اسلامی جماعتوں : نقل و حرکت کی تین اقسام

Tamara Cofman

کے درمیان 1991 اور 2001, سیاسی اسلام کی دنیا میں کافی زیادہ مختلف ہوگئے. آج, لفظ "اسلام" کے ایک سیاسی مرکزی مذہبی تشریحات اور وعدوں کا ایک سیٹ کے ذریعے مطلع کیا نقطہ نظر کی وضاحت کیلئے استعمال کیا گروپوں کی طرح ایک وسیع سرنی کے طور پر لاگو کیا جا سکتا ہے تقریبا بے معنی ہوگا. It encompasses everyone from the terrorists who flew planes into the World Trade Center to peacefully elected legislators in Kuwait who have voted in favor of women’s suffrage.
بہرحال, the prominence of Islamist movements—legal and illegal, violent and peaceful—in the ranks of political oppositions across the Arab world makes the necessity of drawing relevant distinctions obvious. The religious discourse of the Islamists is now unavoidably central to Arab politics. Conventional policy discussions label Islamists either “moderate” or “radical,” generally categorizing them according to two rather loose and unhelpful criteria. The first is violence: Radicals use it and moderates do not. This begs the question of how to classify groups that do not themselves engage in violence but who condone, justify, or even actively support the violence of others. A second, only somewhat more restrictive criterion is whether the groups or individuals in question
accept the rules of the democratic electoral game. Popular sovereignty is no small concession for traditional Islamists, many of whom reject democratically elected governments as usurpers of God’s sovereignty.
Yet commitment to the procedural rules of democratic elections is not the same as commitment to democratic politics or governance.

قطعہ کے تحت: الجزائرمصرنمایاںحماساردن کے ایم بیاخوان المسلمونمطالعہ & تحقیق


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