Huidige tendense in die ideologie van die Egiptiese Moslem-broederskap

Dr. Israel elad Altman

The American-led Middle East reform and democratization campaign of the last twoyears has helped shape a new political reality in Egypt. Opportunities have opened up fordissent. Met ons. en Europese steun, local opposition groups have been able to takeinitiative, hul sake bevorder en toegewings uit die staat haal. The EgyptianMuslim Brotherhood movement (MB), which has been officially outlawed as a politicalorganization, is now among the groups facing both new opportunities and new risks.Western governments, insluitend die regering van die Verenigde State, are consideringthe MB and other “moderate Islamist” groups as potential partners in helping to advancedemocracy in their countries, en miskien ook om Islamitiese terrorisme uit te roei. Couldthe Egyptian MB fill that role? Could it follow the track of the Turkish Justice andDevelopment Party (Die Oseaan) en die Indonesiese Welvaartparty (MCC), twoIslamist parties that, volgens sommige ontleders, are successfully adapting to the rules ofliberal democracy and leading their countries toward greater integration with,onderskeidelik, Europa en 'n 'heidense' Asië?Hierdie artikel ondersoek hoe die MB op die nuwe werklikheid gereageer het, how it has handledthe ideological and practical challenges and dilemmas that have arisen during the pasttwo years. To what extent has the movement accommodated its outlook to newcircumstances? Wat is sy doelstellings en sy visie op die politieke bestel? How has itreacted to U.S. openings en die hervormings- en demokratiseringsveldtog? How has itnavigated its relations with the Egyptian regime on one hand, and other opposition forceson the other, toe die land in die herfs op pad was na twee dramatiese verkiesings 2005? Towhat extent can the MB be considered a force that might lead Egypt toward liberaldemocracy?

Filed Under: EgipteBesteMoslem BroederskapStudies & OndersoekSiriëSiriese MB


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