De Moslimbroederschap in Syrië en het concept van democratie

Radwan Ziadeh

The relation between the Syrian state and Islam, as represented in its governmental or non governmental establishments or through the discourses of the people who believe in the role of religion in people’s lives, goes back to a period previous to Syria political independence in 1946.1 Since then, the religious institutions existed in Syria have developed and been affected by the nature of their relation with the different government establishments according to the political party in power.Since it came to rule in 1963, the Ba’ath Party has adopted a secular stance, though not necessarily opposed to religion, and when President Hafiz al Assad came to power in 1970, he aimed to incorporate the religious movement to a great extent, because he believed that by doing so he could gain the trust of the Sunni population, who make up the majority in Syria. Zo, he extended his hand to the religious scholars, and took every opportunity to show his respect for them and his concern for their causes, and gave several highranking Islamic figures seats in the People’s Assembly appointed in 1971, including the Mufti of the Republic, Sheikh Ahmad Kuftaro, and the Mufti of Aleppo, Sheikh Mohammed Al Hakim2. Assad was generally striving for widening the ground for his rule, so he restructured the political framework on new foundations, which differed from the original structure when the Ba’ath party had come to power in 1963.

Filed Under: AanbevolenKwestiesMidden-OostenMoslim BroederschapStudies & OnderzoekenSyriëSyrische MB


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