie
Die beginsel van beweging in die struktuur van die Islam
Dr. Muhammad Iqbal
Islamisme Revisited
MAHA Azzam
Ibtisam Ibrahim
Islam en Demokrasie
Op soek na Islamitiese konstitusionalisme
Nadirsyah Pants
Islamofobie en Anti-Moslem-haatmisdaad
Toespraak van Dr,MUHAMMAD BADIE
Dr,Muhammad Badie
Tussen gister en vandag
Islamic banking practice, which started in early 1970s on a modest scale, has shown tremendous progress during the last 25 jaar. Serious research work of the past two and a half decades has established that Islamic banking is a viable and efficient way of financial intermediation. A number of Islamic banks have been established during this period under heterogeneous, social and economic milieu. Onlangs, many conventional banks, including some major multinational Western banks, have also started using Islamic banking techniques. All this is encouraging. Egter, the Islamic banking system, like any other system, has to be seen as an evolving reality. This experience needs to be evaluated objectively and the problems ought to be carefully identified and addressed to.
It is with this objective that the Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI) of the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) presents this paper on Challenges Facing Islamic Banking, as decided by the IDB Board of Executive Directors. A team of IRTI researchers consisting of Munawar Iqbal, Ausaf Ahmad and Tariqullah Khan has prepared the paper. Munawar Iqbal, Chief of the Islamic Banking and Finance Division acted as the project leader. Two external scholars have also refereed the study. IRTI is grateful for the contribution of these referees. The final product is being issued as the Second Occasional Paper.
It is hoped that serious consideration will be given to the challenges facing Islamic banking identified in the paper. Theoreticians and practitioners in the field of Islamic banking and finance need to find ways and means to meet those challenges so that Islamic banking can keep on progressing as it enters the 21st Century.
Die voorspel tot die Islamitiese staat
Muhammad Ibn Katebur Rahman
Ons is Islam gegee as leiding en sy leiding is verdeel in tot, dade van aanbidding geheel en al tussen Allah en Sy dienaars en dade van die bereiking van doelwitte om die Islamitiese soewereiniteit op aarde te bereik. Aanbiddingshandelinge is Salat, Top, Zabh, ens wat geen rasionele redes vir sy bestaan het nie. Dan is daar handelinge wat redes vir sy bestaan het, soos die besteding van rykdom, Jihad, waarheid praat, onreg te bestry, voorkoming van zina, dwelms, belange, ens wat daar is tot voordeel en welstand van samelewings en nasies. Each intelligent worshipper in order to achieve these goals of universal benefits therefore must always seek ways to attain it and one of it is theological and political unity. In order to envision the gateways in the world to implement and realize these universal interests we then must know about the changing world, we must know about the age of information. We must know about its nature, behavior, progression which includes knowing about politics, history, technology, science, militêre, cultures, philosophies, psychology of nations, people of power and values, places of interest and value, resources of earth, international law, Internet, humanity with its divisions on basis of wealth, power and their place in history and progression. Our Prophet (saas) verklaar dat die kennis 'n verlore eiendom van 'n gelowige is en hierdie kennis is inderdaad al daardie kennis wat deur kennis Islam en die Moslems beide in die wêreld en hierna bevoordeel. Die intelligentes onder ons veral die geestelikes, bestudeer dus boeke en organiseer mense van kennis op grond van hul onderskeie kundigheid sodat hulle doeltreffende en effektiewe oplossings kan gee vir die bereiking van daardie Islamitiese universele voordele. Die Islamitiese politiek is net daar om hierdie universele voordele te besef, vir die mensdom in geheel en Moslems in die besonder