Notes on the Isocratic Legacy and Islamic Political Thought: The Example of Education
| Rugsėjo mėn 09, 2010 | Komentarai 0
An unfortunate feature of human history is the tendency for religious differences and con icts to nourish themselves with the poisonous brew of ignorance and prejudice. While much can sometimes be done to reduce prejudice, it seems to me that scholars and educators ought to be primarily concerned with the more fundamental and enduring goal of reducing ignorance. One’s success in reducing ignorance—including one’s own—will depend upon one’s motives.
The study of Islamic educational philosophy may be motivated by current practical concerns: the desire of British Muslims to have Islamic schools, whether funded privately or by the state, is one topical example. From the perspective of educational philosophy, tačiau, such a motive is exceedingly narrow, circumscribed by the concepts and categories of the local political disputes of the moment. For those motivated by a desire for knowledge and understanding of a tradition outside their own, labai abejotina, ar bet koks islamo filosofijos tyrimas, apribotas dabartinių praktinių rūpesčių, gali būti produktyvus. Nėra paprasto atitikimo tarp žinių ir „aktualumo“.
Ten turi, tačiau, būti tam tikru ryšiu tarp dviejų mąstymo ir praktikos tradicijų, jei reikia išeities taško, ir įėjimo tašką, kuri leidžia mokslininkui pereiti nuo vienos tradicijos prie kitos. Isokrato palikimas gali būti vienas iš tokių atskaitos taškų, kuri padės suprasti dviejų tradicijų santykį, klasikinė graikų ir islamo. Izokratiškojo palikimo dominavimas Vakarų švietime yra gerai žinomas ir plačiai žinomas tarp istorikų, klasikai
ir politikos filosofai, although awareness of it has only just begun to surface among educationists.2 Similarly, the Isocratic legacy to education (and the rich tradition of Arabic Platonism in philosophy) has in uenced Islamic thought, though in ways that are
still not yet well understood. The intention of this paper is to suggest that a modi ed form of the Isocratic educational tradition is a fundamental component of Islamic political thought, būtent, Islamic educational thought. This general wording of the intention of this paper in terms of Islamic political thought may give rise to a misunderstanding. Islamas, žinoma, is regarded by its adherents as a uni ed and universal system of belief and behaviour.
Filed Under: Straipsniai • Panašūs
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