"مسلم جمہوریت کے عروج”

Vali نصر

ایک کالی چھایا مسلم دنیا بھوتیا ہے. یہ خاص طور پر کالی چھایا بنیاد پرست انتہا پسندی کے notthe ضرر رساں اور بہت کچھ پر تبادلہ خیال کیا روح ہے, نہ ہی ابھی تک پریت امید لبرل اسلام کے طور پر جانا. اس کے بجائے, the specter that I have in mind is a third force, a hopeful if still somewhat ambiguoustrend that I call—in a conscious evocation of the political tradition associated with the Christian Democratic parties of Europe—“Muslim Democracy.”The emergence and unfolding of Muslim Democracy as a “fact on the ground” over the last fifteen years has been impressive. This is so even though all its exponents have thus far eschewed that label1 and even though the lion’s share of scholarly and political attention has gone to the question of how to promote religious reform within Islam as a prelude to democratization.2 Since the early 1990s, political openings in anumber of Muslim-majority countries—all, admittedly, outside the Arabworld—have seen Islamic-oriented (but non-Islamist) parties vying successfullyfor votes in Bangladesh, انڈونیشیا, ملائیشیا, پاکستان (beforeits 1999 military coup), and Turkey.Unlike Islamists, with their visions of rule by shari‘a (اسلامی قانون) oreven a restored caliphate, Muslim Democrats view political life with apragmatic eye. They reject or at least discount the classic Islamist claim that Islam commands the pursuit of a shari‘a state, and their main goaltends to be the more mundane one of crafting viable electoral platform sand stable governing coalitions to serve individual and collective interests—Islamic as well as secular—within a democratic arena whosebounds they respect, win or lose. Islamists view democracy not as something deeply legitimate, but at best as a tool or tactic that may be useful in gaining the power to build an Islamic state.

قطعہ کے تحت: الجزائرمصرنمایاںاردناخوان المسلمونمطالعہ & تحقیقترکیترکی ' اے کے پی کے


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