Islamistlikud opositsiooniparteid ja ELi kaasamise potentsiaal

Toby Archer

Heidi Huuhtanen

Pidades silmas islamistlike liikumiste tähtsuse suurenemist moslemimaailmas ja

viis, kuidas radikaliseerumine on mõjutanud ülemaailmseid sündmusi alates sajandivahetusest, seda

on oluline, et EL hindaks oma poliitikat osalejate suhtes, mis võivad olla lõdvalt

nimetatakse "islamimaailmaks". Eriti oluline on küsida, kas ja kuidas kaasata

erinevate islamistlike rühmitustega.

See on endiselt vastuoluline isegi ELis. Mõned arvavad, et islamid hindavad seda

islamistlike parteide taga peitumine on lihtsalt vastuolus lääne demokraatia ideaalidega ja

inimõiguste, samas kui teised peavad kaasamist reaalseks vajaduseks kasvamise tõttu

domestic importance of Islamist parties and their increasing involvement in international

affairs. Another perspective is that democratisation in the Muslim world would increase

European security. The validity of these and other arguments over whether and how the

EU should engage can only be tested by studying the different Islamist movements and

their political circumstances, country by country.

Democratisation is a central theme of the EU’s common foreign policy actions, as laid

out in Article 11 of the Treaty on European Union. Many of the states considered in this

report are not democratic, or not fully democratic. In most of these countries, Islamist

parties and movements constitute a significant opposition to the prevailing regimes, ja

in some they form the largest opposition bloc. European democracies have long had to

deal with governing regimes that are authoritarian, but it is a new phenomenon to press

for democratic reform in states where the most likely beneficiaries might have, from the

EU’s point of view, different and sometimes problematic approaches to democracy and its

related values, such as minority and women’s rights and the rule of law. These charges are

often laid against Islamist movements, so it is important for European policy-makers to

have an accurate picture of the policies and philosophies of potential partners.

Experiences from different countries tends to suggest that the more freedom Islamist

parties are allowed, the more moderate they are in their actions and ideas. In many

cases Islamist parties and groups have long since shifted away from their original aim

islami seaduste alusel juhitava islamiriigi loomisest, ja on hakanud aktsepteerima elementaarseid

valimisvõitlemise demokraatlikud põhimõtted, muu poliitika olemasolu

võistlejad, ja poliitiline pluralism.

Filed Under: AlžeeriaEgiptusSoovitatavadHamasJemaah IslamiyahJordaaniaLiibanonMalaisiaMaroko islamistideMarokoMuslim BrotherhoodPalestiinasUuringud & UuringudSüüriaSüüria MBTürgiTürgi AKP


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