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Egypten: Regression i Det Muslimske Broderskabs partiplatform?

Amr hamzawy

Det Muslimske Broderskabs udkast til partiplatform sender blandede signaler om bevægelsens politiske holdninger

og stillinger. Selvom det allerede er blevet bredt cirkuleret, dokumentet er endnu ikke endeligt
godkendelse fra bevægelsens vejledningsbureau.
Platformens detaljerede behandling af politiske, social, og økonomiske spørgsmål markerer en væsentlig afgang
fra tidligere mindre udviklede stillinger, artikuleret blandt andet i en 2004 reforminitiativ og 2005
valgplatform for broderskabets parlamentariske kandidater. Dette skift henvender sig til en af ​​de mest
vigtig kritik af broderskabet, nemlig dens forkæmper for vagt ideologisk og religiøst

slogans and inability to come up with specific policy prescriptions.
The document raises troubling questions, imidlertid, regarding the identity of a future Brotherhood

political party as well as the group’s position on several political and social issues. Released in the
context of an ongoing stand-off between the Egyptian regime and the Brotherhood, it reveals significant
ambiguities and perhaps regression in the movement’s thinking.
Først, the drafters chose not to address the future relationship between the party and the movement. I

doing so, they have deliberately ignored important ideas recently discussed within the movement,
especially among members of the parliamentary bloc. Inspired by the experiences of Islamist parties in
Marokko, Jordan, and Yemen, these members advocate a functional separation between a party and
the movement, with the former focused mainly on political participation and the latter on religious
activism. In addition to its superficial treatment of the nature of the party and its internal organization, det
platform includes no clear statement on opening party membership to all Egyptians regardless of their
religion, one of the requirements for establishing a political party according to the Egyptian constitution.
Second, the draft Brotherhood platform identifies implementation of sharia as one of the party’s main

goals. Although this is consistent with the group’s interpretation of Article 2 of the Egyptian Constitution
(“Islam is the religion of the state, and Islamic law is the main source of legislation”), it departs from the
pragmatic spirit of various Brotherhood statements and initiatives since 2004 in which less emphasis
blev givet til sharia-spørgsmålet. Tilbagekomsten til fokus på sharia i platformen har ført til holdninger
grundlæggende i modstrid med statens civile karakter og fulde statsborgerskabsrettigheder uanset religiøs

Arkiveret under: ArtiklerEgyptenFremhævetHamasJordanJordansk MBLibanonmuslimsk Broderskab


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