Op soek na Islamitiese konstitusionalisme

Nadirsyah Pants

Terwyl konstitusionalisme in die Weste meestal met sekulêre denke geïdentifiseer word, Islamitiese konstitusionalisme, wat enkele godsdienstige elemente bevat, het die afgelope jaar toenemende belangstelling gelok. Byvoorbeeld, die reaksie van die Bush-administrasie op die gebeure van 9/11 die situasie in Irak en Afghanistan radikaal verander, en albei lande herskryf nou hul grondwette. soos
Ann Elizabeth Mayer wys daarop, Islamitiese konstitusionalisme is konstitusionalisme, in een of ander vorm, gebaseer op Islamitiese beginsels, in teenstelling met die konstitusionalisme wat ontwikkel is in lande wat toevallig Moslem is, maar wat nie deur kenmerkende Islamitiese beginsels ingelig is nie. Verskeie Moslemgeleerdes, among them Muhammad Asad3 and Abul A`la al-Maududi, have written on such aspects of constitutional issues as human rights and the separation of powers. Egter, in general their works fall into apologetics, as Chibli Mallat points out:
Whether for the classical age or for the contemporary Muslim world, scholarly research on public law must respect a set of axiomatic requirements.
Eerstens, the perusal of the tradition cannot be construed as a mere retrospective reading. By simply projecting present-day concepts backwards, it is all too easy to force the present into the past either in an apologetically contrived or haughtily dismissive manner. The approach is apologetic and contrived when Bills of Rights are read into, say, the Caliphate of `Umar, met die veronderstelling dat die 'regverdige' eienskappe van 'Umar die ingewikkelde en geartikuleerde voorskrifte van grondwetlike balans insluit wat in moderne tekste gevind word

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