| 二月 17, 2010 | 评论 0
At the dawn of the 21st centurypolitical Islam, ormore commonly Islamicfundamentalism, remainsa major presence in governments andoppositional politics from North Africato Southeast Asia. New Islamic republicshave emerged in Afghanistan,伊朗, and Sudan. Islamists have beenelected to parliaments, served in cabinets,and been presidents, prime ministers,and deputy prime ministers innations as diverse as Algeria, 埃及, 印度尼西亚,约旦, 科威特, 黎巴嫩,马来西亚, 巴基斯坦, and Yemen. At thesame time opposition movements andradical extremist groups have sought todestabilize regimes in Muslim countriesand the West. Americans have witnessedattacks on their embassies fromKenya to Pakistan. Terrorism abroadhas been accompanied by strikes ondomestic targets such as the WorldTrade Center in New York. In recentyears, Saudi millionaire Osama binLaden has become emblematic of effortsto spread international violence
Filed Under: 埃及 • 精选 • 哈马斯 • 兄弟会 & 西 • 伊斯兰祈祷团(Jemaah Islamiyah) • 约旦 • 摩洛哥伊斯兰主义者 • 穆斯林兄弟会 • 巴勒斯坦 • 叙利亚MB • 突尼斯 • 美国 & 欧洲
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