Muslim Brotherhood and the Internet


This paper presents an overview of the state of civil society in Egypt today, and the rise of new media and technology, such as the Internet, as a growing form of civic action. The overview was based on the CIVICUS Civil Society Index project, which collected information and inputs from a broad range of civil society representatives, citizens, experts, and researchers on the state of civil society in Egypt over the course of 2004 u 2005; four critical dimensions of civil society, jiġifieri, its structure, environment, values, and impact were emphasized. Using Altman’s (1978) accessibility, sjieda, and public control, and Velibeyoglu’s (1999) friendliness, and freedom of action as significant characteristics defining the public, an assessment of the Internet as the new public sphere was done. Fl-aħħarnett, il-Fratellanza Musulmana, an Islamic fundamentalist organization, was used as a case study in this paper, to demonstrate the transcendence of the limits of civil society in Egypt to incorporate new members and areas of work, new forms of political participation, and new forms of civic action. This transcendence is manifest in the case of the Muslim Brotherhood functioning as a civil association in Egypt, and the Brotherhood’s use of the Internet, which carries the potential to serve as a medium for civic action.

Iffajljat Taħt: L-EġittuDehruLvant NofsaniFratellanza MusulmanaStudji & Riċerki


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  1. […] research paper, titledEgypt’s Changing Civil Society: The Muslim Brotherhood and New Media”, is available on the website of Ikhwan Scope. Ikwhan Scope describes itself, on its website, as […]

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